Crafting Q&A with Coswald Dirthmire this Saturday at 2pm Central

Discussion in 'One-Time Player Events' started by Leucian, Oct 11, 2021.

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  1. Leucian

    Leucian Avatar

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    This Saturday 10/16/21 at 2pm, come join the town of Haven Ridge as we welcome Coswald Dirthmire to the crafting pavilion, located in Town Square. Coswald has agreed to host a Q&A, regarding crafting, recipes, skills and more. As the 3rd installment of our Haven Ridge Q&A series, it should be a lot of fun, with a large turn out.

    I am not for sure, but i'm sure it'll be streamed on Coswalds' channel, as well as a transcript posted to the forums.
  2. Elgarion

    Elgarion Dev Emeritus Dev Emeritus

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  3. FrostII

    FrostII Bug Hunter

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    I'm hoping that @Coswald_Dirthmire will stream it and that we could ask questions there :)
  4. Coswald_Dirthmire

    Coswald_Dirthmire Bug Hunter

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    Thanks Leucian! Very much looking forward to this Saturday and hope to have a Q&A session that lives up to the bar set by the previous guests. I'll be streaming the Q&A and while the main focus is on answering questions from local/zone chat I will answer some stream questions if able, and relay the question/answer in local chat for everyone.
  5. FrostII

    FrostII Bug Hunter

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    Most excellent, @Coswald_Dirthmire :)

    I have notified 4 interested guildies as well.

    @Elgarion would you please add the time of this event ( 2PM Central ) to your Upcoming Events post on this .
    Coswald is one of the "premier" crafters in the game and everyone from newbie to old hand will appreciate access to his warehouse of knowledge regarding Crafting in our SotA... :)
  6. Elgarion

    Elgarion Dev Emeritus Dev Emeritus

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    doh, updated -- thanks! :)
    Anpu, FrostII and Coswald_Dirthmire like this.
  7. Leucian

    Leucian Avatar

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    I love you peoples! I can't wait to see everyone there! Elgarion, you gonna swing by for tea and crumpets, or beer and burgers? Whichever suits ya fancy. :-D
  8. Elgarion

    Elgarion Dev Emeritus Dev Emeritus

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    Many thanks for the invite. I'll be away for the computer all Saturday and part of Sunday though. I hope you all have fun :)
  9. FrostII

    FrostII Bug Hunter

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    It's your RL "job" to be laser-focused on SotA all week and you need to clear your head and rest on nights/weekends - we understand and hope you have a happy carefree weekend, @Elgarion !
    We'll let you know how it goes....... :)
    Sonja, Sara Dreygon, Elgarion and 2 others like this.
  10. Elgarion

    Elgarion Dev Emeritus Dev Emeritus

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    Thanks for understanding :) I look forward to seeing posts/screenshots/vids etc. of the event. This is a good one! :)
    Sara Dreygon and FrostII like this.
  11. FrostII

    FrostII Bug Hunter

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  12. Ysold

    Ysold Avatar

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    Lovely session by Coswald, I learned a lot again!

    @Leucian: I would love a Q&A session with a healer/bard (or healer/something else :)) Healers have such an important role in groups and are hardly ever put in the spotlight. I think it's time!

    Sonja, FrostII, Anpu and 2 others like this.
  13. Leucian

    Leucian Avatar

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    I am all about it. Just let me know the time, and we'll set one up. Are you volunteering to talk about it?
  14. Leucian

    Leucian Avatar

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    The Following is the Transcription from the Q&A with @Coswald_Dirthmire , Illustrious Grandmaster Crafter from Haven Ridge.

    Leucian DeMorte (To Universe): Crafting Q&A with the Legendary Coswald Dirthmire starting now in Haven Ridge, come to the crafting pavilion in the ruins in town square. Prizes to be given at the end :-D

    Leucian DeMorte (To Universe): Come hang out learn about crafting, the pitfals, and way to succede

    Coswald Dirthmire (To Zone): Sweet, hello everyone, thanks for coming out

    Coswald Dirthmire (To Zone): Looks like we might have a few more people showing up, but happy to get started with the questions. Will be answering everything here in text, though I'm also streaming at the moment if anyone wants to join on twitch

    Dido (To Zone): Starter question: which type of crating do you enjoy most?

