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[By design] Can't Destroy or Sell These Items

Discussion in 'Items & Inventory' started by Razimus, Jun 8, 2018.

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  1. Razimus

    Razimus Avatar

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    1. Title: Can't Destroy or Sell These Items
    2. Reproduction Rate: 100% (Possibly older items?)
    3. Blocker? Yes, want to empty bank/backpack but can't.
    4. Details: See Below
    5. Steps to Reproduce: Have these items in your inventory/bank.
    6. User Specs:
    The following 4 items can't be destroyed or sold, and are stuck in your inventory or bank forever, "- Places to Live -", "Bucket of Water", "Fan", "Hoe".

    Some "Hoe" you can destroy, some you can't, you'll have to go through and see which items of the same name are broken. Included screenshots;


  2. Alley Oop

    Alley Oop Bug Hunter Bug Moderator

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    @Razimus, there are several starting items that were originally flagged as non-destroyable to keep players from destroying useful things before they found out they were useful. that's been changed now, but the old items from before the change weren't grandfathered in. what you can do is put it on a public vendor. if someone buys it, great, but if they don't it will be destroyed in a week and at least you're rid of it.

    (that said, the places to live book is newer than that and i'm not sure it'll work for them.)
    Lexie likes this.
  3. Razimus

    Razimus Avatar

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    I gave all the items to my 2nd account. It's a bug though, and a blocker, as you can't get rid of them easily, they can hunt down these items with these flags and fix them all if they wanted.
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