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Episode 2 Player Owned Town Voucher Redemptions

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Elgarion, Feb 20, 2020.

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  1. Elgarion

    Elgarion Dev Emeritus Dev Emeritus

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    Yup, looks like you guys are on top of it. I got a rough description of that in the original post now, reading it over again now and catching up on comments. That nested crap... holy MOLY that makes my head spin. It's like Inception going 3 dreams in. You never go 3 dreams in! Well... until the end of the movie.
  2. Elgarion

    Elgarion Dev Emeritus Dev Emeritus

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    No official policy on upgrading with crowns but it is something we'd like to bring at some point via COTO store. But its a new tech thing for sure.
    Yerp! They're building code for EP2 detection soon to be ready for when we need it ;) Will include detection of pledges and applicable add-on/service purchases garnering EP2 access.
    Before... hmmmm. Mayyyyyyyyybe. Hold this thought, I might be able to come up with a process to accommodate this ahead of time. (Keeping in mind, you won't get your town early, it'll just be at the right size RIGHT when you get it.) Please send me a conversation on the forums as a reminder.
    Yes, indeed. It's like an introductory discount into the town system so they can get a goin'!
    Thanks for constructive input.
    YES! ;)
    I'm sure some will, others might take momma to Golden Corral.
    Holdfast is actually the smallest one. I think you're describing what we're doing.
    No current plans, but after the EP2 land rush and launch, who knows what type of POT vouchers we'll allow for knowing that EP3 would be coming after that. Probably more to come on that after EP2.
    Please keep in mind, that $400 is recouped on their first upgrade, but no, sales/discounts do not retroactively apply to prior purchases of items bought outside of discount prices.
    Ugh yes, Chris get well sooooon! Appreciate this, yes... we were ready admin/data collection wise BUT the main factor was player feedback. We wanted to give you guys a better JPG map with labeling AND more overworld markers in Mistrendur, many of which will actually patch in time for R75 and the prior land rush schedule. We wanted to have a little more time to make them BOTH better (meaning the jpg and the overworld indicators).
    Bam! That's the spirit.
    Yup, we're thinking of it as an introductory concept.
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2020
    Mal Hari and Paulie Walnuts like this.
  3. Elgarion

    Elgarion Dev Emeritus Dev Emeritus

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    Hey guys, so you don't have to read through the whole thing again trying to find my changes or additions, here's where the bulk of the changes occurred. As always, more to come ;)

    (Update!) Each bracket will consist of approximately 15% of those awaiting selection (~20 towns per bracket). Each bracket will last for 3 days before the next bracket commences selection.
    • All brackets begin AND end at Noon CDT
    • Bracket 1: March 14 - March 17
    • Bracket 2: March 17 - March 20
    • Bracket 3: March 20 - March 23
    • Bracket 4: March 23 - March 26
    • Bracket 5: March 26 - March 29
    • Bracket 6: March 29 - April 1
    • Bracket 7: April 1 - April 4
    and... nested town info mostly...
    • EP2 POT Transfer Vouchers do not include customization changes to include biome, name or interconnection changes. Only the 50 vouchers related to NEW towns (Episode 2 Player Owned Town with Overland Access Reservations) will be empowered to customize their town, since it has not yet been designed.
    • New town reservations (Episode 2 Player Owned Town with Overland Access Reservations) were originally sold as reservation vouchers for $500 with intent to collect $400 more upon delivery for actual town creation at the Holdfast size. We've decided, that instead of immediately collecting the $400 to acquire the smallest town size known as a Holdfast, to offer this by default at the already paid for price of $500. The $400 would not be collected unless they decide to upgrade the town at a later time, as the discount would automatically reinsert itself into the upgrade cost for the first upgrade performed by the town. We're considering this an introductory price concept for these new town owners so that they may experience Holdfast town ownership as quickly as possible.
    • Existing interconnections will remain in all towns moving to Mistrendur. Even if a town had 27 interconnections in EP1 lands, when placed into Mistrendur, that town will retain those interconnections regardless of where they are in the world. This is an introduction to new teleportation concepts that will be expanding into game. Eventually, players will even gain the ability to purchase items from the COTO store (in lieu of a service voucher) for creating custom interconnections to any other town, regardless of location.
    • If a nested player owned town exists which resides ONLY nested within a single host town owned by another player (meaning 1 way in), and that host town is moving to Mistrendur, and the nested town owner does not wish to move, they must contact support@portalarium.com to make this known. We'll move your nested location to an NPC town or POT near your current location. If the replacement location is a POT, you must have that owner's permission, which would also require that person to contact us at support@portalarium.com. If no contact is made in regards to the host town moving to Mistrendur, we will assume that the move was a collaborative decision between the host and its nested town owners. If an absent town owner affected by this scenario discovers this has occurred during a long absence, they may still contact us to remedy the situation after the move occurs.
    • The above scenario will also cover the needs of a nested town with multiple interconnects, wherein ALL their interconnections choose to move to Mistrendur against their will. The same rules will apply.
    • If a nested town has multiple interconnects and one of those interconnects moves to Mistrendur, but the others remain in Novia or the Hidden Vale, they will now have the ability to exit their town into multiple continents. This scenario would allow player storyline to indicate they are in either continent or perhaps a midway point in travel between.
    • Nested to nested transfers... the 5 towns affected by this transfer type will be contacted individually and handled based upon their individual nesting scenario. This voucher type has been discontinued and now displays as sold out.
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2020
  4. Elgarion

