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Crafting and ease of making money

Discussion in 'Release 4 Feedback' started by Jatvardur, Mar 30, 2014.

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  1. Jatvardur

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    tl;dr - augmented iron armor easier to obtain than iron armor. ( I assume augmented is better)

    I went through the process of crafting iron armor. While this wasn't a huge pain, it does require a fair bit of work to gather the resources and figure out. The time / effort taken to make it was harder than it was to gather enough coin to buy augmented iron armor.

    My suggestion is not to make iron armor easier but to make augmented iron armor harder to obtain. This could be done by having less gp flowing into the game and/or upping the price of the price of aug iron armor.

    At the moment I think there is a "steep" learning curve but then crafting is fairly quick once you've figured it out. That said, once weight limitations are in place for inventories then crafting and money making ought to slow down considerable. This point is perhaps the decider and could nullify most of my fears.

    As it stands, I'm aware of this being a pre-alpha, making money feels too easy compared to the price of the items. TheMadHermit has a great video series showing us how to navigate the game and make decent money but we need to be careful that crafting doesn't become futile in the fact of easy money / buying items (SWTOR is guilty here).

    I'm sure the devs have this borne in mind but I wish to provide feedback that the rewards / effort are not yet balanced for crafting / money making. I can assume they are monitoring activity, they suggested that they will, but it would be great to know for sure what their intentions are. I think this is an important part of the game that can't be overlooked.

    After watching Richard give his New Britannian State of the Empire I see that my fears might be laid to rest. He is aiming for a full player economy with no drops / chests (if I understood him correctly)
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