    Coswald Dirthmire (To Zone): To start of with Bridge Troll's question from earlier, "Why Crafting?", the answer is simple. I like buying large amounts of fuel, making many pieces of gear, then polluting the loot table like the creek out back a fracking station

    Coswald Dirthmire (To Zone): Dido: What I enjoy most is when I can make a full set of gear for one person or build, and make everything work together. It lets you work with the randomness of the rolls a lot more to get a fine result. The more odd the build the better.

    Dido (To Zone): WHen you make a piece, which order do you use? eg Materworking/ enchanting/jewelling?

    Robert Frost (To Zone): Depends on piece ? How so ?

    Coswald Dirthmire (To Zone): Dido: It changes depending on the piece. If I know need specific masterworks on a piece I'll start on that table and then add whichever Enchants I can get. An example would be something

    like a 4 Masterwork Sylvan Dagger, which might only end up with a regular strength on the Enchant side, as long as the 4 masterworks are there.

    Sara Dreygon (To Zone): Question: What do you find to be the most difficult thing to craft... the think where you think "okay... *sigh* here we go..."?

    Coswald Dirthmire (To Zone): (cont) Jewels and gems only go in before the enchanting's done when I want specific enchants from them, like Strength of Earth bonus from a Giaism chest piece. Otherwise these options just polluite the enchant list and make it harder to get what you're after

    Dido (To Zone): Do you in general prefer straight stats over skill-related bonusses? (You'll probably answer: that depends :))

    Coswald Dirthmire (To Zone): Sara Dreygon: There's an irony it, but Belts. Belts are hard because they're so giving, and the more they give the more I want to take. They can get minor/reg/major of all three stats on MW and on Enchant, so you can make e.g. and Air Mage belt with over 60 combined Int+Dex. And there's Durability option on the Masterwork side. So it's a slot where you can push incredibly hard

    Coswald Dirthmire (To Zone): No Durability option on MW for belts*

    Dido (To Zone): :D

    Robert Frost (To Zone): Are there any "must have" benefits for going beyond 120 in any MW/Enchant skills ?

    Ayanna Nightgaze (To Zone): Forgot skills can go above 100 for a bit lol

    Coswald Dirthmire (To Zone): Dido: Hah, the answer to most things in crafting is yeah, "it depends". But in general I do prefer skill related masterwork. The reason is base stats (Str/Dex/Int) suffer diminishing returns at high values, and you can get high values places other than gear. So for high end gear at least, you get a lot more out of masterworks that modify glyph damage

    Robert Frost (To Zone): good

    Dorn Slate (To Zone): or for tank gear you'd want the Avoidance and maybe some DR

    Coswald Dirthmire (To Zone): Robert Frost: There isn't. The last "must have" in my opinion is hitting GM in the specific enchant or MW type (Bladed MW etc) to unlock Majors. That said, you get continual benifits, and the higher I've taken skills the more I've come to value the few extra percentage points they give

    Leucian DeMorte (To Zone): Question: For the new and old crafter. what weight should be given to the base crafting stat IE Carpentry, vs Carpentry Masterworking Vs Say Ranged Masterworking

    Robert Frost (To Zone): Can spell fizzle be reduced thru any crafting methods ?

    Sara Dreygon (To Zone): Question: What are your main skill level breakpoints you stop at for crafting skills? i.e. skill masterworks 138... 152..., Mastery 120... Masterwork 120... etc.

    Coswald Dirthmire (To Zone): Leucian Demorte: The base skill (Alchemy, Carpentry, etc) doesn't have any real bearing on masterworking or enchanting, and is my lowest skill in those trees. Enchant Skill, Carpentry Masterwork, etc, is what changes your % chance to succeed on 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc Enc/MW. It's an economy skill in my mind. It saves ingots and mats and blanks.

    Coswald Dirthmire (To Zone): (cont) If you want to be practical, this skill should be high. If you're after pure stat size, that is determined by the specific MW/Enc skill (Armor Enchant, Ranged Masterwork, etc). This is also the skill that unlocks Majors (at lvl 100)

    Chakotay (To Zone): So, you're saying it's best to hace your base MW or Enchant skills your highest in your skill tree followed by the specific skill?

    Coswald Dirthmire (To Zone): Robert Frost: Yes! And in some interesting ways. One is the WImbued Jewel of Waning Fizzle from Acara Gauntlets. Another is in gear choice. Take heavy legs for instance. Not only do Augmented Chain legs give slightly more base stats for less mats, they hace 4% Fizzle from Equip compared to the 6% from Plate Leggings. All without dropping the Heavy Set Bonus.

