Fzol asks the hard questions to Chris

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Violet Ronso, Nov 6, 2019.

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  1. Violet Ronso

    Violet Ronso Avatar

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    For anyone who doesn't check the tweets, Fzol had a guest on his stream yesterday, Chris, and asked him questions that we all want answers to!

    The bit starts at around 1:34:25, and lasts for about 2 hours!

    Last edited: Nov 6, 2019
  2. Joe Zhudarak

    Joe Zhudarak Avatar

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    A really good interview, congrats to Fzol.
    Good points like:
    1) More atributes in character sheet, elemental resistances, chance to critical, dodge chance, parry chance etc.
    2) Over and underpower skills tree;
    3) Ransom system and PVP in general;
    4) Quests rewards;
    5) Low durability of non exp gloves and boots;
    6) the 3th enchant/masterwork math

    It worth your time listening.
  3. Violet Ronso

    Violet Ronso Avatar

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    @Chris & Fzol (If anyone knows his forum name hit him up for me!)

    I was listening to it, and the main thing that struck me was the PvP rewards, especially for the "Possible" No Ransom December, and felt like you guys were struggling for a good idea for this. I have one, and post about it every so often, but now might be the right time!

    My idea is that when ever you are flagged for PvP or in a PvP zone (and an actual PvP zone could offer a buff to the % here), mobs have a chance to drop Obsidian Fragments. These Obsidian fragments could be traded for many things, such as reagents, food, ressources, and possibly new things like an infused gem with a specific enchant/masterwork that only a GM+ crafter can use. Basically this shop could include a whole variety of things a PvPer could want for his day to day stuff.

    Now That is already an incentive to go into these zones and flag, but how can we make this even better? 2 things :

    1. If you die to mobs, you lose 10% of the Fragments you own. This will add in a death punishment, thus helping to actually fear death.
    2. If you die to a player, you lose 25-50% of the Fragments you own, and the other player gets half of that amount.

    This does 2 things : Gives an incentive to flag or play in PvP zones, and removes the possibility to "Game" the rewards, since these rewards are actual mob drops, and killing someone else will only net you a % of what he owns, and dumps the rest back into the mobs pockets. I think this would make a great system, and as long as you manage the drop rate to be low in PvE scenes, and common in PvP scenes (to promote PvP Scene play), this could actually help the PvP life even more!
    Daigoji Gai, Lained and Adam Crow like this.
  4. Alley Oop

    Alley Oop Bug Hunter Bug Moderator

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  5. Adam Crow

    Adam Crow Avatar

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    Great job @Mangar you hit a lot of important issues there. Looking forward to finding a way to effectively pvp without having to switch to ice mage. That is the biggest barrier for me right now. The slow mechanics are just too op and really ruin the gameplay. Something needs to be done to be able to counter it so other classes are also fun to play in pvp. That, a better guild war system and the removal of ransoms will increase pvp activity dramatically. Im not completely against ransoms, but the current system stinks and needs to be rethought.

    I like the ideas from @Violette Dyonisys above too. We definitely need some added mechanics to give us more of a reason to enter and fight in pvp zones. Some of the pvp zones are really cool and look amazing, but are almost always empty.
    Dhanas, Spoon and Violette Dyonisys like this.
  6. Elrond

    Elrond Avatar

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    Crafters Town
    Darkstarr kinda killed my interest in last stream when he stated ...there will probably not be a better leveling progression in crafting because too many players would be against this change ... right now i need about 200 mil xp to get another 0.1 STR for my enchants .... at the rate i aquire xp thats about 200-250 days of game time ..so much for so little ...oh well hope at least pvp will get some love ...i know they been waiting for as long as crafters to see things improve .
  7. Dhanas

    Dhanas Avatar

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    I am ok with the no ransom idea if they add something to replace it in a way. Having no ransom can generate 2 problem:
    -Disincentive players that do just pvp to play cause they have no reward and return for money spent in gear, reagents, potions.
    - without any pvp death penality people can just come back over and over annoying you while you re Killing mobs in pvp zones cause there isn't any punishment for die.
    Before to add the no ransom system they should Think a solution to replace it or it Will be a fail that might have the opposite effect of what we all are looking for.
  8. dayero

    dayero Avatar

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    an OP skill tree - named OP tree - would be great. saves so much time wasted on researching builds.
  9. Brass Knuckles

    Brass Knuckles Avatar

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    I saw this stream and Fzol did ask some good questions and held Chris’s feet to the fire on a cpl of things. Well done but all the earth mage love cmon man focus less on what you want and more Of what I want :)

    I esp agreed on the grandmaster stuff right now it feels worthless to be “gm”. Master or adept at 100 would fell more right.
    Violette Dyonisys likes this.
  10. oplek

    oplek Avatar

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    The Jira for "grandmaster" "grandmasterer" and "grandmasterest" is one I expect to be fulfilled.
  11. Brass Knuckles

    Brass Knuckles Avatar

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    right! Maybe someone other than Chris should do this /wink.
  12. Girlsname

    Girlsname Avatar

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    My thought would be— Ransom Tokens

    Purchasable in COTO Store

    Preferably singles & or in packs.

    Costs (¿25-50?) COTO per 1 token or discount for pack.

    When killed in PvP you could pay a,
    (1) Ransom Token to safeguard your ransom, and the killer would receive it as compensation, •IF• they claimed your ransom.

    Players could redeem the Ransom Tokens for something equivalent maybe in the store/unique vendor

    - PvP vendor
    // PvP consumables or used in the Obsidian Trials Vendor

    - Use it themselves to protect their own Ransoms

    - Tradable

    Just my $0.2
  13. Antrax Artek

    Antrax Artek Avatar

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    I hope that with the removal of the ransoms (even if temporary) another solution will also be devised for the future.
    What we need? A reason/meaning worth the effort and stop punishing pvp players playstyle.
    I quote myself from another post about the pvp topic.

  14. Arkah EMPstrike

    Arkah EMPstrike Avatar

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    the point system hemswal made and skulls seemed to be a good draw for PvP for a handful of folks i saw PvPing in game.

    I like the skull-coin for awsome emotes and new titles they had going before it broke.

    Maybe have skull tokens be rewards globally, and scenarios award the medals. Then combine that with the housing/deco system to provide PvP exclusive deco like breakable walls, various obsidian shards, lightening strike traps like they got in quel shardfall, shardfall redthirn tentacle plants. stuf fliek that.

    but liek all of it, the problem is still in keeping people from farming skull tokens with friends or alts. I suppose you COULD do soemthing like, make it where you can only get the stuff in pvp zones, so if folks do farm, they are out in the open and can be killed, but without ransom thats not a big deal. unless it takes their skull tokens and give sit to the killer .-.

    I think the best i can come up with atm is like, having a PvP currency like a coupel of folks here suggested, have that currency be desirable, only make it obtainable while PvP flagged, make it keep you PvP flagged for a set time after earning it, and make you lose some/all of them when somone else kills you. If you do it that way tho youll also need very cheap stuff to buy witht his currency that people want to have. That way folks who like to pvp but arent very good at it still find it worthwhile to keep trying if they keep having their currency stolen.

    Also. maybe earn double currency for killing guild-war targets
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2019
    Daigoji Gai likes this.
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