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"As a point of interest, the rift now appears on your compass as well." - but it doesn't

Discussion in 'Quests, Conversations, & NPC's' started by Wintermute of CoF, Sep 29, 2017.

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  1. Wintermute of CoF

    Wintermute of CoF Avatar

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    London, United Kingdom
    29/09/2017 23:40
    Title: Isle of Storms - "As a point of interest, the rift now appears on your compass as well." - but it doesn't
    Reproduction Rate: 1/1
    Blocker? N
    Details: Player is told to look for compass POI, but no such POI exists
    Steps to Reproduce: Create new character, visit Oracle, leave
    User Specs:
    OS: Linux 4.12 Fedora 25 64bit
    CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6500 CPU @ 3.20GHz (4) System RAM: 32097
    GPU: GeForce GTX 1060 6GB/PCIe/SSE2 GPU RAM: 6144
    Area: IsleOfStorms/Begin
    Area Display Name: Isle of Storms
    Loc: (-22.2, 16.3, -8.7)
    Debug: SXNsZU9mU3Rvcm1zfEJlZ2lufCgtMjIuMTcxLCAxNi4yOTgsIC04LjczMyl8KDAsIDAuMzY0LCAwLCAwLjkzMil8NDAuMTYxNDV8My45MzY4MTV8My40Mzc3MDE=


    Still no POI

    Area: Isle of Storms (IsleOfStorms/Begin) Loc: (-11.0, 23.5, 7.6) DBG: SXNsZU9mU3Rvcm1zfEJlZ2lufCgtMTAuOTY1LCAyMy41MzgsIDcuNTc5KXwoMCwgLTAuMzMzLCAwLCAwLjk0Myl8LTQyLjU3NDZ8LTAuNjAzNTYzNnwzLjQzNzcwMQ==


    POI now appears, in case you've not spotted it yet :)

    Area: Isle of Storms (IsleOfStorms/Begin) Loc: (-16.4, 25.6, 13.7) DBG: SXNsZU9mU3Rvcm1zfEJlZ2lufCgtMTYuMzg2LCAyNS42MDgsIDEzLjcxNil8KDAsIC0wLjMzOSwgMCwgMC45NDEpfC0zOS4yNzgzNXwwLjkzNjE2NDR8My40Mzc3MDE=

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