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[Known] Spellbinder's Stance STILL Not Giving Increasing Spell Critical Chance

Discussion in 'Combat, Skills, & Magic' started by Lao Tzu, Apr 19, 2018.

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  1. Lao Tzu

    Lao Tzu Avatar

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    4/19/2018 4:16 PM
    Title: Spellbinder's Stance STILL Not Giving Increasing Spell Critical Chance
    Reproduction Rate: 100%
    Blocker? No
    Details: Spellbinder's Stance is not giving "increased spell critical hit chance" as advertised. I reported this bug on the R51 Bug Forum and the R52 QA Bug Forum. I'm not sure why it's not working anymore; it used to work fine until about 5 releases ago. And sorry to be a nag, it's just that Spellbinder's Stance is my favorite spell. Giving it back its increasing spell crit chance over time would me it even more my favorite. :)
    Steps to Reproduce: Cast Spellbinder's Stance, notice that the Spell Critical Chance bonus in not being applied in the icon under the name plate.
    User Specs:
    OS: Windows 10 (10.0.0) 64bit
    CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700K CPU @ 4.00GHz (8) System RAM: 16314
    GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 GPU RAM: 8096
    Area: HiddenVale_Desert_Tier3
    Area Display Name: Wynton's Folly
    Loc: (-49.5, 160.2, -181.8)
    Debug: SGlkZGVuVmFsZV9EZXNlcnRfVGllcjN8fCgtNDkuNTIzLCAxNjAuMjE0LCAtMTgxLjc5NSl8KDAsIDAuNjE3LCAwLCAwLjc4Nyl8OTA3Ni4yODR8MjkuMzI4N3wxOA==


    - Lao Tzu
  2. Lexie

    Lexie Bear Queen Emeritus

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    @Lao Tzu
    I get it, I really do. I'm a caster and use this myself. It has actually worked briefly between those time frames but the bug is a real *ahem* pest.
    Latest status is the bug is open under #: 56318.

    And hey, you don't have to wait for a new QA release to report it as a QA bug. This has been an on again, off again issue. I can give updates to long standing concerns you ever want to reach out. Right now we're trying really hard to get R53 bugs submitted - in the QA side, anyway - but that doesn't mean we don't want to see this fixed by the coder. He does as well. The solution that works without breaking anything else just hasn't been found yet..it's definitely in the works.
    But once it is resolved we will all be happy :)
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