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Demig's Battle Camp: Glitch in quest to talk to Demig

Discussion in 'Quests, Conversations, & NPC's' started by Azhai, Feb 24, 2018.

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  1. Azhai

    Azhai Avatar

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    2/25/2018 2:04 AM

    Title: Demig's Battle Camp: Glitch in quest to talk to Demig

    Reproduction Rate: I see no way to try again

    Blocker? No, it seems

    When approaching Demig in Demig's Battle Camp, i was stopped by "Gatekeeper Knight of Norgard". The trade window opened together with the dialogue window for him. In that dialogue i clicked on the word "writ" and then dragged the writ item from my inventory over to the his side of the trade window. The writ item was displayed there in red letters.

    Clicking on the button to confirm the dialogue, neither did the item disappear, nor did the trade window close. After the clicking the button to cancel the transaction and closing the trade window, the writ was not longer in my inventory.

    I then approached "Knight-Commander of Norgard" and initiated a dialogue with him. He Greeted me with "I am sorry, without proper clearance I cannot speak to you. Please leave immediately. If you have proper clearance, please show it to Sir Athard at the entrance"

    So I tried to close the Dialogue with "Goodbye", he told me "Wait! Before you go, did Essen give you anything for me?". I do not remember if the trade dialogue opened now or was already open. Now I experienced the same trade behaviour for the baton as i did with the writ before, except that at the end of the dialogue i still had the baton as it has to be used in the new task.

    After that i had a bit more dialogue with him and after closing that. I checked my Journal and see the old task was removed and the new one to take the baton to Korbar was added. So the glitch does not seem to block the quest. But i had no chance so far to talk to him about the Royal Warrant, so maybe an important part of the quest was inaccessible?

    Also i want to point out, that i acquired the writ, warrant and baton already during release 50. But the described glitch happened now in release 51. Maybe a slight difference in item data?

    Steps to Reproduce:
    1. Play the quest until you acquire warrant, writ and baton.
    2. Go to Demig's Battle Camp and approach the central tent with the throne in the fortified camp.
    3. When approached by the gatekeeper, click the highlighted word "writ" from the text itself (not the keyword list below).
    4. drag and drop the writ to the right of the trade window, name should get changed to red text
    5. click the button to finish the transaction, nothing should happen.
    6. click the button to cancel the transaction, the trade window should close.
    7. end the dialogue
    8. check your inventory, the writ should no longer be there
    9. approach the knight-commander and try to initiate a dialogue
    10. click goodbye
    11. drag and drop the baton to the right of the trade window, name should get changed to red text
    12. click the button to finish the transaction, nothing should happen.
    13. click the button to cancel the transaction, the trade window should close.
    14. continue the dialogue about the new task and then end it (goodbye)
    15. check your journal, the quest tasks should have been updated. the one about speaking to Demig should be gone and the one about taking the baton to Korbar should be there.

    User Specs:
    OS: Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (6.1.7601) 64bit
    CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4790 CPU @ 3.60GHz (8) System RAM: 32709
    GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 GPU RAM: 4002
    Area: Novia_R10_Plains_DemigsBattleCamp/Default
    Area Display Name: Demig's Battle Camp
    Loc: (-0.7, 35.9, 25.6)
    Debug: Tm92aWFfUjEwX1BsYWluc19EZW1pZ3NCYXR0bGVDYW1wfERlZmF1bHR8KC0wLjY3NywgMzUuOSwgMjUuNTU2KXwoMCwgLTAuMjA5LCAwLCAwLjk3OCl8LTM1Ni43NzUyfDEyLjk4MTMyfDM=
  2. Dysis

    Dysis Avatar

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    exactly what just happened to me:(
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