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Healing Blast doesnt utter words of power when cast

Discussion in 'Release 45 QA Bug Forum' started by Kelly O'Shay, Aug 29, 2017.

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  1. Kelly O'Shay

    Kelly O'Shay Avatar

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    8/29/2017 5:46 PM
    Title: Healing Blast doesnt utter words of power when cast
    Reproduction Rate: 100%
    Blocker? no
    Details: no words of power for healing blast
    Steps to Reproduce:
    0 go to battle
    1 use healing blast on your elemental
    2 see that no words of power are uttered
    User Specs:
    OS: Windows 10 (10.0.0) 64bit
    CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770 CPU @ 3.40GHz (8) System RAM: 12212
    GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GT 740 GPU RAM: 2018
    Area: HiddenVale_Forest02_Tier5
    Area Display Name: Deep Ravenswood
    Loc: (-178.7, 31.3, -13.3)
    Debug: SGlkZGVuVmFsZV9Gb3Jlc3QwMl9UaWVyNXx8KC0xNzguNzI3LCAzMS4yOSwgLTEzLjI5NCl8KDAsIC0wLjQ5NCwgMCwgMC44Nyl8MjE5Ljc1MzR8NDMuNzYwMTV8MTIuMzY1MjY=

    I tested some healing and attack spells, and most healing and attacks that do not use a weapon are uttering the words of power. An exception is Healing Blast, which does not show me uttering the words of power in the chat window.
  2. Kelly O'Shay

    Kelly O'Shay Avatar

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    9/1/2017 12:07 AM
    Title: Healing Blast still doesn't utter the words of power in r45.
    Reproduction Rate: 100%
    Blocker? no
    Details: healing blast not uttering the words of power
    Steps to Reproduce:
    1. Summon an elemental.
    2. Heal the elemental with healing blast.
    3. See that no words of power are uttered.
    User Specs:
    OS: Windows 10 (10.0.0) 64bit
    CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770 CPU @ 3.40GHz (8) System RAM: 12212
    GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GT 740 GPU RAM: 2018
    Area: Novia_R6_Hills02_02
    Area Display Name: Middle Downs
    Loc: (-146.2, 70.7, 147.5)
    Debug: Tm92aWFfUjZfSGlsbHMwMl8wMnx8KC0xNDYuMjE0LCA3MC42NjMsIDE0Ny41MzkpfCgwLCAwLjQyMSwgMCwgMC45MDcpfDE5Mi43MTE5fDM4LjA0NDkyfDcuOTg5NDI2

    Healing Blast still doesn't utter the words of power in r45.

    Here is a chat log showing where I cast the spell, and there is no utter there.

    [9/1/2017 12:00:58 AM] Entering Middle Downs from Novia
    [9/1/2017 12:03:45 AM] Kelly O'Shay utters the phrase Xen-Terra.
    [9/1/2017 12:03:51 AM] Kelly O'Shay utters the phrase Luna.
    [9/1/2017 12:03:59 AM] Kelly O'Shay utters the phrase Quaes-Wast-Frigo-Xen.
    healing blast didnt utter anything
    [9/1/2017 12:04:17 AM] Iceman <Kelly O'Shay> is healed for 183 points of health by Kelly O'Shay.
    [9/1/2017 12:04:22 AM] Kelly O'Shay utters the phrase Xen-Terra.
    [9/1/2017 12:04:23 AM] Kelly O'Shay's skill (Strength of Earth) has increased to level 59!
    [9/1/2017 12:04:35 AM] Iceman <Kelly O'Shay> is healed for 204 points of health by Kelly O'Shay.
    [9/1/2017 12:04:49 AM] Kelly O'Shay utters the phrase Luna.
    [9/1/2017 12:04:51 AM] Kelly O'Shay utters the phrase Xen-Terra.
    [9/1/2017 12:05:04 AM] Kelly O'Shay utters the phrase Quaes-Wast-Frigo-Xen.
    healing blast didnt utter anything
    [9/1/2017 12:05:16 AM] Iceman <Kelly O'Shay> is healed for 284 points of health (critical) by Kelly O'Shay.
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