
Discussion in 'Ink NPC Dialogue Composition' started by Omnedon, May 26, 2023.

  1. Omnedon

    Omnedon Avatar

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    Just gonna toss this out there.. a few months ago I was working on an inkle script to do something, and I almost had it. Real life has kept me from being in game much but tonight at work I was tinkering around with Chat-gpt on one of my breaks. Just randomly I asked it if it knew inkle, it said it did. So… I told the ai what I had been trying to do and asked it to write an Inkle script for me.
    It took a few seconds but it spit out a complete inkle script for me.
    I haven’t tested it, but it looks correct.
    Just thought I’d share, if anyone is having problems, maybe an AI can help…

    Personally I think it could be awesome if all the NPC could be AI…
  2. Omnedon

    Omnedon Avatar

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    Here’s an example where I just ask it to write a script for a drunk in a tavern of course this reduces drink count which is t necessary but could be useful in something more advanced

    === Drunk's Dialogue ===

    === Start ===
    "Hiccup! Hey there, stranger. Care to share a drink with a good ol' drunk like me?"
    - "Sure, why not? Let's have a drink." -> OfferDrink
    - "I think I'll pass. I have other business to attend to." -> End

    === OfferDrink ===
    "Heh, that's the spirit! What'll it be, friend? Ale, wine, or something stronger?"
    - "Give me a pint of ale." -> DrinkAle
    - "I'll have a glass of wine." -> DrinkWine
    - "Pour me a shot of something strong." -> DrinkStrong
    - "Actually, I changed my mind. I'll pass." -> NoDrink

    === DrinkAle ===
    "A good choice! Here's your pint of ale, bottoms up!"
    - SET(aleCount, aleCount - 1) // Reduce available ale count by 1
    -> End

    === DrinkWine ===
    "Ah, a glass of wine it is. Enjoy!"
    - SET(wineCount, wineCount - 1) // Reduce available wine count by 1
    -> End

    === DrinkStrong ===
    "Coming right up, my friend. Brace yourself!"
    - SET(strongCount, strongCount - 1) // Reduce available strong drink count by 1
    -> End

    === NoDrink ===
    "No problem, stranger. More for me, I guess. Cheers!"
    -> End

    === End ===
    "Hiccup! Thanks for the company, friend. If you ever need a drink or a good laugh, you know where to find me."
  3. Winfield

    Winfield Legend of the Hearth

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    I don't have ChatGPT (I signed up a while ago and it said it was not accepting new accounts at the time).

    I tried https://bard.google.com/

    I don't get the detailed forks like you did in ChatGPT. I just got a relevant "story". Here's what I got with Bard.

    Query: write an inkle script for a fisherman


    * The fisherman rows his boat out to sea.
    * He casts his net and waits.
    * He watches the waves and the sky.
    * He thinks about his family and his home.
    * He hopes that he will catch a fish today.

    * Suddenly, he sees a large fish swimming near his boat.
    * He casts his net and catches the fish.
    * He is excited and happy to have caught such a large fish.
    * He rows back to shore with his catch.
    * He sells his fish at the market.
    * He uses the money to buy food for his family.
    * He is happy to have a job that provides for his family.

    * The next day, he goes out fishing again.
    * He casts his net and waits.
    * He watches the waves and the sky.
    * He thinks about his family and his home.
    * He hopes that he will catch a fish today.

    * Suddenly, he sees a large storm approaching.
    * He rows back to shore as fast as he can.
    * He arrives at the shore just as the storm hits.
    * The storm is so strong that it destroys his boat.
    * He is devastated and doesn't know what to do.

    * He walks home, wet and cold.
    * He arrives home and tells his family what happened.
    * His family is worried about him, but they are also proud of him for trying to save his boat.
    * The fisherman is determined to rebuild his boat.
    * He works hard every day and eventually rebuilds his boat.
    * He goes out fishing again and catches a large fish.
    * He is happy to have his boat back and to be able to provide for his family.

    What was your query statement(s) to ChatGPT to get that forked code response?

    Hugely interesting topic! Thanks!
  4. vulcanjedi

    vulcanjedi Bug Hunter

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    I asked bard to show me an ink script for playing tic tac toe and it produced the code for it. Looks nice and simple and all there. But it doesn't work in the inky editor Even simple scripts do not seem to have the right syntax to run correctly.
    Turk Key and Winfield like this.
  5. craftymethod

    craftymethod Avatar

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    If you guys are having trouble getting it to produce the correct syntax, I suggest using examples in the prompts of correct syntax code as examples.
    Last edited: May 28, 2023
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  6. Omnedon

    Omnedon Avatar

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    yeah I've been finding it's syntax can be corrected mostly just by telling it what's wrong and the correct way to do it. There's still some correcting to do, but still, it's potentially a massive time saver. Also, I've been playing with it creating NPC's. One I made yesterday surprised me. it told me it didn't trust the Oracle, and we shouldn't depend on avatars to save us... 0.o

    ask boothby what he thinks of the oracle

    You approach Boothby and ask him about his thoughts on the Oracle. He huffs and looks at you with a skeptical expression.

