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[Fixed][Live 835]Phantom Rooms can trap players

Discussion in 'Player Made Dungeons' started by kaeshiva, Sep 26, 2018.

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  1. kaeshiva

    kaeshiva Avatar

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    09/26/2018 20:25
    Title: Phantom Rooms can trap players
    Reproduction Rate: ??
    Blocker? no
    Able to create a scenario in which a player is trapped in a dungeon room that isn't really there.

    Steps to Reproduce:
    Player A opens 'select a room' window and chooses a room
    -is able to walk in and explore room without confirming-
    While inside, player B selects and confirms different room from 'select a room interface'
    This results in player B seeing the room as normal and player A seeing a strange "merging" of the two rooms.
    This results in this condition reported by Scoffer here:

    Player A cannot exit room / door disappears.
    Player A can access the 'room interface window' and scroll through options that appear to be removing the first connection but cannot confirm.

    Player B exits room and removes room (sets to none)
    Player B removes the hallway that that room was connected to.
    Player A is still trapped inside their 'preview' room


    In this state, Player A can go to another connection point and add another room, even though that room has no connection whatsoever to any confirmed placed pieces. Once added, it cannot be changed or removed (set to none) but counts against dungeon point total.

    Player A is now trapped in the unconfirmed room they stepped into with no way out.
    Player B can rescue Player A by replacing the connecting room


    Player B however, does not see me standing in a room at all
    he sees this:

    User Specs:
    OS: Windows 10 (10.0.0) 64bit
    Area: PlayerDungeon_GreenBrickFoyer_3Connections
    Area Display Name: Green Brick Dungeon
    Loc: (-0.4, -5.0, -75.5)
    Debug: UGxheWVyRHVuZ2Vvbl9HcmVlbkJyaWNrRm95ZXJfM0Nvbm5lY3Rpb25zfHwoLTAuNDQzLCAtNC45NzksIC03NS41MjkpfCgwLCAwLjAwNSwgMCwgLTEpfDEwMTMuMzEzfDE3LjMxNzF8My44Njk5NTE=
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