Dear Portalarium

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Borinal, Dec 24, 2017.

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  1. Borinal

    Borinal Avatar

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    I happened across a string of sentiments (including and similar to this one):

    ...and found their substance to be rather deplorable.

    In my personal opinion, the game so far, has turned out so much better than I ever hoped for.

    Is there an option/process for me to make a statement of support, and opt out of my physical backer rewards? Swag is awesome (especially something signed by RG/LB, or DS)...but frankly put, being able to play this game, and being a part of the community that it's brought together is way more than enough for me.

    I'll also happily pay for a subscription and/or expansions to support online access and continued game development as well.

    I want to say thank you to everyone for everything that you've put into making the game what it is today! Some people just don't seem to get what this is all about for some of us.

    I know that I'm not alone here.
    jammaplaya, Manerd, Spinok and 13 others like this.
  2. Murtera

    Murtera Avatar

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    I agree 100%. They have done a great job on everything here and I will do what I can to help the continued development of this game.
    Manerd, Dinsoo, Olthadir and 5 others like this.
  3. Cypher Black

    Cypher Black Avatar

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    Yup, we have your back!

    Cypher Black
    Dinsoo, amarious, jolanar and 3 others like this.
  4. Barugon

    Barugon Avatar

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    I really don't understand sentiments like that. If the game isn't for you then move on. There are many choices for Windows users. It's as if they're trying really hard to keep potential players from ever trying this game.

    As for me, this game has largely turned out how I envisioned it would years ago. It's been a lot of fun, even when things were in a much less finished state and they would wipe everything out every three months. I'm really looking forward to launch and getting more people on.
    Hornpipe, Dinsoo, amarious and 2 others like this.
  5. Alleine Dragonfyre

    Alleine Dragonfyre Avatar

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    Immortal City
    I wouldn't worry about it much. The post has 10 upvotes (minus one from me). In Reddit terms it's practically invisible. Nothing to see there... move along.

    I would encourage this community to reach out with the passion they show here on these forums in places like Reddit and most especially, Steam.
  6. hammadowna

    hammadowna Avatar

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    Don't worry about those people. We're going to prove them wrong together! :)

    I've often asked for them to say "hey, I know we said physical rewards but how about some digital ones instead?" I doubt the majority would mind having their physical rewards converted over to digital ones, considering the nature of an MMO.
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2017
    Dinsoo, jammaplaya, amarious and 2 others like this.
  7. Rufus D`Asperdi

    Rufus D`Asperdi Avatar

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    Austin, TX
    They are the Doomsayers... They've predicted that the project will fail, are emotionally invested in being right, and doing all they can think of to make their prediction a reality. They would rather see it ripped from everyone that disagrees with them and turns to the game for enjoyment, and kill the livelihood of those who depend on the project for employment than be wrong.
    gtesser, Barugon, Dinsoo and 4 others like this.
  8. Sean Silverfoot

    Sean Silverfoot Avatar

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    Hudson Valley area of NY
    As a past CEO of Reddit said, "The internet is being taken over by trolls." Ignore them, you'll find the same folks posting the same crap on other gaming sites. Not every game works for the wants of every gamer. I'll never understand why they waste the most precious thing they have, time. Move on get over it, at least in this game folks have an opportunity to basically cash in and minimize any financial loss.
  9. Arkah EMPstrike

    Arkah EMPstrike Avatar

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    Just screenshot the op, screenshot the 2 year plan, and use them to make a meme :p

    Its like they read it then intentionally posted the exact opposite of what it said
    Hornpipe, Barugon, Dinsoo and 4 others like this.
  10. Beaumaris

    Beaumaris Avatar

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    I think one challenge is that a younger generation of gamers has now grown up knowing little other than modern AAA MMO games. So their expectations can be very high (which is not a bad thing). But if only they had played computer games in the 'golden age' of yore, when we were just happy to shoot at one large moving pixel. Then they might know that what we have today is actually quite a blessing to be thankful for. I mean, those of us with this hobby used to be playing with bear skins and stone knives! Oh .... wait....
  11. Arkah EMPstrike

    Arkah EMPstrike Avatar

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    Games used to be alot harder and thought provoking than they are now. This one is trying to being back the challenge of having to figure outthings for yourself andno knowing the consequences of your actions, etc.

    That is the thing im digging the most, that and the social atmosphere.

    Alot of people just wanna know the quickest best way to get the stuff. Wheres the stuff? Its over there. Thanks! Accustomed to click-spamming through dialouge in a game where the answers are hinted at in the dialouge is not something modern gamers are used to.

    Folks also arent used to not having a max number on everything, and some dont even really get that concept from what ive seen.
    Mac2, Dinsoo and Sean Silverfoot like this.
  12. MrBlight

    MrBlight Avatar

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    Without tackling the majority of issues in this thread...

    I disagree? I think the whole line of thinking behind * games used to be harder * * gamers today want it handed * is simply not true.
    Id argue that the people claiming this are the same people who havnt played games since * the golden age * where nothing had been done before. Yes its easy to look back at some older games and say * they did it right! It was perfect!* but all they did was set a foundation for the gaming industry itself.
    Every game SINCE then has had to meet expectations previous ones didnt have.

