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Courage questline - Mara stuck

Discussion in 'Release 43 Bug Forum' started by Raven Swiftbow, Jul 21, 2017.

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  1. Raven Swiftbow

    Raven Swiftbow Bug Hunter

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    7/21/2017 8:17 PM
    Title: Courage questline - Mara stuck
    Reproduction Rate: 100%
    Blocker? For this part of the questline, yes
    - I've been working through the questline and reached the point where I am to speak with Essen and Mara.
    - I started with Mara and she led me a ways, but then just stopped.
    - But this is apparently not where she was supposed to stop because she will not talk to me further about why she was leading me away.
    - She says "follow me" but does not move further.


    Steps to Reproduce:
    User Specs:
    OS: Windows 10 (10.0.0) 64bit
    CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4790 CPU @ 3.60GHz (8) System RAM: 16298
    GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960 GPU RAM: 2016
    Area: Novia_R10_Valhold_Palace/Step1
    Area Display Name: Valhold Palace
    Loc: (161.2, 30.1, 257.7)
    Debug: Tm92aWFfUjEwX1ZhbGhvbGRfUGFsYWNlfFN0ZXAxfCgxNjEuMjAzLCAzMC4wODgsIDI1Ny42ODgpfCgwLCAwLjA2OSwgMCwgMC45OTgpfDEwODguMjQ2fDIzLjcyNDAyfDIuMTU3Mjc2
  2. jiirc

    jiirc Avatar

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    @Lexie, @Lum the Mad , since I found this in the R43 bug forum and its still an issue, I wanted to make sure you both saw this as an existing issue still.


    Worse than this is that she didn't move for me. And she won't tell you what she wanted to say. She just asks to tell you when you are ready. When you click on ready, she says"Folow me, please", the convo window closes, but she doesn't move. When you try and converse with her again, she repeats this over and over. If you try to ask her something else. The conversation doesn't go any further.

    It's might be important that I spoke to Essen first.

    I logged out and in.

    Then spoke to Mara again. This time I got a different response, not from her but a text entry in the chat log. This time it tells me that I am escorting Mara, to not get to far away, etc. I didn't get this until I logged. However, she didn't move and I still couldn't talk to her. {When Essen did this I was at least able to carry on the necessary conversation with him to get the Writ, etc.)

    build 636
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2017
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