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/assist doesn't seem to be working in R31

Discussion in 'Release 31 Bug Forum' started by agra, Jul 20, 2016.

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  1. agra

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    This does not appear to be working any more in R31, so if it's been removed as a feature, feel free to move this post to feedback.

    Example. In a group with playerx and playery, without a target, I am playery and I type ' /assist playerx ' and nothing happens. No reticle. No selected target.
    Similarly.. In a group, I am playery and I have playerx targeted, I use ' /assist ' and nothing happens. I don't get a target. No reticle. Nothing.
    Finally, looking through the key bindings, there is no hotkey for assist that can be mapped.

    I suspect with all the recent targeting changes, /assist wasn't updated to use the new reticle system, if /assist in general hasn't been dropped as a feature (which is fine, again, then move this to feedback)
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