What's wrong with this game?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Pavlitto, Oct 27, 2019.

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  1. Spinok

    Spinok Avatar

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    I asked a question on the stream @Chris answer that it is a great idea(about heads) and they will implement it, hope it will be sooner then later.
    P.S. May be making Necks depend of color would make sense too @Chris its a win-win for crafting too.
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  2. Vladamir Begemot

    Vladamir Begemot Avatar

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    Better remind him unless he noted it down right then.
  3. oplek

    oplek Avatar

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    It'd be nice if Ep. 2 aimed for something like it... an actual epic fight that's the culmination of a lot of quests and story. Most of the game as it is, is a bunch of flat fighting the same things over and over. Nothing is climactic, or feels particularly adventurous. Some parts of the Path of Love start to, but not much beyond that.

    Then we can have nice things!
  4. Bankchick

    Bankchick Avatar

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    Don't hold your breath
  5. manufacturedsoul

    manufacturedsoul Avatar

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    What’s really wrong? Well in my view it’s that this game turned out to really be at its core an ore mining sim built inside a semi cohesive world with housing and rpg elements thrown in.

    When looking for a worthwhile time vs return gain in game it is really hard to justify spending time doing anything other than mining and fighting back the monsters that keep you from mining some more. If you’re not mainly mining then your rate of return vs time spent in game goes WAY down.

    Basically if you’re not a big spender $$ wise then it’s literally the ONLY way you’re gonna keep your head above water without buying that next Coto pack every other week. Show me any other way in game starting out as a newbie not spending $$ on coto packs like they are Juul pods that you’re not gonna straight up sink without mining, you can’t.

    Sure going out for a fight by yourself or with others can be fun once in awhile but you know when you’re out there you’re on the losing end of the time vs reward stick cause loot is so trash. Only way to avoid it is to fight enemies while mining now your actually making a return assuming you can hold your own vs the mobs while severely overweight.

    After all these years it turned out to be more SotM (Miner) than SotA (Avatar) . But that’s just my 2 cents after 1000’s of hours played over the last few years.

    Here’s to hoping ep 2 if there even is one will change that. But I’m not gonna hold my breath it’s been this way for so long and it’s so fundamental at this point I don’t really see it changing unless loot gets epically reworked to make actual adventuring worth something more than as a novelty pastime between trips to the mines!
    arcdevil and Thore Gundi like this.
  6. Sketch_

    Sketch_ Avatar

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    I, an avid miner, don't quite understand what you mean by this. What is "keeping [one's] head above water" ? And to start out as a newbie? Heck, as a neophyte one can simply battle monsters - its more than enough? Combined with the gold you get from the main story line?

    What exactly is this bottom line you're trying to keep up?
  7. Jezebel Caerndow

    Jezebel Caerndow Avatar

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    I dont mine, I dont spend money on the game yet I have done really well. You can make money just shopping and buying low selling high, no crafting or exp required. You can go around and just farm bosses for arties and sell those. This will require some levels and gear to be able to kill them. You can level just kill elves and sell the essence and supply bags.

    I am not one of the people saying loot sucks. This is the only mmo I have played where I can get what I want in less then a week, and get like 50 arties a day. In knight online, it took 3 months of a full guild going hard on the bosses to get 1 iron belt. Compared to the other mmo's I have played, the loot in this game is INSANELY high.
  8. oplek

    oplek Avatar

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    I found the constant speculation to be obnoxious, artificially driving up prices. Only so many people can do that only so much. If you think SOTA's loot is insanely high, Fallout 76 would blow your mind. The big difference is that, despite their efforts, there's no player economy to try to artificially keep on life support, so they can make everything a loot pinata. They even have a system where the equivalent of artifacts can be sold to an NPC vendor for special artifact-dollars, which can then be used to buy the artifacts you more wanted.

    It's the only MMO I've played that WASN'T stingy with loot. Eve Online could be, to a lesser degree, but there's much more of a mantra that most everything (above raw materials) should be player created. And they've paired that mechanic up with full (half) loot PVP, where the other half is outright destroyed on death. So it works.
  9. Redhammer

    Redhammer Avatar

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    Greetings fellow players…err, well people that play games… As with any game all the players are going to have ideas to improve games or to make them more suitable for each player’s ideology… It would be truly wonderful if the Dev’s could find a perfect mix that would make every “player” happy and content… but we all know deep down that is not a practical goal and is not even remotely possible…the truth is we all gravitate to games with aspects of play that interest us…we are drawn to a challenge that is easy but not too easy, a challenge that is not too much of a challenge…

    I hear many great ideas in this thread, some maybe not for me but that does not mean they are not great ideas…I would love to see some changes but I still play the game…I would love to see the game break out and become wildly popular. I would love to see thousands of additional players… I would love to see really cool loot drops every so often…but the truth is I don’t need any of that to have fun playing my character in the world of Novia…

    I truly enjoy my interactions with others in the game, I love the banter, the time I spend trying to help newer players or any players actually…the idea of a simple adventure with others all around the world. In this game I can say I know many of the “producers” and some of the top players… That is so cool…Yes, I invested in the game early on and I continue to invest as I play the game…I will admit the early steps of the game did not impress me as much as I had hoped, I only really started playing a few months before the game went “persistent”. I don’t play hard but I do spend a great deal of time logged in…Sometimes I am doing other things and only get to play a bit…other times I don’t walk away for hours…I will admit I like many aspects of the game, I dislike many other aspects of the game… That is kind of the way it is with every game I ever played. Not going to go into details, you should all know of what I speak…

