BK005 - Additions to Mundane Loot

Discussion in 'Archived Topics' started by DeadnGone, Jun 6, 2018.

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  1. DeadnGone

    DeadnGone Avatar

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    These are just additional ideas of mundane loot to add to the existing mundane loot tables. The other idea of enhancing mundane loot in my "BK002 - Variations of Mundane Loot" thread can be used on these as well.

    1. More gems. I believe the loot should incorporate far more gems and types/shapes of cut stones. Miners should be able to mine different stones as well. Desirablity could be in the use of decoration (would have to be able to display them), use in heraldry, filigree, donation rewards (if used for a turn-in event), etc.

    2. Ancient coins and/or diverse currency. There is plenty of lore behind the game. Surely we could incoporate more types of coins/currency from ancient/lost civilizations or special currency used in regional markets. These could have decorative value, collective value (even say, turn in 12 of a type for a special mounted display), or resale value (to npc merchants), or trade value to turn in for special goods.

    3. More paintings. While it was nice to have paintings drop now, I was expecting new art instead of stuff off the Housing Decoration Merchant, which really just deflates the value and desirability of those paintings from the merchant. I think there should be entire new are put on the Housing Decoration Merchant and the old stuff removed (should have special goods instead of same dropped loot), and then put even more art in for dropped loot. Have additonal shapes/frames for same art as well (could be oval for example or a set that looks seperate but puts up on the wall in a staggered formation of 3 rectangles... just an example).

    4. Clothing – From common clothing to regal and exotic varieties of clothing would be a nice addition. Keep them unique to loot drop only and perhaps add other chase factors like differing colors and patterns on them for better desirability. Coats, cloaks, hats, scarves too.

    5. Ornamental Armor & Weapons. These could range in quality from old & worn to a well-kept shiny polished state. They could be worn for social functions or used as decorations, but would have absolute minimum to no-value at all for combat... maybe even negatives if used for combat.

    6. Books – There are a lot of books out there but most are fairly common. Perhaps some uncommon to very rare books to chase after with different effects. Like, a blue leather bound version (as opposed to the brown leather common) of 'The Dragon that Purred', 1st edition, or whatnot. Maybe it has a special effect, like it gives off a dark aura or a slight trail of smoke eminates from the top of it while standing.

    7. Bottles & Glassware – Need more variants and resizing. Plenty of "old" art that is way too large, RUM bottles for example, need to be converted as well as lootable. Also need more variations from simple to elegant. You could do vaseline glass variants in amber, green, pink, cobalt blue, etc.

    8. Jewelery – Totally missing the jewelery aspect of loot. Should be a bunch of various jewelery from simply to elegant, from necklaces, to brooches, to rings, to earrings, to pendants, tiaras, and other medieval fantasy setting adornments. All should be displayable as decorations and wearble with visuals as well. The loot can be randomized to "style" of simple to elegant, and "type of material" from silver, coper to ivory, and randomize the setting, from a gemstone to signet, or both. I understand level of detail for small stuff probably won't be great but something is better than nothing.

    9. Containers - These should be special, different from crafted or deco merchant bought containers. Could be from worn-down to new or elegant, from knapsacks to backpacks and jewelery boxes. These too should all have decorative value and some may have a wearbility factor with visual when worn.

    10. Personal Items like combs, hairbrushes, hand mirrors, other grooming paraphenalia, and religious symbols. Again, variants from poor quality to rich as well as color variants.

    11. Blankets, towels, rugs, bedrolls, camping gear/tents, and other adventurer's gear. Again, this should be unique and differnt from any existing models and have the variant enhancemtnts applied to them for chase factor.
    12. Plants & Seeds - Would be nice to see some new types of flowers, trees, plants in general. Could come as seeds or potted saplings. As before, ranging in various rarities, colors, and effects (if any).
    I'm sure there are other things, like stuff generally seen in specific rooms of a home... bathroom, kitchens for example, that could be added as well. Some may say the "mundane" items should not be elegant but I refer to mundane as non-powerful magic items, just simply standard stuff you'd expect to find as loot or hoarded in treasure besides typical cash and possible "artifacts" now. The items would be randomized, because even the poor have heirlooms handed down and treasure and they too could get lucky and find something of value to hold onto.
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2018
  2. DeadnGone

    DeadnGone Avatar

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    Edited to add plants & seeds.
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