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Batch Crafting Improvement

Discussion in 'Developer Work and Blog posts' started by wizardsmoke, Oct 31, 2019.

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  1. wizardsmoke

    wizardsmoke Dev Emeritus Dev Emeritus

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    While speaking with some players at SotACon 2019, an issue with batch crafting was brought to my attention. (A few issues, actually, but I'll be addressing one of them here.) When a failure occurs during batch crafting, the remaining unused ingredients are cleared off of the crafting station and sent to the player's inventory, only to be immediately replaced with identical ingredients from the player's inventory. Since many players prefer to keep crafting ingredients in a particular container within their inventories, sending the unused ingredients to the main inventory resulted in a mess within the inventory that had to then be cleaned up manually by the player.

    I recently found a bit of time to address this issue, so this behavior will be changing in an upcoming patch (probably today). Leftover ingredients after a failure during batch will instead be kept on the crafting station for use in the next iteration of the batch.

    I am glad that this issue was brought to my attention, and I hope that this solution suits the needs of all you very organized crafters! :)
  2. Vladamir Begemot

    Vladamir Begemot Avatar

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