R1 10th anniversary cloak?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Duke Olahorand, Jan 29, 2024.

  1. Morkin

    Morkin Bug Hunter

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    Northern Germany
    Umi, I understand your point of view, for me the time isn't optimal too. I get up at 4 a.m. and the stream is at 11 p.m. in my time zone.
    But this was a special item for the stream.
    On the streams you see so many player, that you don't see the rest of the month. Some came for the game and want to see its ongoing. But I think some of them came for special items only.
    I remeber the trouble with the LB birthday shield. There were players who try to get as much shields as possible. A day later you find some shields in the vendors.
    IMHO this is not the way, that makes items special.
    I'm often upset, that I don't get any founder Items, but this is my problem, because I notice the game to late. For sure I wish, I was a gamer of the first hour. But time mashines only exists in SotA not in real life.
    Maybe the devs create a cloak for the players, that shows how long they are subcriber. That would show how long you support the game.
    @Barugon May you find someone, who sells his cloak for an acceptable prize
    jrs99 likes this.
  2. ConjurerDragon

    ConjurerDragon Avatar

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    Similar for me in EU timezone. Livestreams are often not at times I can watch - and not knowing that someone comes up with an unannounced idea during a livestream that involves doing something during that livestream...

    If you want to advertise buying COTO´s - sure do. But why do we have a forum in which even players announce contests in advance when the devs don´t use it to announce something like that in advance? Doing something in only one of several possible informationchannels (e.g. discord, livestream, forum, ingamechat) is limiting the audience. Requiring something to be bought in the limited time of a livestream is limiting the number of customers further.
    Adam Crow, FrostII, Winfield and 2 others like this.
  3. FrostII

    FrostII Bug Hunter

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    Very good question, @ConjurerDragon !
    Lightning2 and Duke Gréagóir like this.
  4. Sentinel2

    Sentinel2 Avatar

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    I made similar comments about some of the ESO streams where I've missed out on free in game stuff.

    What do other game companies do? So far I haven't seen much when it comes to rares. And there are years of rare items I'm unable to get.

    But seriously? Games besides ESO, what do they do to solve this? I'm curious if it will work for SOTA...
    FrostII likes this.
  5. Ravalox

    Ravalox Chief Cook and Bottle Washer Moderator SOTA Developer

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    Dallas, TX
    As was noted earlier in this thread, and explained on stream (which is available on our YouTube channel), The Anniversary cloak offer was not planned. This was an ad hoc, off the cuff offer for folks who purchased a 10K COTO pack on the website during the stream (which we then internally expanded to include the entire day of the stream). This was specifically stated as being intended as the only way to ever get the cloak. This cloak will not be put in the Crown Store, Web Store, Crown Vault, or offered in any way through Official SotA or Catnip Channels. This is an intended rare item, which can be traded between players.

    The constructive sentiments stated in this thread have been heard and though there is no doubt we will have 'on the fly' offers in the future, the anniversary event is complete and we are into our Spring Dev Cycle. We will ensure moving forward that there is a published window to allow those who could not be present an opportunity to participate; possibly in the way of something like the suggested banner.
  6. Barugon

    Barugon Avatar

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    I don't recall seeing anyone asking for the cloak to be offered in the crown store. My point was that I wasn't able to watch the stream live and had no way to know that it was even being offered until I watched the stream the next day, which was too late.

    [edit] It's not a huge deal. I just felt like it was a bit unfair to those who couldn't watch the stream live and had no other way to know about it.
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2024
    Sentinel2, FrostII and Lightning2 like this.
  7. ConjurerDragon

    ConjurerDragon Avatar

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    That is a start. :thumbs up:
    Lightning2 and FrostII like this.
  8. Umi

    Umi Avatar

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    "The Anniversary cloak offer was not planned. This was an ad hoc, off the cuff offer for folks who purchased a 10K COTO pack..."

    This is the problem, why there is unplanned / ad hoc offer of an item (that is not available in other ways), which is not properly announced in the website. This is not the right way a game open for public should behave.

    Unlike raffle / discount, which other players can achieve the same thing (obtain those things with higher price in game / store for e.g.), so from perspective "what the player could be able to get / enjoy", they can still do it. But if the cloak is not available in any other way, then it makes a difference to the players. Or in other words, players are forced to join the livestream if they want to be able / have the chance to enjoy everything in the game.
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2024