COTO's at 4K and going up ????

Discussion in 'Housing & Lots' started by Boris Mondragon, Mar 8, 2018.

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  1. Boris Mondragon

    Boris Mondragon Avatar

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    It seems a while back @DarkStarr and @Chris talked about the stabilization of COTO price would be tweaked with a 3500 per COTO as the desired cost for game economy reasons. Hmm, it may be time to adjust the "Coto Spigot" as the last batch I bought cost me 3900 and the word in the "Street" says it will go upwards of 4k apiece.

    I know many of us here have lots on which we pay taxes either via igg or COTOs. The price of using COTOs was more advantageous when they cost of them was under 3500 igg. Now it seems that COTOs will be used mainly for repairs and purchasing other items. Its a shame this got out of hand even though it can be fixed.

    We have game launch just around the corner and the price of COTOs could be one factor that either encourages some players to get on board with this game or to turn away from it. Another option would be to reduce taxes on properties. Think about it, your decision on COTOs drop rate/price could cost you a lot of new players with aspirations of obtaining a property and being able to maintain it via taxes. For those of you with deep pockets do not pay mind to this request yet not everyone has that financial ability. R/Boris/El Pirata
  2. Shade Cido

    Shade Cido Avatar

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    The reason for the very quick raise in IGG prices of COTOs is due to the fact the REAL price of COTOs has gone up - in other words, Port have already adjusted the 'COTO spigot', but they've closed it slightly.

    As from the 3rd March 1 COTO now costs $1.25 not $1. So the IGG price will rise for a little while and then should settle, I would guess it'll probably spike somewhere around 4400 mark.This will mean however that people will be a lot less likely to buy COTO using IGG for Tax payments, this'll mean the demand will go down and the price will eventually drop again.

    I don't know why they raised the price of them (cash grab I would guess), but they had to know how it would affect the IGG market for COTOs, as people when crazy buying up all the 'cheap' COTOs on the market and stashing them before the RL price hike.

    It should eventually drop back down to around the 3500 area after a few months (due to the fact 1 COTO is fixed to 3500 igg for tax payments), after people have gotten used to the new RL pricing and the Gougers are done gouging.
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2018
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  3. jammaplaya

    jammaplaya Avatar

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    It'll stay at 4k per for a while. It might even go down after the next postmortem, with not many other options in the store I suspect there will be an increase in their availability.
  4. Kain Darkmoor

    Kain Darkmoor Avatar

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    The fact that 1 coto grants 3500 tax credit for a house is irrelevant to the price of cotos if that's not what people are using them for. With the demolishing of the add on store people are now effectively forced to use cotos to buy anything they want. This means the price on cotos will continue to rise until it is closer in parity to what it costs in the store (using $/igg as a measuring stick). That's the REAL measure of what the price should be, not what it grants for tax credits. Frankly I am shocked more people haven't realized this sooner and taken advantage of the current low cost of cotos compared to the price of gold.

    However, I would recommend that the dev team occasionally re-evaluate how much tax credit a coto gives, because I don't see the price ever going below 3500 again.
    Farmer Adrian likes this.
  5. Jason of Pinewood

    Jason of Pinewood Avatar

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    3500 for coto would be great. the lowest I have seen(6) and bought, have been around 4500 each. I really must be shopping in the wrong towns, because the only other vendors I seen selling them want 5k each. as a new player trying to get my very first deed. It kinds feels like I am having a tooth removed by a screw driver and hammer. but with that being said, f*ck it. it is what it is. I like this game, and like Back In Uo I had a log cabin for my Tamer, and right now setting in my bank there is a log cabin house waiting for me to get a deed to place it. so sooner or much later I'll have a nice warm cabin to rest in after a hard days work at the Graff mines. I do find it funny that it hurts when I buy Cotos, but I just droped 100k I was building up and saving till I found a cheaper coto vendor on raffle tickers and I am smiling :cool:kinda.
    Witcheypoo and Jaesun like this.
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