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the chaos tree

Discussion in 'Release 28 Feedback Forum' started by Xi_, Apr 12, 2016.

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  1. Xi_

    Xi_ Avatar

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    Jade Valley
    Confusion- one of my favorite abilities in this game, have loved it since day one, no complaints.

    chaos bolt, it totally sucks, even if theres' an innate that reduces the negatives completely it is a useless glyph in my opinion, your not taking it for damage output and chances are you have enough variety in your deck to not need the random damage , just not working out at all in if you ask me

    juxtapose- a huge disappointment, nothing you can do with is going to make a difference, its combos suck. I really loved the idea of this glyph when it was introduced.

    chaotic clone-disappointment, so is disorderly displacement.

    torpid torment- never works and doesnt seem to need to be leveled beyond level 1 when it does, unless you need multiple copies of it in your deck.

    Tabula rasa- cost to much focus and seems to have some sort of stacking limitation during cooldown? I can't figure out whether its a bug or not. I really like this glyph though

    chaotic feedback- i really liked it, when it worked lol, but it does need balancing.

    summon Daemon- as with other summons, sucks, the only real benefit to dumping skill points into a summon is to save money on reagent, pfft. as is, unless the summon is a prerequisit for something else I need i will lock it at level 1. lol

    This tree is a mess in my opinion, there are so many things I want to do with it but can't because everything is broken. Given that this tree was suppose to be a pvp oriented tree it comes to no suprize to me that the pvp community doesn't see the devs giving pvp the development time it deserves.
  2. Browncoat Jayson

    Browncoat Jayson Legend of the Hearth

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    Juxtapose suffers from the lack of spellweaving combos; even though it has the most of any other skill, there just are not enough to justify taking it right now.

    Chaos does suffer from the removal of its innates. If its completely focused on being random, then there needs to be some control over the randomness. Its capstone ability is also the weakest; Control Daemon? This should have been the prerequisite for Summon Daemon, not the other way around. And there needs to be a lot more daemons in the world for it to justify being a separate ability. Perhaps move this to an innate along with Control Chaos to help fluctuate the more randomized elements and increase their damage range, so there is an actual reason to specialize in Chaos magic.

    Chaos Bolt is great in theory, but as you noted it is really not better than any of the other arrow spells. What I'd love to see, but is probably unlikely, is making this an innate (or long-lasting self-buff) that automatically applies to any other arrow spell you cast and adds ransom elements to them (additional physical damage, stuns, slows, applying juxtapose effects, etc).
    Moonshadow likes this.
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