Crazy PVP idea,probably impossible

Discussion in 'PvP Gameplay' started by Doctorface, Mar 5, 2018.

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  1. Doctorface

    Doctorface Avatar

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    Disclaimer: I don't PVP but I think about it from time to time. This is one of those ideas I have been kicking around in my skull.

    Ambush Trap:
    An item or skill that can be used by PVP players on the overworld map that will render them invisible untill they move. When a player who is PVP flagged walks into this person it transport the user and captured player into a zone like a road encounter with a pop up that says "You have been ambushed on the road". It then spawns you in a PVP designed zone in a random spot where you either have to fight or perform a specific action to escape the zone (perhaps a fort map with a drawbridge that has to be opened via a remote switch or a 'cave' that you need to trigger a rope to drop down and climb out)

    I think this would go a long way to making PVP more enjoyable,creating a 1v1 zone that can be used to attack and gather items from a captured player. If a skill the zone would have a 'kill limit' that,when reached on either side the zone would kick players out,and the attackers 'ambush level' could increase the kill limit making it take potentially more profitable. The 'way out' would be a decent way for people to not be forced to fight if they are new to PVP and got ambushed by a higher tiered player while travelling.

    An additional skill for the 'ambush' tree could be 'party ambush' where if the ambusher is in a party the party is sent a notice that 'your party leader has ambushed another player,follow?' and would also ping players in the 'ambushee' party the same way as long as the party members are on the world map. The same rules would apply as far as leveling goes.

    The spawns would be random,as I said and the ankh's int he zone would all be Chaos Ankh's to help counter respawn camping. I think these quick matches would be a hit and help with the 'pvp anywhere' crowd whilst making PVPers have to stay on their toes EVEN on the world map,lest they be ambushed and unprepared.

    So that's my Idea,again I don't PVP and I don't know how possible this would be,but I did a lot of thinking on it. What does the PVP community think?
    Elrond, Dhanas and that_shawn_guy like this.
  2. Weins201

    Weins201 Avatar

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    and how would you handle this for a new player flagged and or 5 people waiting to gank - just another way to make player even more unwilling to PvP.

    Caters to the ganker mindset.
  3. that_shawn_guy

    that_shawn_guy Bug Hunter

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    earth... mostly
    i can see something like this making guild vs guild pvp much more interesting.
    Doctorface and Elrond like this.
  4. Doctorface

    Doctorface Avatar

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    Weins201: Simple,don't make the zone shield joinable and make the 'Party Ambush' not target solo players, not to mention the 'kill limit' would make losses minimal. Ganking shouldn't be an issue with some small tweaks.

    That_Shawn_Guy: I agree,when you can park outside of,say, north midmaer way with your ambush skill armed and primed and a guild you are at war with comes by you nab them in and have them alone.

    This would also incentivize people to target players and learn the way they traverse the map to chose optimal ambush sites.
    that_shawn_guy likes this.
  5. Robby

    Robby Avatar

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    Hmmmm im all for it especially if the instance generated is loaded with treasure, ore, lumber and high amounts to fight thw other player for. Maybe even some random undead spawns to spice things up a bit =p
    Doctorface likes this.
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