Can we PLEASE get the Inventories non "Transparent", picking up itmes behind your target is getting

Discussion in 'Housing & Lots' started by Weins201, Feb 10, 2015.

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  1. Weins201

    Weins201 Avatar

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    Very Old.

    Yesterday while Crafting and trying to Decorate I had to exit at least 50 times as a result of y cursor grabbing items behind what I was trying to take out of my inventory, or pick up. I even grabbed a Hedge that was outside and on the opposite side of the house on outer wall of keep.

    Today I have had to log 5 time in the last 20 minutes trying to craft some more furniture, because hedges where grabbed while I was grabbing hammers, rasps, ot items in my inventories.

    This is a fix that is REALLY needed.

    Either inventories need to be "solid" so items behind cannot be targetd or a "lock be placed on items so they cannot be moved.

    Once an item is snagged the actual targeted item, the one that was on cursor, disappears into limbo :-(
    Tahru likes this.
  2. fattymoomooman

    fattymoomooman Avatar

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    Another thing to do with mouse picking up items is if you hold both buttons to move around on your lot (was trying this out to see what happened) you can wind up inadvertently picking up and moving allsorts of items you have placed.

    If RMB is held then LMB should not allow you to pick up items in the world this way. If the mouse cursor becomes disabled then clicking objects under it should also be disabled.
    Weins201, brentsasz and Tahru like this.
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