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A couple of issues with COURAGE questline....

Discussion in 'Quests, Conversations, & NPC's' started by Synergy Blaize, Aug 1, 2019.

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  1. Synergy Blaize

    Synergy Blaize Avatar

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    Australia- The Land Down Under
    I am running through these quests with an alt.
    None of these issues are game-breaking, however they have been in-game since I did this quest as a genuine Newbie over a Year ago.

    Firstly, In Valhold Palace, when talking with Grannus, Essens name is in CAPITAL letters and has "?"'s at either end.


    I also noted this at the final conversation with Grannus at the end of the Courage Questline.
    It seems that Lord Ferig is also ?questionable? :p


    Secondly, also in Valhold Palace, the questline requires me to speak with both Essen & Mara.
    They each want to talk privately, so they ask me to follow them.

    They both are "Masters of Silly Walks"!
    (Also, as is already known, very looong & frustratingly sloow walks)

    After following Mara to the bedroom to talk, she walks too far & doubles back to her conversation spot.

    When I agree to follow Essen, he performs the same manoeuvre, before we head off on the long walk upstairs.

    Both of their actions are reminiscent of how we used to go walkabout, to get to a harvesting node.
    (Which has recently been rectified)

    Area: Novia_R10_Valhold_Palace/Step1
    Area Display Name: Valhold Palace
    Loc: (202.6, 30.1, 232.2)

    Lastly, when zoning in to "Ferig's Battle Camp", when my Avatar appears, I am facing towards the exit, rather than facing the zone ahead.
    I was on "auto-pilot" & instead of heading into the zone, I ran out of the zone. Doh! :oops:

    Area: Novia_R10_Forest01_FerigsBattleCamp/Default
    Area Display Name: Ferig's Battle Camp
    Loc: (-47.1, 29.8, 126.0)

    Last edited: Aug 1, 2019
    Arya Stoneheart and Jaesun like this.
  2. Sannio

    Sannio Lead Quest and Level Designer Moderator SOTA Developer

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    Thanks for the report! Issue #65467
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