Feedback & Bug Repport

Discussion in 'New Player Experience Feedback' started by NyteStarz, Apr 17, 2018.

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  1. NyteStarz

    NyteStarz Avatar

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    FEEDBACK... Shroud of the Abvatar

    WELL, when I first heard about your game and who was doing it
    I was excited. I even purchased the pre launch pack for $39.
    When it launched I figured it would be a good game and fun to

    Well, it has good potential and im sure is well thought out
    and the graphics seem very good. BIG Problem is - it seems to
    be no where near ready to play.

    The last few times I played it - in about 2 hours of play -
    it crashed in error at least six times. Further - usually
    when you try to log in to begin play - it often trakes 5
    minutes or more to load initially - and sometrimes that even

    Now if it was just this game I played id think hmmm.. maybe its
    my computer - but since the computer is geared towards gaming,
    with 8 ram - 2 video ram - 1.2 TB of hd and 100 gig speed
    internet - PLUS the fact that I play or have also played for
    years in other games like Wow - Rift - Elder Scrolls -
    Neverwinter online and others without issues- seems logically
    it has to be this game.

    I think it had potential, but sadly I Just Feel let down and
    hoodwinked - thus taken for my $39. In short had a promise but
    its not being fullfilled. My advice to other gamers will be -
    DONT Pay try trial if you want - I wish I had.

    Additionally, even though the story line of the game is good
    and interesting - if you ask me it causes you to start your
    characters in a remote location instead of anywhere near other
    players or main population areas, In short it takes way to long
    to get to any main game areas or centers.. This tends to
    alienate play and id think especially for a new player or
    new gamer it adds nothing. Also, it hampers creating new
    characters each of which go thru the way to long drawn out
    intro of beginning play.

    In Summary- it has potential but has Major Isssues,
    All I knkiw is wish I had my money back -I am NOT satisfied
    with this :(

    Hope it gets fixed but not holding my breath - Hope to get
    my money back or credit, be really suprised if that happened.
    Im guessing other players have similar and other issues, hope
    this keeps some from the mess and saves money.
  2. Browncoat Jayson

    Browncoat Jayson Legend of the Hearth

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    Thanks for trying out the game and offering feedback, @NyteStarz.

    Just so you know, with 8GB memory you are at the minimum of the System Specifications. There is also some optimization still ongoing, so it probably isn't as stable as WoW or Elder Scrolls yet. However, I'm running with just over the recommended specs and I don't have any crashes and only takes 30-45 seconds to zone into any scene.

    If you are willing, the game is buy-once, play-forever, so you never need to make another purchase to play again. Try it in a couple months, after some more optimization has gone in, and I'd recommend getting 12-16GB of memory.

    If you are not, and you purchased through Steam, there is a Steam Return option. If you purchased directly from Portalarium, you can sell your account but you might take a hit in value. I'd be sorry to see you go, since you obviously WANT to be invested here, so please consider staying on.
    Elgarion likes this.
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