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Dungeon Monster Rooms Not Spawning

Discussion in 'Player Made Dungeons' started by Cypher Black, Aug 7, 2019.

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  1. Cypher Black

    Cypher Black Avatar

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    08/07/2019 17:00
    Title: Dungeon Monster Rooms Not Spawning
    Reproduction Rate: High
    Blocker? Pain.
    Details: Not all of the dungeon rooms are spawning monsters. Even after I have been in the dungeon for over 15 minutes, the rooms have not spawned.

    When entering the dungeon, there is a long load time, slows down around 65%. Once all the rooms spawn, the dungeon can become very laggy.

    (Random 1 (Set for Kobolds) spawns late
    Throne Hall Fall (Lich) Normally spawns right away
    Rotunda (Kobald) Normally spawns right away

    Mage Room (The Rise) Rarely spawns. When it does spawn, it will do so with some monsters in corridors outside of the room. Also, the monsters in the hall just stand there and do not attack.

    Example of where creatures spawn out of room: Here
    (Area: Player Dungeon (PlayerDungeon_MineCart) Loc: (43.574, 40.01, 84.821) DBG: UGxheWVyRHVuZ2Vvbl9NaW5lQ2FydHx8KDQzLjU3NCwgNDAuMDEsIDg0LjgyMSl8KDAsIDEsIDAsIC0wLjAyMSl8LTIzMzguOTk2fDE4LjY2NzJ8MS40MTA4Mjg=)
    The Rise (Lich Room) Spawns late

    Steps to Reproduce: Enter Dungeon, Go to rooms, no monsters.
    User Specs:
    OS: Windows 10 (10.0.0) 64bit
    CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700 CPU @ 3.60GHz (8) System RAM: 16321
    GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 GPU RAM: 8088
    Area: PlayerDungeon_MineCart
    Area Display Name: Player Dungeon
    Loc: (0.8, 0.1, -177.0)
    Chiasma likes this.
  2. Chiasma

    Chiasma Bug Hunter

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    I got the same long loading issue and broken spawn issue long time ago. May worth to check if there is any exterior wall of a dungeon pieces slightly overlapped with others.

    Also, another issue may prevent monster from spawning, I often walk around the first spawn room to trigger the spawn of other rooms. I don't know why they have this setting, but it often work for me.

    Cypher Black likes this.
  3. Cypher Black

    Cypher Black Avatar

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    I also have a problem with the first room spawning, though I find if I go to "Throne Hall Fall" lich room, they spawn right away. Also the Kobolds in the Rotonda spawn right away. Unfortunately, this does not help the mage room spawn in a timely manner.

    As for the mages spawning outside of the room, I checked the around the room and there are no intersecting walls. The area that it is happening is at least one passageway away from the rise mage room and one level below it.

    Cypher Black
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