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Battle of Solace Bridge - there is no keyhole to open the gate with the key

Discussion in 'Release 43 Feedback Forum' started by Daenerys Targaryen, Jul 7, 2017.

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  1. Mischievous Dragon

    Mischievous Dragon Riparian Reaper

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    There is no keyhole to open the gate with the key in Battle of Solace Bridge.
    You are asked to open the gate with the key.
    But there is no keyhole next to the gate.
    If my 4-years-old son played this game, he would not have any idea
    that he needs a key to open the gate as there is no keyhole.
    The keyholeless gates of SotA that require a key to open the gates are so totally incredibly killing my immersion.

    There is no keyhole but you are still asked to open the gate with the key?

    However, there are keyholes next to gates in other video games that are up to 27 years older than SotA.

    Eye of the Beholder I (1990):
    There is the keyhole next to the gate.

    Eye of the Beholder II (1991):
    There is the keyhole next to the gate.

    Crystal Dragon (1994):
    There is the keyhole next to the gate.

    Legend of Grimrock II (2014):
    There is the keyhole next to the gate.
    Salix likes this.
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