BK008 - Modular Housing Decor

Discussion in 'Archived Topics' started by DeadnGone, Jun 6, 2018.

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  1. DeadnGone

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    Right now, if you want to change or redesign your home, guild chapter house you have to swap out the whole building (not talking about decorating it with items).

    I saw some museum exhibits and thought why not be able to do this. They would have each room breathtakingly recreated in the image of a room from a palace, French, Russian, etc and heavily stylized in the art and culture from the period, thinking generally medieval times to pre-industrial revolution... but with the steampunk setting in SotA, perhaps some early steam era decor as well.

    Why not be able to do this say for a home or guild house. Some of the larger buildings are immense. The walls need lots of deco or it becomes kind of boring. How about having where you can purchase or create (or both) room modules in the fashion of some of these historic buildings as well as some fantasy inspired.

    The mechanic may have to just work on new buildings for now with the option included, but it would generally section the building out and each room would have to ability to replace the walls, primary chandelier/light for the area and perhaps just a few pieces of non-movable objects decorating the walls or very close to walls (like a door way/arch). It would change the paint/wall paper, ceiling for the area, add molding if necessary, perhaps a gilded mirror that goes with the room as pointed out in the non-movable objects comment.

    The modules can be from a ritzy, over-the top elegant lavishness to gaudy to poor or abandoned and in disrepair (for old haunted buildings for example).

    I would think if this went forward, that eventually you could apply these things to pre-existing housing as well. Would be nice for museums, or seasonal events like Halloween or Christmas/Winter festivities.
    Roycestein Kaelstrom likes this.
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