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Bounty hunter keywords bug

Discussion in 'Quests, Conversations, & NPC's' started by Echondas, Dec 22, 2017.

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  1. Echondas

    Echondas Bug Hunter Bug Moderator

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    12/22/2017 6:08 PM
    Title: Bounty hunter keywords bug
    Reproduction Rate: 100%
    Blocker? No
    Details: After speaking with the bounty hunter, if you don't click one of the keywords offered, but instead manually type something, such as "name" or "my name is xxxx" - the clickable keywords for the quest disappear - and even if you type the previous keyword, it has no effect- you need to cancel the dialog with the NPC, and then speak to them again.

    Steps to Reproduce: See above.
    User Specs:
    OS: Windows 10 (10.0.0) 64bit
    CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6800K CPU @ 3.40GHz (6) System RAM: 32678
    GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 GPU RAM: 8096
    Area: RandomEncounter_Desert01/Scorpion
    Area Display Name: Desert Encounter
    Loc: (111.7, 135.1, 115.4)
    Debug: UmFuZG9tRW5jb3VudGVyX0Rlc2VydDAxfFNjb3JwaW9ufCgxMTEuNzAxLCAxMzUuMTI5LCAxMTUuMzc4KXwoMCwgMC43NDEsIDAsIDAuNjcxKXw4MjIuOTk5NHwyNi41MDMwMnw4Ljc4NTk1NA==

    [12/22/2017 6:06:52 PM] Bounty Hunter: You killed my target, outlander. I'm not too happy about that, but nothing can be done about it now. You proved you're the better hunter this time, so you should claim the bounty.
    [12/22/2017 6:06:52 PM]
    [12/22/2017 6:07:05 PM] Echondas: Name
    [12/22/2017 6:07:05 PM] Bounty Hunter: Don't take long. I haven't got all day.
    [12/22/2017 6:07:05 PM]
    [12/22/2017 6:07:11 PM] Echondas: my name is Echondas
    [12/22/2017 6:07:11 PM] Bounty Hunter: And people call you that? Huh.
    [12/22/2017 6:07:11 PM]
    [12/22/2017 6:07:20 PM] Echondas: I suggest we split the reward
    [12/22/2017 6:07:21 PM] Bounty Hunter: Is that so? I don't need any help. I run a one-person operation.
    [12/22/2017 6:07:21 PM]
    [12/22/2017 6:07:24 PM] Echondas: split
    [12/22/2017 6:07:25 PM] Bounty Hunter: I don't know what you mean. I don't need any help. I run a one-person operation.
    [12/22/2017 6:07:25 PM]
    [12/22/2017 6:07:27 PM] Echondas: Goodbye
    [12/22/2017 6:07:27 PM] Bounty Hunter: Live well, Echondas.
    [12/22/2017 6:07:27 PM]
    [12/22/2017 6:07:31 PM] Bounty Hunter: You killed my target, Echondas. I'm not too happy about that, but nothing can be done about it now. You proved you're the better hunter this time, so you should claim the bounty.
    [12/22/2017 6:07:31 PM]
    [12/22/2017 6:07:35 PM] Echondas: I suggest we split the reward.
    [12/22/2017 6:07:35 PM] I need to turn in the slip to a bounty master to get my reward.
    [12/22/2017 6:07:35 PM] Bounty Hunter: That's decent of you, but no thanks. I've got my pride. I'm not going to take any credit for your kill. Take the slip. Bring it to a bounty master in Resolute, Brittany Estates, Desolis, Valhold, or Blood Bay to claim your bounty.
    [12/22/2017 6:07:35 PM]
    [12/22/2017 6:07:35 PM] You received an item (Bounty Slip) from Bounty Hunter
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