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Broken Planting Bed

Discussion in 'Player Made Dungeons' started by Scoffer, Nov 12, 2019.

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  1. Scoffer

    Scoffer Avatar

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    11/12/2019 17:01
    Title: Broken Planting Bed
    Reproduction Rate: 100%
    Blocker? No
    Steps to Reproduce:
    Area: PlayerDungeon_GreenBrickFoyer_3Connections
    Area Display Name: Player Dungeon
    Loc: (-1.6, 0.0, -10.3)
    Debug: UGxheWVyRHVuZ2Vvbl9HcmVlbkJyaWNrRm95ZXJfM0Nvbm5lY3Rpb25zfHwoLTEuNTY3LCAwLjAwOCwgLTEwLjM0KXwoMCwgMC4wNzMsIDAsIDAuOTk3KXwtNzE2LjYzNTh8MzIuODI1MzV8Mi44OTE5MTc=

    I have a planting bed in the foyer that can't be planted. It started off half way through a cycle and I was unable to water it. After the rest of the crops were in I couldn't harvest it. I then removed the bed completely (Destroyed it from inventory) bought a new planting bed and placed it in the same spot but the same issue is showing up. I can't plant any seeds in it. Nothing is overhanging it that I can see.

    This has also propagated through other dungeons I have in the same town (Rinzai) and the broken bed is showing up in most of them, even with different foyers

    For Comparison Purposes:

    This one is working Fine
    Area: PlayerDungeon_GreenBrickFoyer_3Connections
    Area Display Name: Player Dungeon
    Loc: (-0.3, 0.0, -10.9)
    Debug: UGxheWVyRHVuZ2Vvbl9HcmVlbkJyaWNrRm95ZXJfM0Nvbm5lY3Rpb25zfHwoLTAuMjk5LCAwLjAwOCwgLTEwLjg2NCl8KDAsIC0wLjEwNSwgMCwgLTAuOTk1KXw4Ljc1MjQzOXw0MC4yMjQ2OHwyLjg5MTkxNw==

    This one is broken (Same Foyer)
    Area: PlayerDungeon_GreenBrickFoyer_3Connections
    Area Display Name: Player Dungeon
    Loc: (-1.6, 0.0, -10.3)
    Debug: UGxheWVyRHVuZ2Vvbl9HcmVlbkJyaWNrRm95ZXJfM0Nvbm5lY3Rpb25zfHwoLTEuNTY3LCAwLjAwOCwgLTEwLjM0KXwoMCwgMC4wNzMsIDAsIDAuOTk3KXwtNzE2LjYzNTh8MzIuODI1MzV8Mi44OTE5MTc=

    This one is broken (Different Foyer, new bed)
    Area: PlayerDungeon_GreyStone
    Area Display Name: Player Dungeon
    Loc: (-2.5, 0.0, -8.4)
    Debug: UGxheWVyRHVuZ2Vvbl9HcmV5U3RvbmV8fCgtMi40ODUsIDAuMDA4LCAtOC4zNzcpfCgwLCAwLjAyLCAwLCAtMSl8MzYwLjAxMTF8NDUuOTk5OTN8Mi44OTE5MTc=

    This one is broken
    Area: PlayerDungeon_GreyStone
    Area Display Name: Player Dungeon
    Loc: (-2.5, 0.0, -8.5)
    Debug: UGxheWVyRHVuZ2Vvbl9HcmV5U3RvbmV8fCgtMi41MjUsIDAuMDA4LCAtOC41MjkpfCgwLCAwLjAzNywgMCwgLTAuOTk5KXwzNTUuNzYzMnw0Ni4wMjU5MXwyLjg5MTkxNw==

    This one was broken but placing a new bed seems to have fixed it and so it can now be planted
    Area: PlayerDungeon_GreyStone
    Area Display Name: Player Dungeon
    Loc: (-2.9, 0.0, -8.5)
    Debug: UGxheWVyRHVuZ2Vvbl9HcmV5U3RvbmV8fCgtMi45MTksIDAuMDA4LCAtOC40NTgpfCgwLCAwLjA5MywgMCwgLTAuOTk2KXwzNjYuMDExfDI4LjQxNjY2fDIuODkxOTE3
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