    As far as the game being a rip-off or a non-starter, I disagree strongly!! I have had many hours of stress and disappointment playing vertically every game I ever tried…Several stand out as great games several did not go over very well…I believe I have gotten my money’s worth in every game I ever played including this game…I intend to keep playing for as long as I am able… I have many things I like to do and I understand the limits my characters build has. I could change to another build but I prefer to do what I can with my character as is…

    Loot is an issue, I agree that it would be nice to get a world drop more often…Even a creepy low level artifact would be nice now and again…but it is not going to make or break the game for me…I enjoy things like mining, farming and fishing as much as crafting and adventuring which all help to keep me engrossed in the game…I will never be one of the best fighters or the best merchant but I intend to keep working at both…Just saying…
  10. Sean Silverfoot

    Sean Silverfoot Avatar

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    Hudson Valley area of NY
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  11. Boris Mondragon

    Boris Mondragon Avatar

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    Docking at your port soon

    Brother; it looks like you got bored of killing it so many times. I think you and @Spinok would have had more fun if it was “Luna City” Battle part 2.

    Patience brother, we will get the “Raid Party” option one day. R/Boris
  12. Sketch_

    Sketch_ Avatar

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  13. Xee

    Xee Bug Hunter

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    the only issue I see with this is some of us can farm dragons like nobody's business so this would make those folks too rich unless this is just a once a week loot.
  14. eli

    eli Avatar

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    Yup and most importantly it provides incentive for casual players to regularly log in
    THAT is the problem that needs solving, regardless of changes to the global loot table. It exists with the current and all past loot tables as well.
  15. Black Tortoise

    Black Tortoise Avatar

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    itl never cease to amaze me how many people spend years of their lives on this forum talking about how dead/dying the game is

    im beginning to wonder if speaking judgmentally and authoritatively, regardless of the content, is in and of itself an addiction. maybe it wasnt until the internet that this trait was really exposed.

    my prophecy: sota is fun for me! sota is alive and well, and will continue to release and improve each month!
  16. Mishikal

    Mishikal Avatar

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    Likely because the population numbers back up that claim. I.e., it's rooted in fact rather than speculation. While not all players use steam, you can see the general trend over time at:


    There's even better metrics at https://shroudoftheavatar.net/how-many-people-play-shroud-of-the-avatar since it's not limited to Steam users.

    The overall trend over time for both is that the active population is decreasing. Since SOTA is supported by players buying crowns or subs it's not a good sign. Even more concerning is the fact that the game is propped up by an even smaller amount of individuals who do things like have multiple subs (my wife and I have 4 between us) who are steadily decreasing the amount of those. We're considering dropping two of ours, since we don't really play here anymore given the utter frustrations involved (although my wife does still do some deco occasionally). We (like many of the long term players & backers) have moved on to games that are, well, enjoyable to play.

    I found it rather interesting that there have been two major MMOs in development the last few years that got cancelled because the developers realized that however great their ideas and concepts were, they were simply unable to make the game *fun*. "Fun" is a concept that's hard to define in terms of specific items/actions, but to me the fact the developers realized this and cancelled the game in spite of years of time and money, speaks to the fact that developing MMOs is exceedingly difficult. There are many aspects to SOTA I liked and enjoyed, but the sum of those parts was neither fun nor enjoyable. Part of this is simply due to the unfinished nature of many of the systems. I hold out hope that despite the fact these systems have been noted as broken and dysfunctional for over half a decade that they will get addressed, but it's hard to keep that hope alive given (a) the amount of time that's passed and (b) the continued focus on new development rather than fixing what's broken. Just look at the (short!) list of items in my signature that have yet to be addressed. And those are only a *fraction* of the numerous bugs I've filed over the years that remain in the game and continually detract from the enjoyment of playing.
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2019
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  17. Black Tortoise

    Black Tortoise Avatar

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    opinion, not a bug.

    oh yah, this makes the game so unenjoyable that id cancel my account for sure!

    oh, I see, this is mighty horrific, I can totally understand rage quitting over this one!

    opinion? also i like crafting (maybe not the cost of it...)

    geez, such suffering!

    this is a good thing. IRL rich people would completely dominate the PA locations, Im very, very glad that theyre forced at least to multi account to do so. I am super glad about this limit.

    ...so yah anyway, all Im saying, is people put enormous energy into complaining, doomsaying, and generally spreading negativity. Its sort of like getting a small cut on your arm, and then when you realize the cut hurts, you take a hammer out and smash your bones to pieces as though it were a perfectly rational response to the frustration of discomfort.

    can yall imagine what would happen if people devoted that much energy to positive (or ffs, at least non-negative) action?
    Witcheypoo likes this.
  18. Alleine Dragonfyre

    Alleine Dragonfyre Avatar

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    @Chris some valuable feedback in the OP here :)
  19. Mishikal

    Mishikal Avatar

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    As I said, only a small fraction of the issues I've filed that remain unaddressed, and as I said, it's the sum, not the individual. Think of it like death by a thousand cuts. And I note you have nothing to say about the declining population numbers. If what they're doing and continue to do is working so well, one would expect that to be reflected in the population numbers. And it isn't.
  20. Barugon

    Barugon Avatar

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    No head... just the way I like it.
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