    Dido (To Zone): Now for something completely different : what do you do to get xp to raise your crafting skills?

    Bridge Troll (To Zone): Coswald Dirthmire why cannot I make crossbow bolts? I know how to make arrows; I am quite the fletcher. It seems to me that bolts are small arrows, yet I just cannot...

    Coswald Dirthmire (To Zone): Chakotay: That's how I personally run them, with the base skill usually 5-10 levels higher, depending on where in my leveling cycle I am

    Bridge Troll (To Zone): sorry, my brother has corrected me. He says I am a felcher, not a fletcher.

    Ayanna Nightgaze (To Zone): lets keep it G rated there... lmfao

    Robert Frost (To Zone): I currently wear all Taming arti gear and would like to reduce my spell fizzle. Are there MW/Enchants that can give this?

    Coswald Dirthmire (To Zone): Sara Dreygon: I don't observe any crafting breakpoints really. I was always of the mind that MW/Enchant success was displaying a rounded chance to succeed, and that every level helped. We recently got another decimal showing for that stat to show that's the case, and every level helps. Similarly, a piece might show 6.4Str on an enchant, and after a few levels show 6.4Str.

    Coswald Dirthmire (To Zone): (cont) These are rounded numbers, and the actual Str will have gone from e.g. 6.39 to 6.44

    Zandara Wildus (To Zone): ive found farming to be pretty much the best producer xp source myself. i have 200 plants worth of garlic that i try to keep at all times. then nudge cos when its harvested so he can come buy it all

    Coswald Dirthmire (To Zone): Dido: Hah, the XP grind is real. I'm a terrible gatherer, but mining and gathering is the best way. It's tons of XP and it turns a profit or gets you mats. For me I prefer agricultural farming as it's more laid back, or I'll adventure for things like obsidian chips, troll belt and ancient staff pieces, etc, that I can turn into crafting XP. Carcasses into food is also great.

    Coswald Dirthmire (To Zone): Bridge Troll: Ah, you're looking at the wrong table. Bolts are made on the Blacksmithing table, not the Carpentry table, and are primarily used for doublebolting grandstands, not killing mobs.

    Coswald Dirthmire (To Zone): (there are no in-game bolts, other than lightning bolts in air tree)

    Ayanna Nightgaze (To Zone): ha

    Doktor Hirnbrand (To Zone): I can make bolts of cloth. So it's not only air tree.

    Ayanna Nightgaze (To Zone): Question: Are socketing gems worth it for when enchanting items.. and do they take up one of the enchantment slots themselves, where you usually have on average 3 attempts?

    Coswald Dirthmire (To Zone): Robert Frost: There are no fizzle reduction masterworks/enchants some compensation can be found in non-taming-specific slots, like using cloth leggings, or using a staff with taming gems if it can work for your build.

    Bridge Troll (To Zone): :)

    Coswald Dirthmire (To Zone): Ayenna Nightgaze: Luckily they do not take up an enchanting slot, nor cost and durability. That makes them a great source of bonus stat, and I rarely consider any piece that can take a gem/jewel as finished until it's been socketed. Some gems/jewels can prompt special enchantments if added before enchanting.

    Coswald Dirthmire (To Zone): Ayanna Nightgaze*

    Ayanna Nightgaze (To Zone): Oh good, should save up on my rubys then

    Coswald Dirthmire (To Zone): Indeed! And for only a little mandrake to turn uncut gems into refined gems, it's another good source of crafting XP.

    Dido (To Zone): cool

    Robert Frost (To Zone): Wasn't aware of that, nice

    Coswald Dirthmire (To Zone): If I've missed anything in the questions also please ask again

    Dido (To Zone): How long did it take you to get the master you're now?

    Dido (To Zone): roughly is good enough :)

    Coswald Dirthmire (To Zone): Dido: Hah, a long time. I've been playing a bit over 2 years now, and crafting is what got me hooked. Carpentry was my second GM to build a house to live in, and I'm been going ever since. That said, some great changes with the crafting rings/jewels, enchanting training faster, meticulous collection XP, and other adjustments have made becoming a crafter much more accessible.

    Sara Dreygon (To Zone): Question: What's your highest level crafting skill?