    Elgarion Dev Emeritus Dev Emeritus

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    Got an answer already. Yes. Sometime very soon, you'll notice on your account page a town is available to upgrade. Could be as early as tomorrow ;) This means you'll be able to upgrade it so when Sannio DOES put it in, it starts at the right size. BUT, btw... upgrading a town doesn't require that you need to tear things down and set things back up. That's only for name change and bio changes. And when you new town owners are submitting your locked forms, you'll have full capability to make those decisions before placement.
  5. Stryker Sparhawk

    Stryker Sparhawk Avatar

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    @Elgarion - the last upgrade I did was completely in crowns, but I had to mail them all to Chris, who handled the upgrade. I understand this does not scale well, but Chris has not announced that it’s not off the table either.

    So it is/was a completely manual way of upgrading.

    Also, my POT transfer is currently not locked and I will presume I can make all the necessary adjustments and it will be altered to the new name/biome if I do lock it. Is this a separate action from the transfer? Also, can the transfer happen and THEN I can make the adjustments?
    Mal Hari likes this.
  6. Paulie Walnuts

    Paulie Walnuts Avatar

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    That all sounds fair. GJ!
    Alleine Dragonfyre likes this.
  7. Vladamir Begemot

    Vladamir Begemot Avatar

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    That is known as burying the headline. This is very generous of you guys, bravo.
    Alleine Dragonfyre and Numa like this.
  8. Senash Kasigal

    Senash Kasigal Avatar

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    So, how is this working with my Island PoT? There are no Island PoT spots so far and I am in bracket 1.
  9. Alley Oop

    Alley Oop Bug Hunter Bug Moderator

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  10. Warrior B'Patrick

    Warrior B'Patrick Avatar

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    Greetings all
    This seems to be getting overlooked. This is huge!

    To me this means my plan to have an Island POT off the cost of Hidden Vale and an island POT off the cost of the New Lands can be a 2 step rout to the new lands. Think of the back stories we can come up with. Even EP1 towns moved from near Ardoris can have a link back to there from the New Lands. The only question I have is if I have a POT in EP1 that links to my POT that is being transferred can I keep the connection from the POT that is staying in EP1 to the one being transferred?

    There are going to be so many boats at the docks that will take me all over the lands.
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  11. Mhtic700R

    Mhtic700R Avatar

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    Ah well, this is kinda lame as I planned to work toward village/town at some point.

    But oh well, still cant wait to have it!
    Redhammer likes this.
  12. Skutter Luchnyk

    Skutter Luchnyk Avatar

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    As I understand it, your island will be created in your selected area.
    Elgarion likes this.
  13. Skutter Luchnyk

    Skutter Luchnyk Avatar

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    Getting an EP2 POT.
    No EP1 POT.
    How do I request an interconnection to an existing EP1 POT? (guild HQ)
    Elgarion and Redhammer like this.
  14. Mhtic700R

    Mhtic700R Avatar

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    Nah, its just lame cause I thought I saved a few hundreds. But I can see how you can feel.

    I hope it really helps the devs out/make things much easier for them making that last minute change and losing tons of cash which could of gone a long way helping the game. + Those who bought the reservation knew they had to put in the extra 400, so im not sure why they would do that. But oh well, sure will help me with my financial situation atm.

    Also theres a feeling that goes along that people might not want to upgrade their towns be-on holdfast which is not good at all.
    Redhammer likes this.
  15. Elgarion

    Elgarion Dev Emeritus Dev Emeritus

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    I'll get to these questions and comments later today, I know this is all a hot topic.
  16. Elgarion

    Elgarion Dev Emeritus Dev Emeritus

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    Yes, there is a somewhat unofficial way (we plan to make an official process) for upgrading with Crowns. I now have an established method of tracking this, ensuring your town pledge record is properly adjusted which also ensures your town upgrade form reflects the changes so if later upgrades occur via cash, it'll reflect the proper amount. BUT that being said, since this process was NOT in place before, and there were a small number of towns that have received these manual upgrades, I need to find these individuals, research the criteria of the upgrade (meaning I need all the details), so I can adjust the backend properly. Ultimately we will do this, but there are plans to put this option on the COTO store at some point. So, that being said, please send me all the details of your transaction, and I'll do my best to research it. Anyone who's received these upgrades from Chris, yes... please send me the details so I can verify all the records reflect the transaction.

