Melees, how do you handle healing?

Discussion in 'Skills and Combat' started by Kain Darkmoor, Aug 24, 2020.

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  1. devilronin

    devilronin Avatar

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    water elemental, healing rain, if you own ep2:mending melody with resist song and a 900+ hp tamed flaming donkey, use cover if you dont have 80+ in all relevant resists(lich mage are scary), scary enchant options like mend, life drain, banish undead:p
  2. Jezebel Caerndow

    Jezebel Caerndow Avatar

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    My armor only takes about 10 dura hit every week or so right now, my weapons get eaten up pretty fast though, like 2 dura every 20 minutes. I am using a feedback build right now though, so I am attacking really fast.
  3. Time Lord

    Time Lord Avatar

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    ~SOTA Monk~ ~Monastery~ ~Thailand~
    That I could live with! :)

    When I get the new TimeLord more developed, I'll take another stab at it! Thanks Mac2!

  4. Jezebel Caerndow

    Jezebel Caerndow Avatar

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    I should add, I ALWAYS use preservation o pot and preservation blessing.
  5. Sara Dreygon

    Sara Dreygon Avatar

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    As @Mac2 stated, a stacked body slam saves a bunch of durability if you're fighting 2 or less mobs but the goal is always to kill fast. You can usually get two stacked body slams off so just stack another when the first is about to wear off.

    For healing, I use pots and as I usually have agro so if someone is with me they're usually freed up to heal me instead of them. As stated already, know what you can kill before you attack, use leashing if needed, and run as necessary.
  6. Jezebel Caerndow

    Jezebel Caerndow Avatar

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    yes sensei.
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  7. Bowen Bloodgood

    Bowen Bloodgood Avatar

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    Caer Dracwych
    This just about sums it up for me and probably the best advice here. :) (and that's saying something since it's all good advice) I very rarely ever die, not because I know all the tricks but because I back off when a fight isn't going my way. Pick your fights, mind your surroundings and don't let your health get too low. If it looks like you might die, back off. You heal pretty quickly outside of combat so use it to your advantage.
  8. Brent S

    Brent S Avatar

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    Same here. I just run in a big circle with the enemy chasing me while I hit the heal spell or use potions until I have enough HP to kill the leftovers (usually 3 swashbucklers and about 5 of the ones that have messers).
  9. Boris Mondragon

    Boris Mondragon Avatar

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    Docking at your port soon
    For me its simple, Swords/Tactics specced. Body slam to open, then just turn at same time so you are behind the mob. They cannot parry or dodge your hits from behind so objective is to kill before they come out of slam. Fleet Flute makes the attack speed even faster and if fighting mages hit zerker stance for extra speed, str and dmg. Dual wield bronze longswords unless I want to use poison. Try to get two at time so you hit them both with each swing and its a dance of synchronized death. Blades at 160 does help. As far as heals, I use my water ellie and soothing rain. Ice fist slows the attacker at same time and I pull them from a distance with ice field. Like the others said pick your fights. I make a living at the Rise off those elves and only use cheap food like croc skewers and bear steak and potatoes. Aetheric feedback and blessing of str or dex plus focus blessing help. Oh do not forget Coup. Nothing like dropping 2k coups on mages just for overkill *grins*. For the pesky elf at the entrance of Dog Run just poison, haste potion, rend, body slam several times with a couple of well placed coups once under 30pct health. Remember hit hard, hit fast and hit often, its better from hehind. R/Boris/El Pirata
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  10. Jezebel Caerndow

    Jezebel Caerndow Avatar

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    Thats how I did not die for like the first 2 months after persistence, even though there was no penalty, I knew it was coming from the ability to set skills to maintain. It was good practice to get that habit in before haven death decay so once that did come in I was already well versed in being a great coward :) .
  11. Time Lord

    Time Lord Avatar

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    ~SOTA Monk~ ~Monastery~ ~Thailand~
    :eek: ~Blades at 160!~ o_O

    Kill things faster seems to be a reoccurring theme here as well as run away living to fight another day and don't make a stand with more than 2.

    Confessions of a Newly Addicted Potion Junkie :(...
    Healing Potions have begun slowly taking over my health during combat, while I find that I'm mainly using Healing Touch when I'm confronting "
    comfortable level" monsters who won't have any chance of killing me. That fact has me leaning toward Healing Touch as more of a luxury utility skill rather than a necessity as I get myself deeper into becoming a Potion Junkie when healing really counts o_O

    Gold is Becoming More Meaningless in SOTA, with the Exceptions being Consumables...
    It costs gold becoming a Potion Junkie, which is a play style I'm not historically use to. I've been generally hunting as a Cheap Charlie all my SOTA life where gold has been virtually meaningless to me with nothing needed to buy with it.

    2 Gold today is only 1 Gold 12 months from now due to inflation, and thus an extremely depreciating asset sitting in anyone's bank account. COTO is real money, gold is more like a line of credit with hidden huge interest payments. Only the COTO retains it's value.

    With the above being said :rolleyes:

    $ There's no real reason not to become a Potion Junkie when they are a much more reliable source of healing power, as well as refreshing any other power. Potions only cost gold and all Potions retain their full "effective value", while helping gain more commodity loot which will also retain it's value more than the gold.
    Buying Potions helps retain and gain more true in-game value than the gold it took to buy them o_O If a player knows about "Power Creep and Inflation" which are both unavoidable in all MMOs, then Potions are a more economical choice when playing the economic long game, than totally relying on Healing Touch, "which I was very guilty of doing while being a SOTA Cheap Charlie".