    Coswald Dirthmire (To Zone): Sara Dreygon: My Enchant/base Masterwork skills are all at 148-150, and are my highest. At level 170 + 30 from jewelry they cap out. (100%, 96%, 60%, 20%, 10% for chance to succeed, 1st-5th MW/Enc I believe)

    Sara Dreygon (To Zone): Thanks for that

    Dido (To Zone): Ah you use jewelry while crafting? COol

    Coswald Dirthmire (To Zone): Dido: Ah, for sure! The imbued jewels that drop off of crafting rings are a great boost to crafters, espeically starting out. They're pretty accessible and give a whopping +10 levels per slot.

    Dorn Slate (To Zone): At what point do you stop enchanting/MW a piece that you want to turn out really nice?

    Dido (To Zone): ANd what do you think is a reasonanby good durability?

    Robert Frost (To Zone): When MW/Enchanting an item that you have only 1 of (such as an Epic artie), what would you consider as the best "order" (MW/Enchant/Socket) ?

    Coswald Dirthmire (To Zone): Dorn Slate: Often times when I have to, since you can't add work to a piece that has 30 or less Max durability. Some items, like two handed weapons, might lose 55dur to a major though, so one has to be careful. I tollerate low dur gear though. When crafting for others I often stop with 60-100dur left, depending on the piece.

    Dido (To Zone): yes thx

    Coswald Dirthmire (To Zone): Dido: Durability is one of the things most down to taste though, and depends on the piece. A wand with 7 durability (I used one for months) can last 10x as long as a plate chest with 100 durability, by nature of how it gets used.

    Zandara Wildus (To Zone): yeah i can see a crafter who can make more gear of the same level or better not minding low durability, but others who pay for that gear would want to get their moneys worth ie higher durability

    Coswald Dirthmire (To Zone): Robert Frost: Usually hold off on the socket so it doesn't polute the encant table, unless you need e.g. Fire Damage and Atunement from an Embers gem. Order outside that depends on what is important. Usually for me it's Masterwork first, since an Epic Elf Slayer 40str and no Rend and Thrust Power is worth less to me than one with Rend and Thrust but 0 Str.

    Dirthmire (To Zone): Zandara Wildus: Yeah, it does become a factor. When I'm making things that will end up on a vendor I often leave them with more durability than I might for myself or folks I know who tollerate more frequent repairs in the name of a little extra stat.

    Dido (To Zone): thanks very much for your time, COwald!

    Robert Frost (To Zone): Regarding "Durable". I have a hard time using it, since using it takes you to a lower %chance on the next use.

    Robert Frost (To Zone): I should have said next try, not next use... sorry

    Coswald Dirthmire (To Zone): Robert Frost: I often agree, and use it more as an "out". If I don't get the masterwork I want, and it's there in the last window I can take it and get a free shot, even if it's at a dimished chance. One place I always take it is high end wands, since those are often worked to 4 or 5 enchants. I'd rather toss out 50% of them from a failed masterwork and give an extra Ench shot

    Coswald Dirthmire (To Zone): Some awesome questions! Happy to answer any more if folks have them, and we also have some prizes to hand out!

    Robert Frost (To Zone): The "long-winded" is the best part
  15. Pifester

    Pifester Bug Hunter

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    Middle of No-Where Alaska
    Sorry I missed this, but here is one small change:
    170 enchantment here: 100%, 100%, 60%, 20%, 10% are the chances I have when wearing a set of jewelry.
    Sonja, FrostII and Coswald_Dirthmire like this.
  16. FrostII

    FrostII Bug Hunter

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    Are you saying you have 170 enchantment PLUS MORE from the jewelry - or your enchantment is 170 with jewelry on ?
    Sonja likes this.
  17. Ysold

    Ysold Avatar

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    I wish! I would very much like to learn from such a session :)
  18. Pifester

    Pifester Bug Hunter

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    yes, 170 enchantment, with jewelry, its +30, so an effective skill of 200. Just shy of 1bill exp (955k)
    Sonja, FrostII, Barugon and 1 other person like this.
  19. Barugon

    Barugon Avatar

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    Very impressive! So, when you salvage a ring of Chrysopoeia, you get a jewel that provides +10 enchantment? Also, you can wear multiple items crafted from those jewels?

    [edit] My highest skill is 160 and that's an adventurer skill, so having 170 enchantment is massively impressive to me.
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2021
    Sonja and FrostII like this.
  20. Coswald_Dirthmire

    Coswald_Dirthmire Bug Hunter

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    Thanks for posting the transcript @Leucian! I also clipped the Q&A portion of yesterday's stream for anyone who would like to watch it there.
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