    I mean.. read this thread your implying every other RPG or story game is something no one reads or enjoys and just clicks through? Some top games right now are heavy heavy story orientated games. Lets use some examples?
    The whole Fallout series.. it has NOT gotten simpler .. 1 and 2 were classics but completly outshined in everyway by 3.
    Xcom? Another classic challenging game.. it has NOT gotten easier, but improved in every aspect.
    Dragons Age was a MASSSIVE success that i would bet 90% of people who played through remember the story with real cause and effect situations.
    Divinity 2 is a top seller atm. If you think people this day and age dont * appreciate * good story telling, your wrong.

    Hell id even throw StarCraft in there. 1 was a classic and one of the main RTS with command and Conquor. Theres absolutly no premise to claim that Sc2 simplified the game? They straight improved the series.

    The only basis that has is with FPS games ( shooters ) and id argue that hasnt changed. What was the elaborate story of doom, quake or duke nukem vs current games like killing floor or CoD series?


    I agree that some people are emotionally invested in the failure of SoTa. I also agree that just as many are as invested in convincing themselvs its perfect and completly up to modern day standards. But im not going to touch that as it will always be a * wait and see *.

    But the whole idea that this game is some prime example of * old style gaming, which makes it better * is a flawed argument.
    Every game released today is held up to its competition and past predicessors. The standards in EVERY STYLE of game has increased multitudes, and except for maybe the 10-13 age bracket, most people judge games just like they used too, only now they have a TON more to rate them off of.

    If you havnt played a game since UO or Ultima 7 then fine. But dont assume that the majority who has, doesnt know whats good.
    Simply put, the argument that * players today wont appreciate this.. * is flawed. Especially since a good majority of people were there playing the same * golden age *.. and can pretty easily go back and play classics.
    ( i just burned through the original dungeon keeper, sc1 , age of emp, xcom terror from the deep, and the first fallout. ) hell right now i just brushed up on one of the UO servers still going, but quickly realized its age shows too much to enjoy like i used to. ( same problem with Morrowind ).

    Edit -- Dungeon Siege.. pretty solid classic, has been improved on since for example.

    Editing agian - Bioshock.

    SoTa will be what it is one way or another and will be ranked and played based on same expectations of any other game. Theres no way around that. But any idea that * kids today dont appreciate .. * ia just proven wrong in pretttty much every game release and their successes.

    I seriously think more people need to brush up on some of the * games of the year * from the last decade.
    In no way am i bashing SoTa ( hey i clocked a good 1400 h ) but trying to throw gamers under the bus to stand on a pedistal makes your arguments sound weak. Use real examples if you want real discussions, and maybe real fact based ideas can come from those discussions.

    Edited -- I am just on mobile but ill happily discuss specifics from some key gsmes ovrr the last decade that i think are relevent.
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2017
    Overt Enemy, Jens_T, K1000 and 8 others like this.
  13. 2112Starman

    2112Starman Avatar

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    Raw is full of social engineers... period.
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  14. MrBlight

    MrBlight Avatar

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    That claim goes both ways.
    Theres just as many people willing to * blindly support and fund * as there are people willing to grab any claim to deflame.

    Theres quite a bit of unhealthy behavior in both directions of this development project ( just like pretty much anything else ).

    Personally i got my time and then some for what i put in, and stopped enjoying the direction it went. Personally i still read the forums out of sheer bordom. I follow a couple games through development so i will follow this one till release ( the whole start to finish idea ) but im long past funding this game over others unless theres a massive overhaul.
    That being said.. i dont understand blindly throwing money at it, nor do i understand digging through and translating russian articles and disecting them. But as i said.. thatll hsppen with anything people get emotionally attached too. And SoTa targeted a specific fan base so that attachment seems to be more then i normally see in developing games ( both directions )
    Budner, Jens_T, K1000 and 2 others like this.
  15. hammadowna

    hammadowna Avatar

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    I do believe the majority of those posters on that reddit forum are a bunch of teenagers. Not sure how else they'd have so much time to waste with their vitriol!
  16. MrBlight

    MrBlight Avatar

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    I highly doubt that people that funded a startup game on the premis of who RG is, are any different age bracket than who is here.
    As someone who reads both, theres people who spend as much time on here, as on there.
    Jens_T, Mykll and 3devious like this.
  17. mass

    mass Avatar

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  18. MrBlight

    MrBlight Avatar

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    Yup. Clmpletly forgot.
    Perfect example of a fps with a preeeemo story in all 3 games.

    To argue that the series went under appteciated or that people skipped the story is simply not true.
    Even FPS is held up to a different level.
  19. 2112Starman

    2112Starman Avatar

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    There are cultist haters and lovers of the game. There is a distinct difference between raw and white knights. Just go read through some of those threads and see for yourself. Do not respond anything positive about the game or I guarantee that you will literally be internet stalked about it.
    Vladamir Begemot and jammaplaya like this.
  20. MrBlight

    MrBlight Avatar

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    Is posting anything negative here much different?
    I mean.. i just got told my sarcastic idea of how they should sell bug fixe tokens in the store was a good idea... thats as crazy to me as someone saying * your **** in the **** for liking the game !*

    This is a whole different discussion though from my original post about game standards, and personally i dont got the energy or desire to debate which extremist is crazier to who lol.
    I think its too much invested on both sides. But i see exactly how it built up over th3 years and this style of development. * shrug * wont matter onecway or another in long run, as if game succeeds or fails it wont depend on anyone but the devs.
    Mykll likes this.
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