Deco of the month club

Discussion in 'Archived Topics' started by Graynight, Mar 25, 2017.

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  1. Graynight

    Graynight Avatar

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    So, strange thought here, but it might be fun.

    What if Portal started offering things similar to "Loot Crate" or those other monthly subscriptions.

    Pretty simple. Pay Portal to get into the club. Each month, you can claim your package and get stuff. (In-Game stuff, not physical items)

    Some of the quick ideas I had:

    - Wine of the month club: First month receive a Wine rack (deco) that holds 12 bottles of wine (and the first month wine). Each month you will receive a deco wine bottle, and a "drinkable" wine bottle.

    - Garden of the month club: First month receive a special planting bed that holds 12 plants. Each month, receive seeds of a new type of flower/plant.

    - Picture of the month club: Get a new wall portrait every month.

    The list can go on and on about what could be made, depending on what Portal wants to do.

    Of course, they could extend it beyond Deco as well

    - Crafting loot crate: each month is based on a different craft skill. Get X amount of materials, something that gives you a proficiency bonus (for that month only), and a rare recipe.

    - Pattern loot crate: Get X patterns monthly. Could be from the add-on store, could be from a rare monster, could just be from a kobold.

    Of course with the loot crates, if I am correct in how other companies do it, Portal would announce the 'theme' of the month ("Kobolds" or "Blacksmithing"). People can buy a 'subscription', which would give them a years worth of monthly crates, or they could just purchase the specific month because they want to.
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