    Boothby: "Ah, the Oracle, eh? Well, I've seen my fair share of folks go gaga over that mysterious entity. Some say she's a beacon of virtue, guiding lost souls back on the path of righteousness. But me? I'm not so easily swayed by tales and prophecies."

    He pauses, scratching his beard thoughtfully before continuing.

    Boothby: "I reckon the Oracle is nothing more than smoke and mirrors, a cleverly crafted illusion meant to control the masses. People put too much faith in what they can't explain. But mark my words, there's always a hidden agenda behind these grand displays of power."

    He looks around cautiously, as if expecting someone to overhear his words.

    Boothby: "I've seen cities torn apart by the influence of the Oracle, blindly following her every word without questioning the motives behind them. It's dangerous, I tell ya. We should rely on our own judgment and not put our trust in some mysterious entity that may have ulterior motives."

    Boothby's tone is filled with skepticism and a hint of caution. It's clear that he doesn't hold the Oracle in high regard and sees her as a potential threat to individual autonomy and critical thinking.


    ask boothby about the avatar

    You approach Boothby again, curious to hear his thoughts on the Avatar. With a grumpy expression, he looks at you and responds.

    Boothby: "The Avatar, huh? That so-called champion of the people? Well, let me tell ya, I've seen my fair share of 'em come and go. They swoop in, promising to save the day and bring about change, but what do they really accomplish?"

    He pauses, as if recalling past experiences.

    Boothby: "They may have fancy titles and legendary artifacts, but in the end, they're just individuals with their own agenda. Some claim to fight for virtue and justice, but I've seen them make questionable decisions and alliances. Trust me, the Avatar isn't always what they're cracked up to be."

    He narrows his eyes, emphasizing his skepticism.

    Boothby: "I've seen the Avatar's influence lead to both good and bad outcomes. They may have the power, but that doesn't make them infallible. I prefer to trust in my own judgment and actions rather than rely on some supposed savior."

    His words carry a hint of bitterness, suggesting a deep-rooted distrust in the notion of relying on a single individual to bring about change.

    Boothby: "If you ask me, real change comes from the efforts of ordinary folks, working together to make a difference. We don't need some grand hero to solve our problems. We need unity, resilience, and a commitment to doing what's right."

    Boothby's perspective reflects a belief in the power of collective action and the skepticism towards relying solely on the Avatar to address societal challenges.
  7. Omnedon

    Omnedon Avatar

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    oh and this.. just perfect IMHO

    say to boothby - Do you not believe in the Virtues?

    You confront Boothby with a question about his belief in the Virtues. He lets out a gruff chuckle and meets your gaze.

    Boothby: "Believe in the Virtues? Well, let me tell you something, lad/lass. I've seen plenty of folks preach about the Virtues, but what does it really mean? Sure, they sound all noble and righteous, but they're just words on a parchment unless people actually live by them."

    He leans on his shovel, his expression unyielding.

    Boothby: "Don't get me wrong, I understand the concept of virtues like Honesty, Compassion, and the rest. They're fine ideals to aspire to, but in the real world, people aren't always so virtuous, are they? I've seen the greed, the deceit, and the selfishness that permeate through society."

    He pauses, his tone becoming slightly contemplative.

    Boothby: "Now, I ain't saying the Virtues have no value. They provide a moral compass, a guide to lead a good life. But let's not be naïve and think they alone can fix all the problems. It takes more than just words to bring about true change."

    Boothby's cynicism shines through his words, revealing a disillusionment with the idea that the Virtues alone can transform the world.

    Boothby: "If you want to make a difference, it's not enough to simply believe in the Virtues. You gotta embody them, live by 'em, and show others through your actions. Talk is cheap, lad/lass. It's what you do that matters."

    His gruff demeanor softens slightly, suggesting that while he may have doubts about the Virtues, he still acknowledges their importance in shaping one's character.

    Boothby: "So, you can keep on preaching about the Virtues if you like, but remember, it's actions that speak louder than words. Show me what you're made of, and maybe then we'll have something to talk about."

    With a challenging glint in his eyes, Boothby challenges you to prove the value of the Virtues through your own actions rather than mere words.
    Winfield, Sentinel2, Turk Key and 2 others like this.
  8. craftymethod

    craftymethod Avatar

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    Great read, this kind of encounter or even as some serialised story in word or spoken even with some midjourney images would be very cool.

    Good luck!
    Turk Key likes this.
  9. Winfield

    Winfield Legend of the Hearth

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    Yes, yes a great read indeed!

    Boothby seems to be a suspicious and cautious person while suspecting there are hidden motives and shortcomings with respect to the Oracle, Avatar, and the Virtues.

    I wonder if there are topics Boothby would hold in higher regard without suspicions. Maybe ask him about "fishing" and see if the response is "positive", or do the fish have ulterior motives, are hard to catch because fishermen don't know what they are doing, etc.

    I guess what I am looking for is a topic and response that turns out to not be skeptical. I wonder what the topics might be and what his responses would be like. After all, he must have some rose-colored glasses somewhere!

    Just some thoughts. Very interesting!