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Avatar menus at the worst possible times

Discussion in 'Release 25 Bug Forum' started by Tahru, Jan 17, 2016.

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  1. Tahru

    Tahru Avatar

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    One thing I have noticed is that when I am in party, I am constantly prompted in the middle of combat to leave the group. While I am sure this is user error, I am also sure that this is because the game is not understanding the user input.

    In detail, I am a chronic user of both mouse buttons to move and move the camera. That is a long earned discipline from many MMO's which this game seems to support. But in combat, I am always loosing the target in this game which forces a lot of double clicking. I have been trying to relearn how to play with WASD, but it is hard faught. Most concerning is that not all people will be as dedicated as I to stop using the double button movement.

    The most agrivating part is that when I am teaming with people, I am literally constantly prompted to leave the group.

    I cannot prioritize this in gaming as I do not not have the insight of the developers, but I have almost 30 years developing software professionally and if I am having troubles with this, it just might be something to look at, at least a little.
    Ice Queen likes this.
  2. Elwyn

    Elwyn Avatar

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    I'm going to guess that you are being affected by the (very known) mouse look bug where right-clicking to move the camera causes objects to act as though they were clicked on as they pass under the cursor location. This is also a problem with people who use pets.

    The next release is a week away, a lot of stuff is going to get fixed. (And we will get all new bugs to report! The fun never stops!)
    Bodhbh Dearg likes this.
  3. Bodhbh Dearg

    Bodhbh Dearg Avatar

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    I agree, it is a nuisance, but also a known bug...

    What I feel is worse is that popups are modal and in the middle of your screen... Let's say I am fighting the Troll to give the rest of the party the chance to sneak past, and the party leader leaves the scene...
    I get a modal popup asking me whether I want to leave the scene too... Nice thought, but while it is up, my avatar is disabled, and before I get a chance to click yes (or no), the Troll attacks and kills me! *Whoops*
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