The thread for the LUA script isn't open for posting on it otherwise i would've posted my question on that thread directly. Question: Is there a way to make the icons for the buff monitoring system not display over other in game UI elements? (Like the icons show over the top of your tooltip box, displays over npc dialog windows, displays over in game windows you open.) Would like to change it to be more background related so it doesn't display on top of all other UI elements. Right now the way i am using it is i scaled the icons to perfectly match my hotbar icon size and i have the Buff Monitoring icons perfectly on top of my hotbar icons of the same skills so that i can see when they are no longer affecting me and to keep my interface clean. But it's a pain when they pop up on top of everything else as well.
Is that even possible? Everyone can open and move around on the screen every SotA window, inventory, emote tab, combat tab, utility tab etc. How would the buff monitor know where any player had moved all the other stuff on the monitor? Or when moving stuff from Inventory to Bank, what would the buff monitor do if the whole monitor was used by those two windows?
Hmm the way LUA works that's not possible within the confines of the system. Also the question itself means I think that you're using a completely static deck and have yet to learn how to play a dynamic one?
as @Scanphor mentioned there is no way provided in the Lua UI functions to control the zindex of the UI elements and push them behind the regular UI (or if there is i am not aware of how to do it). @DavidDC is that something that could potentially be added? on a different note, @Ravalox i had not noticed that all the Lua script repository threads had been locked. when i release new versions i would normally update the post to keep everything together instead of creating a new release post every time. it also provides a place where folks can post questions to keep them all together for others to see as well. are these something that can be unlocked or it a new policy that we have to create new ones? what got these all locked?
just a script based on time since last update. use the report button to request unlocking an old thread.
I use a dynamic deck for 1/2 of my bar roughly and 1/2 static. Also i use the lua script to place the buff icons of top of my utility bar not my battle deck bar. The icons of both are are different sized icons also so i couldn't place them over the normal combat deck bar anyways. It would be one or the other.
Lua is using a different ui system than our game it wouldn't be possible to draw it behind. I haven't used those mods myself i'm not sure how they are setup but one thing that could be done is change those lua icon or make them semi transparent maybe, or just a letter in the corner so they take less space.