QoL Features I would like to see - how about you?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Serena Strangelove, May 5, 2017.

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  1. Serena Strangelove

    Serena Strangelove Avatar

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    These are some Quality of Life features that I wished were in-game during my most recent play session - certainly not an exhaustive list for me, but they just occurred to me as I played, so jotted them down.

    QoL features are probably last on the list of things to be done, but it's good to throw them out there, all the same, since they can make the gaming experience so much better for many people.

    1. Ability to hide helm
    2. Option for timestamps in Chat
    3. Allow more customization in chat - changing colors of chat text for instance (I can hardly read the dark blue names)
    4. Have the Guard NPC's in main towns give locations of specific NPC's when asked (for example, down by the docks, in the market square, etc.)
    5. Under the Video Options panel, add tooltips to the settings with a simple description (these already exist in the UI Options panel)
    6. Ability to customize UI by moving UI elements (For instance, as a new player I would move the "low on ammo" and "out of ammo" alerts down closer to my combat bar. I also like to have my own avatar's health/focus bars and buffs, as well as my target's, located close to my combat hotbars. Just personal preference.)
    7. Decrease loading screen times (I realize this will likely be part of an ongoing optimization push until launch, but it seems to have gotten worse for me between R40 and R41)
    8. This may just be me, but I have a difficult time "opening" the chests in my home - I get the "This container is in use" box, have to keep double clicking to actually open the chest.
    9. This may break immersion for some (I don't tend to be "immersed", but still totally enjoy the world) - but perhaps some sort of chat sound to indicate if someone "whispered" me in chat? (I'm used to this in other games, perhaps why I miss it here.)
    Sentinel2, Tamsen, Zader and 6 others like this.
  2. Browncoat Jayson

    Browncoat Jayson Legend of the Hearth

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    This seems to happen when you accidentally drag the chest you are trying to open. I recommend you map a key to the Toggle Deco Mode (I use Pause/Break above the PageUp key, as its out of the way). Then you can toggle this off and not get that message anymore. If you need to place something in your home, toggle it back on.

    Everything else would be great to see eventually. I don't think any of the polish for release, which should include these types of options, has been done yet.
  3. Bowen Bloodgood

    Bowen Bloodgood Avatar

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    Caer Dracwych
    This one has been brought up a lot. The issue is being able to hide gear in PvP.

    Guards already do this kind of thing to some extent. Pretty sure this feature is incomplete but it does work for some NPCs.

    I've always wanted to move some things on to my desktop so I could put it on a 2nd monitor entirely. :) Doubt we'll see that though.
  4. melonjelly

    melonjelly Avatar

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    @Serena Strangelove

    Just wanted to say I am 100% all of those.

    Easy enough to fix. When PVP flagged, force re-show helm and lock the option. This would also work well if they ever added a fashion system (fashion slots, "glamours", or whatever.) Flagged = disables hide helm and/or hypothetical fashion slots.
  5. Milkdrop

    Milkdrop Avatar

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    1. Yea I would love to hide my headgear as well, to be fair there is nothing nice looking out there that can get nice stats nor is there a good eternal pattern around that suits my tastes, so I would prefer to just go with my hair. v.v
    I get the "but if you have something in the slot it can't be invisible" realism thing, but comon... we can shoot fireballs from our hands, can we do that in reality? No. :p
    So casting a invsibility spell on a piece of headgear should be no problem.... make it an enchantment that takes one of each gem for all I care.

    2 - 3. Oh yea, that would be nifty.

    9. Well, if the sound is optional then the people who don'T like it can turn it off, immersion saved! whew ^^`

    Thats the things I think can be done quick without must dev time anyhow I think.

    The rest sounds great too, but loading times for example fall under performance and that will be worked on anyhow (I hope :p ) even if it fell short in R41.
  6. Stundorn

    Stundorn Avatar

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    Estgard/ Cologne
    1. Uncertain, immersion breaking but maybe ok... Edit: ya it's totally ok of i think over. But for pvp it need to be active!
    2, 3 Yes
    4 PLEASE, i want to ask the guard where the next Bus Stop is. Seriously, if we can ask Guard for Town Criers, vendors, Bankers this would be awesome.
    5,6,7 yes
    8 use E, helps me a lot, but dont be impatient, if you press 2 times, it loads everything into your inventory -
    aka (E) take all
    8 i am a pure and almost fulltime Roleplayer and Immersion Addict and i see no immersion Problem with it.
    Either i use this ooc or iC.
    If someone whisper me, send me a ooc notice or if someone contact me iC via thoughtless transfer i should be get aware of it, even if i am in combat and loose concentration etc...
    It's i no way immersionbreaking and less a "immersion problem" than a hidden Helmet. And i am sure one of the hardcore immersion RP players ;)
  7. Kitty2