    As for your next quest, the EP2 Vouchers (other than the new towns of course) do not include any sort of adjustment to the name or biome, it was simply to perform the move. Processing 135ish (current count) of these transactions, if they WERE to include adjustments, would have really bogged down the process. But it sounds like you have a regular change voucher available. You can submit that at any time with your change requests by locking your form, which will be treated entirely separately from the EP2 move voucher. Albeit we'll process those a bit more slowly due to the land rush (Sannio can only work these so fast), it'll get done as soon as he can. We cannot guarantee a properly timed result, however. For instance, if you want your one generic POT voucher to make a biome change that goes live the same time your move does, no, likely it will not be timed perfectly. You might notice your biome changes ahead (or whatever change it was) or even behind your move, depending upon how it falls into the customer support queue and the land rush cycle.


    Yup! And a transport hub concept could be a VERY cool concept for a town. Imagine too, that island could have the feel that its somewhere out deep in the ocean between the continents themselves.

    Yes, as part of the transfer process, we are not removing any existing interconnections. This is kind of a Phase 1 concept for allowing people to teleport anywhere via their town teleporters. There'll be some upcoming COTO store items that will allow the players to create their own teleporters between towns too (no ETA yet). And with the existing process, yes, the walls have come down. Generic POT change vouchers, where people want interconnections changes to go crazy everywhere, will be possible. BUT, please keep in mind, if we get an influx of these, which can be time consuming for Sannio, we'll likely announce any POT interlink change requests will be delayed until after the land rush so he can focus on that. Personally? I'd wait for the new town-to-town teleport COTO store items, but like I said, no ETA yet.

    *edit Also keep in mind, currently, there was a natural limit to interconnection requests due to proximity, with this wall down, we've yet to establish how many interconnections someone can request per ticket, since each takes time to manually create. Some guidance on this will likely come very soon.

    It would be via a regular POT change voucher, but please do keep in mind my above comments to Warrior B'Patrick's post.

    Definitely a consideration while we made this decision, but we felt it most beneficial to get people into their towns ASAP to enjoy one of our strongest game features.
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2020
    Mhtic, K1000, Chirp and 1 other person like this.
  17. Datendrache

    Datendrache Avatar

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    The following link is for coordinating with Episode 2 Player Owned Town Placement. This is to help players in their decisions as to where to put their towns.


    It is:

    1) A copy of the Spreadsheet that was shared by @Elgarion at the start of this thread to determine the brackets of the buyers.
    2) COMPLETELY UNOFFICIAL -- your comments on the page are NOT a submission to Catnip Games.
    3) Editable -- you can change your picks at any time.


    With roughly 15-20 placements per bracket, the people at the start of the bracket will have an easy time guessing what's been selected and what their ideal spots would be, people toward the end of the bracket will have to guess their top 3 remaining spots with very little information. IF players are willing to coordinate, then the choices become more obvious and people can pick the best spots remaining. It also may give players an opportunity who discuss among themselves about pick choices.

    Please share this around to all the new Governors.

    To all the new Governors: "Let's do golf." :)


    Last edited: Feb 28, 2020
    Numa and that_shawn_guy like this.
  18. Elgarion

    Elgarion Dev Emeritus Dev Emeritus

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    Thank you for posting those disclaimers -- yes, that is not the official spreadsheet. The official method of coordinating these placements is described in the original post of this thread. PLEASE continue to inform any participants utilizing your spreadsheet, that I will not be referring to that spreadsheet in any way. I appreciate the effort getting folks organized ahead of time, Engineer :) Perhaps when the time of their submissions come, I'll have less possibility that someone's primary and alternate choices are identical.
    Datendrache likes this.
  19. Duke Gréagóir

    Duke Gréagóir Legend of the Hearth

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    With the new galleons in that will take any of my town residents (Dara Brae) from outside of kingsport to misentur, etc. maybe I should not move away from my hidden vale spot.

    if I decide to stay I my spot what happens to my token I bought to misentur? Can I keep it to move to a newer area in ep3?

    Trade it in for cotos?

    the new galleons really changes everything.
    Numa and that_shawn_guy like this.
  20. Mhtic700R

    Mhtic700R Avatar

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    Hello Elgarion! Just want to say a big thanks for everything you've been doing before asking my long shot question. ^^

    Do you think it would be possible to have our towns created so we can deco them before beeing placed? So they can look all fine and dandy and that Ep2 has more decoed towns?

    Got my town rewards 2 days ago, was so happy! Cant wait to get home after work to see if I actually have the Governor title also! Just thought about it hehe.

    Have a good day!
    Datendrache and that_shawn_guy like this.
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