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Aerie entrances mis-labeled

Discussion in 'World Building, Scenes, Environment, & Overworld' started by Elwyn, Jan 20, 2018.

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  1. Elwyn

    Elwyn Avatar

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    San Antonio, TX
    1/20/2018 7:28 AM
    Title: Aerie entrances mis-labeled
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    User Specs:
    OS: Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (6.1.7601) 64bit
    CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4790 CPU @ 3.60GHz (8) System RAM: 24482
    GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750 Ti GPU RAM: 1993
    Area: Novia
    Area Display Name: Novia
    Loc: (-470.0, 12.2, -209.7)
    Debug: Tm92aWF8fCgtNDcwLjA0NywgMTIuMjQxLCAtMjA5LjcxNSl8KDAsIC0wLjk1OCwgMCwgMC4yODYpfDIxNC4zNDE2fDI4LjUyMTQ3fDIw

    (I reported this a few months ago, but never got a reply, nor has it been fixed)
    Two of the entrances in Aerie are mis-labeled. They are "Northwest Gate" and "Southeast Gate", which are actually at the Northeast and Southwest of town. They are both mis-named on the overworld, and inside the scene as well, both on the POIs and on the travel signs, such as this one:
    Area: Aerie (Novia_R7_City_Aerie) Loc: (-68.2, 28.0, -103.2) DBG: Tm92aWFfUjdfQ2l0eV9BZXJpZXx8KC02OC4yNDQsIDI4LjAxMiwgLTEwMy4yMDgpfCgwLCAwLjAwNiwgMCwgMSl8MC44OTQ0Njc1fDI3LjE0OTM3fDQuNzM5NjU4

    Really, due to where they are, "South Gate" and "East Gate" might be more appropriate.

    Steps to Reproduce:
    Go to Aerie on the overworld, choose the Southeast gate, then stand just inside the gate at the following loc and note that the POI of "Southeast Gate" is west of south. Then open up the map and notice that you are most definitely in the southwest corner of town.
    Area: Aerie (Novia_R7_City_Aerie) Loc: (-197.2, 27.9, 235.0) DBG: Tm92aWFfUjdfQ2l0eV9BZXJpZXx8KC0xOTcuMjM1LCAyNy45MDgsIDIzNS4wMil8KDAsIDAuNjkyLCAwLCAtMC43MjIpfC04Ny40MTM3NHwxNC4wMTI1OHw0LjczOTY1OA==
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