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Cameras have personal space issues

Discussion in 'Player Characters, Animations, & Emotes' started by Cleetus, Jan 5, 2019.

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  1. Cleetus

    Cleetus Avatar

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    01/05/2019 15:05
    Title: Cameras have personal space issues
    Reproduction Rate: 100%
    Blocker? No
    Details: Cameras don't like Avatars getting too close. They will expel you through the wall to get some personal space. (The approach animation on cameras (all items?) placed close to a wall will cause the player to "walk" through the wall to use the item.)
    Steps to Reproduce: 1) Position camera close to the wall as seen in linked video. 2) Use camera. 3) Enjoy the breeze. 4) Plummet.
    User Specs:
    OS: Windows 10 (10.0.0) 64bit
    CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700K CPU @ 4.00GHz (8) System RAM: 16347
    GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 GPU RAM: 4043
    Area: POT_forest_metropolis_01c_template/Sionann
    Area Display Name: Sionann
    Loc: (99.3, 50.4, 83.2)
    Debug: UE9UX2ZvcmVzdF9tZXRyb3BvbGlzXzAxY190ZW1wbGF0ZXxTaW9uYW5ufCg5OS4yODgsIDUwLjM1MiwgODMuMTkyKXwoMCwgLTAuNDY4LCAwLCAtMC44ODQpfDQ1Ljc3NzU3fDE3Ljg2MDF8NC4wMDM4MDk=

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