    Kitty2 Avatar

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    Nice list, @Serena Strangelove , and good topic!
    1. Interactive Servants/ Pets at home - would love to have some basic routines like "turn on lights" or "make noise if visitor."
    2. Selection of Vendor Template - It looks like the a poor man's remake of the old movie "Multiplicity" out there with the Player Vendors! (Kobold "kloning" gone wrong?? ;)) We need some variety!
    3. Emotes that can be Hot-Keyed - I'd like to pull 1 or 2 emotes down to my hotbar for idling while I heal up or AFK for a minute in town... heck, just for quick fun and role-play! :D
    4. Uniformity in Stacks of Items - perhaps I can best explain this with an example: as an alchemist, I can transfer a stack of Garlic from my pack to a container with no issue. But to transfer my Empty Flasks, I must use the Shift Key (which often fails for some reason?) or drag them one-by-one! Why not have them moved by the same rules?
    5. Guards Up in My Business - For as useless as they are in preventing actual crimes like the slaughter of farm animals or hapless PvPer's, guards have an annoying tendency to gather in my personal space. My first visit to Brittany Fields recently was memorable because as I stood talking to the banker, a guard came up and planted himself behind me, another came up and did the same at my side! I had to push through one to leave, earning a "Hey, don't push me!" for my (necessary!) trouble! What's with the guards' issue with personal space?
    6. Speaking of Guards - Make them useful! Give them a field of vision, and if a crime takes place within it, have them arrest the offender! This will deter crimes within patrolled areas, and allow thief RPGers to enjoy finding loopholes in the protection schemes.
  8. Alley Oop

    Alley Oop Bug Hunter Bug Moderator

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    turn deco mode off. if you have deco mode on and try to move something that can be placed as deco, like a flask, it assumes you want to put one down as deco and only grabs one. garlic is not yet placeable as deco, so it isn't affected (yet).
    Serena Strangelove and Time Lord like this.
  9. Time Lord

    Time Lord Avatar

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    ~SOTA Monk~ ~Monastery~ ~Thailand~
    "An issue well pointed out Sir Bowen!"


    To me...
    :rolleyes: These are the most damaging two words in our game's creation concerns that we have always encountered throughout our game's creation.

    I enjoy PvP and have great concern for it, yet I feel it has taken away so much of our creation programing time because it always insists on being the major focus on every issue of our game.


    If we must "always" resort to killing each other for fun, then this is a failing of our game to be able to create entertaining content which could hold our attention.

    :D I LOVE PVP!!! :D
    Yet when every single issue which concerns our game revolves around this issue's insistent attention to be addressed "RIGHT NOW!"... "Then you know nothing about combat at all, because it's the stage that sets every point which could be entertaining about any PvP combat". To mention even the creation of an edible donut in our game, somehow always has some attached issue from the PvP issue committee of how it would effect PvP issues "in the now and not in the there after".

    PvP is the succubus which continues to drain our gaming skill sets, environmental, or stage setting issues. All PvP entertainment in the entire world of real life, as well as gaming, depends on the stage or environment where it is to take place, and does not depend on a blank slate which needs more PvP content to be enjoyed.

    If we need more PvP issues being addressed, then we need first to look at how our game has failed to entertain us, and add PvP or address it's issues only after the main stage has been set where it could better flourish from.

    PvP is a succubus issue which only wants it's satisfaction "in the now" before anything is ever created and always there after. It's a greedy B#%$%$$ with no self control or regard to any other want or need.

    So... :rolleyes: Do you think she wants to wait for any game's environment creation?
    Or do you think she just wants to do it right there on the Elite Gaming Center's floor o_O?

    We must get back to knowing when it's better to address our game's PvP issues when we are in the midst of creating our gaming environment and other entertainment issues...

    "or PvP is going to continue to suck our game funding and programing dry, depriving us of so many good gaming features"
    Because "it" always needs insistent, immediate changes and balancing issues applied at a constant rate of wanting them o_O...
    ~Time Lord~:)
    Popotato and cyathome like this.
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