    I held off from using potions for a very long time, and I'm likely to retain my Healing Touch capabilities, but it's not of the same importance to me as what it once was. Using Healing Touch in Heavy Armor changed my mind.

    I think the Alchemists are winning when compared the Cooks in our game, and I do think these two schools of crafting skill need to be better balanced where one is not more valued than the other. I still rarely eat food, because it's not as effective as a potion.

    After having been away from our game long enough that all my houses fell down, these have been my "new eyes" general impressions on healing and how our economy has impacted such decisions. Fresh eyed impressions often have holes within their gaming logic as well as useful insights where, through some thing's insidious natures, things have "crept into our game so slowly", that they may have gone noticed being overshadowed by every day SOTA life.

    *On a side note from our future*
    "If you had a poison gas or a healing gas gun that shot smoke rings of that gas"...
    Direct Quote from Lord British talking about SOTA's future~

    I'm still missing the bandages of UO! :(
    ~Time Lord~:D
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2020
  12. devilronin

    devilronin Avatar

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    just need some dedicated wyvern chops hunters and cooks
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  13. Time Lord

    Time Lord Avatar

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    ~SOTA Monk~ ~Monastery~ ~Thailand~
    :eek: Looks great, is it economical?
    Must kill the Wyvern to get the chops o_O

    Time Lord :) + Wyvern :confused: = :eek::eek::eek::eek:'
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  14. Barugon

    Barugon Avatar

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  15. Tirrag

    Tirrag Avatar

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    really depends on your style. i personally like making a stand and i dont kill fast though i have been told many times i can kill much faster if i just did X but most of the time i just simply dont want to. not saying i never run but tanks dont run fast and that usually ends poorly :D

    i love the strategy of combat and nothing makes me happier than a 20+ min duel with a aether or ancient dragon... there is a sense of accomplishment. when i am in a stronger party and we down the aether in 5 mins its like... meh. i love running with parties full of newer players and being a damage magnet for them. i can taunt, keep myself buffed/healed, and let them have a hoot whackin away at one of the strongest enemies in the game. when it is just me, my armor, and my sword/polearm though, that is the most exciting :)

    as just a general tip, i guess i would say dont lock yourself into one specific mode. most of my decks are large prey tank decks either party or solo but i have a fire mage in there for things like zombies and harvesting in deep ravens, a healer for when that is needed in a party, an archer, and some tamer. if you havent already get yourself some taming and a good pet as they can really help assist in many situations. also leverage your light armor skills as best you can. i have tanked many a dragon in a leather chest piece, shield, and plate everything else making good use of evasion, dodge, deflect, defensive stance, etc. most of my skills that i use are at 100 with a few key skills around 120.
  16. devilronin

    devilronin Avatar

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    sounds like a berzerker priest, bludgeon skills are thematically brutal.
    paladins in most cases use a big shiny holy sword(whirling as you wanted), or a weird bedazzled mace.
    Sara Dreygon, majoria70 and Time Lord like this.
  17. Time Lord

    Time Lord Avatar

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    ~SOTA Monk~ ~Monastery~ ~Thailand~
    That's allot of good advice and those outcomes sound extremely fun to play!
    It really makes me look forward to the future playing a tank build.
    All that running away doesn't have that tank knight feel to it :D

    Currently I building skills in "Moors of Northshore" in the Hidden Vale, which is a 5 skull area very close to my home town of Wizard's Rest which is just north of Owlshead. All the creatures there are yellow to me with Obsidian Bears being the only thing there appearing orange. I'm no longer hugging the entrance o_O I can stand with everything yellow, but when there's 2 or more Obsidian Bears, I'm running asap because about 15 seconds into holding my ground with them, they've cut my health in half while I've only make a 10% scratch on any of them. I've only made about 5-6 trips there so far, each trip becoming easier than the one before it.

    ~Thanks for the sharing all that @Tirrag!~
    Once creatures in "Moors of Northshore" (5 skull area) begin turning green on me, where's your best suggestion for my next hunting destination to tank things?
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2020
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  18. Tirrag

    Tirrag Avatar

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    always happy to be of assistance where i can. there are so many different possibilities with SotA... mine is just one path, built on the foundation of what my mentor taught me and tweaked to my preference with information/experience i have gathered along my journey. where next would really depend on your goals. personally i would move to deep ravenswood as there is a lot of animal resource farming that can be done there. good to sell and make a some gp even from NPCs.

    from a skills standpoint, personally i would spend some time working on defense. build a deck with mostly defensive skills and tweak them until you survive the longest. ive spent hours not attacking, just tweaking defensive combinations in decks to figure out what works best for me. once i survive then i add in attacks and and start to kill things :) i will PM you for in-game name and if we can hook up, we can work on some sample light defensive decks and get you some equipment tuned for such.
    Sara Dreygon and Time Lord like this.
  19. Bowen Bloodgood

    Bowen Bloodgood Avatar

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    Unless you're bothered by cannibalistic potions. ;) Haven't used one yet.
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  20. Charon

    Charon Avatar

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    @Time Lord , if you haven't already done this, I'd recommend GMing the earth passives as they'll help quite a bit.
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