Archer Crit Broken?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Pounce, Mar 24, 2018.

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  1. Pounce

    Pounce Avatar

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    I made an Marple cotton string longbow, regarding materials and receipts needed the simplest bow.
    Then i made an Crimson pine supple leather longbow, kinda a little bit more involved given the receipt for the bow comes from rare loot plus extra materials not that common.

    The supposed extra crit does not show though, not in an degree to offset the connton string with faster draw and the one point extra ppossible base damage.

    I even added flurry but still there is no sensation of the extra "ommph" one would expect with an bow that has basical 5% extra crit chance.

    I do not expect an uba death stick but.... running around finding an rare receipt, burning a lot of rare mats making it.... I would expect an result like i need one arrow less to drop an critter.. something like that.

    I need to run logs through calculator and such but as it looks an simpler bow with one point more base damage beats an more complicated bow with higher crit.
  2. MrBlight

    MrBlight Avatar

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    Cit chance by bow is % of ure base.
    So if your base is 10%. And you have +30%crit chance..
    Your total crit is 13%.

    Its poorly written or explained.. and caused lot of confusion montjs ago when first changed.

    If i remembe4 it was like 130 dex before addint crit over base dmg was worth it.
  3. Pounce

    Pounce Avatar

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    I think it it kinda questionable to add receipts to the game for an bow that prett much is pointless then, i hope they do a little more work so that we do not poke with sticks into dark holes to figure things out.

    I am now close to an proficient bow user, i should be able to "see" the qualities of an bow.

    I did read the complete documentation of sota (yes i am aware it is not an finnished product) but given they want to go public soonish there should be some little bit of feedback about things.
    to add.. i have armor weakpoints, 70ish dex and draw strength and so on, but base damage and crit of bows in description has not changed yet, so i took it for weapon, not char relatet stats)

  4. Diab Blackbow

    Diab Blackbow Avatar

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    I don't even know if critical chance is still a percentage. ....
  5. Echondas

    Echondas Bug Hunter Bug Moderator

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  6. the Lacedaemonian

    the Lacedaemonian Avatar

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    The critical hit chance is complicated by interactions with several factors that mitigate its efficacy.

    Let's focus on Ranged Combat, as it is different for other melee skills. This math I'm using could be outdated, because it was explained in a post by Chris after RELEASE THIRTY-FOUR. A long damn time ago.

    [(Armor Weak Points Crit Chance)+(Weapon Base Crit Chance)+(Dexterity/10)]*(1+Total Additive Weapon Crit Chance)

    Le's plug in my stats. 120 Armor Weak Points, 5% Base Weapon Crit on Archery weapons, and 220 Dexterity. I have 10% Weapon Crit from Air Specialization and 10% Weapon Crit from my most used Longbow.

    [(7.5)+(5)+(22)]*1.2=41.4% Crit Chance. Sounds pretty sweet, right? Well, I don't observe that. There are things that I am not aware of mitigating and it is not commonly understood that the displayed "percents" for successes and failures ACTUALLY represent a result for "Ignoring all mitigating factors". The math has undergone a lot of changes for combat since that release, and very recently we melee combatants definitely noticed a sharp drop in observed critical hit frequency.

    So we will eventually be moving away from "percents" since they tend to give too much control of an encounter to the savvy powergamer and take it away from the target (which is not ideal for PVP). Very quickly about PVP: some people scoff at it as not to their taste, but, I suspect that is because it was a painful experience for them. You'll find in SOTA that the vast majority of PVPers are kind, helpful, reputable individuals who stand for things and don't automatically try to attack on sight any viable target. And if they do behave dishonorably and disrespectfully, it's almost certainly because they are in character and want you to hate them. :D I digress.

    In other words, it's all in transition from one old totality of a system into a newer more holistic approach. It's going to take more fine-tuning to suss out a good balance.

    This is the cost of a deliciously-intricate and customizable combat system that lets you play with wonderfully atypical skill builds. I would never classify this thing as broken, it's merely in transition.
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2018
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  7. Pounce

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    I do not know, If i make an marple cotton string bow (simplest bow) it does outperform an hard pine supple leather string bow (pretty much hardest if you do not go for elven stuff)
    That is kinda broken (working harder for less)

    "normal" in DnD settings is you trade base damage for crit chance.

    I would not say much if they do away with criticals and instead focus on speed and base damage with bow building, that would make much more sense.

    Make weakpoints, Dex, choice of wood and so on all influence bow base damage, choice of string range and speed (so you choose from base damage and speed versus per hit damage) and we have an logical systhem where you trade speed versus base damage.

    THAT systhem would make sense in like that i use an fast shooting bow on casters to disrupt and an powerfull slow bow on other critters.

    As it is right now i keep carpenting at skill 60 because it is totally good for making the simplest longbow the receipts offer and be done with it.

    As it is now there is no point in experimenting or advancing in skill because it is blunt "You get base damage, period"

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  8. Pounce

    Pounce Avatar

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    How i would envision bows

    Dex influences aim and damage (you hit and as higher dex you hit more vital parts)
    Str minor influence on base damage (you can draw heavier bows)
    Wood choice Damage versus precision (more pounds on the draw but less precision because heavyer draw limits precision)
    String range speed and base damage (thin quick string can not take as much draw as heavy slow string)

    That would allow an pretty complex archery on few variables, i can go for an archer that turns mobs into porcupines or puncture real heavy armor with single shots, go fr mage/archer suprressive fire or try to take them out one shot
  9. Diab Blackbow

    Diab Blackbow Avatar

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    I use hard maple and rock maple bows with imbued strings and do great. Critical chance was nerfed especially from the back. Stacking damage seems to be the way to go.
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  10. Diab Blackbow

    Diab Blackbow Avatar

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  11. Pounce

    Pounce Avatar

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    That is kinda meh, they should have put some other trade off systhem into place if they do not like crits, right now it is an wishwashi mid level bow (if one takes crafting skill to make it into account, if one can grab an elf string and that was about it. No making choices between base versus crit damage, no real trade off what to use (range? I got range if i want to be proficient)
    I mean i can enchant my bow for some magic but i go archer and stealth so meh again. I pray they consider to really overwork the systhem to make it so you have to do tactical choices, BE AN PROF at your choosen profession, use knowledge to do things.
    As is there is not much beside making an bow with lots of ouch stats on it and pelt critters with .. the same arrows.... from level one up to open end???
    I mean at least pine versus maple arrows could be an "thing"

  12. Diab Blackbow

    Diab Blackbow Avatar

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    The critical strike chance change ruined my play style and I have not really had fun playing ranged since. I am hoping that they make changes in the future. These are the bows I use and they don't cost much and I can clear a ton content and score Aim Shot critical hits over 1k.

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  13. Pounce

    Pounce Avatar

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    I am working my way up to sticking that many MC on something but then i am hunting mostly in tier 3 right now so my 10% damage plus with one on it does work out already quite well, as soon chances are better than 50% i will try to aff to mine, naturally (i try to make bows i use myself so it is not that much an quickly done project)
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