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b364 - Scene remains "cleaned" after returning from overland

Discussion in 'Release 25 Bug Forum' started by Spoon, Jan 12, 2016.

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  1. Spoon

    Spoon Avatar

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    1/13/2016 12:01 AM
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    So me and one more player partied up and went into the GraffGemMines scene. We cleaned it out completely off MOBs and such.
    Another player wanted to adventure, so we sent a Party invite.
    Then we who were in the scene did the Exit to Menu>Exit to Login>Login>Overland map.
    So that the new player could zone etc.
    After that we went through the GraffMinesEntrance scene and into the mine again.
    - it was still cleaned out - no Kobolds or other MOBs.
    So we ran back to the exit, exited properly to the Entrance. Kicked out the party leader, formed a new party and went in again.
    -Same result cleaned out - no MOBs

    Steps to Reproduce:
    User Specs:
    OS: Windows 8.1 (6.3.0) 64bit
    CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4710HQ CPU @ 2.50GHz (8) System RAM: 16297
    GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 860M GPU RAM: 3987
    Area: Graff Gem Mines
    Loc: (-16.9, -10.1, 37.2)

    We also had the old issues:

    The Graff Family Necklace, drops over and over even if all have finished the Quest for it.

    POI were recorded over and over again.

    The first bend where you are attacked by two skellies have a sever lag spike
    Area: Graff Gem Mines (Graff Gem Mines) Loc: (-9.9, -9.9, 96.4)

    In the Graff Entrance scene, the pathfinding for the first Kobold tent camp on the left after entering is bonkers. They are three but they cannot attack in group since the other two run back all the time and in circles.
    Ice Queen likes this.
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