Group/User ACL based lot permissions

Discussion in 'Housing & Lots' started by AoiBlue, May 7, 2019.

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  1. AoiBlue

    AoiBlue Avatar

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    I was thinking about the possible options to add to lots and it dawned on me, almost every software has access to an ACL permissions set, so why not use that for lot object permissions.

    Obviously, there should always be the default 3 classes: Co-owner, Trustee, Guest. This should occupy the front "Basic" permissions page. An additional group should be added of "banned" who are basically banned from the vast majority of the lot. (Some players may want to permit players banned from the lot access to their front parlor, or some items on their front lot, their crafting stations, buy stuff from their vendors or to read their bulletin board, the last two case being most common.)

    However, I also propose adding an "Advanced" permissions tab with override permissions.

    There should be five additional groups default: "Guild Officers", "Guild Members", "[town] Neighbors", "[Co-Owner Name's} Friends" "[Co-Owner's name's] Ignored Players" and "Banned from Lot" I think these are self explanatory.

    Players should also be allowed to add their own category.

    Advanced settings can be set default per lot and override per object.

    In the lot setup of the primary groups, entire custom groups should be able to be addressed so they can inherit those default commissions: For instance if using conventional posix designation of "@" as the denotation of group, "@Guild Officers" could be added to "Trustee" to quickly give all your Guild Officers access to your lot without the hassle of naming them individually, or going and turning the lot into a guild hall.

    Similarly you could make various additional groups to give them access to certain items easily.
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