How to post a Bug Report

Discussion in 'Player Created Resources' started by Anpu, Nov 18, 2019.

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  1. Anpu

    Anpu Avatar

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    Posting a bug report on the bug forum is an easy process, once you know all the basics. I will go over these fast and quickly. Before posting a bug report, you first need to know, there are 2 separate commands to start this process. Which command to use depends on if you are reporting a bug on the Release server, or the QA server.

    Reporting a bug on the Release Server

    To report a bug on the Release server, in your chat window type the following command:


    Again, of note, this is the command to use only for the Release Server.


    Typing in this command and pressing enter, will open a browser and take you to the current Release Bug Forum.

    There are several different forums within the Bug Forum. Find the appropriate forum to post your bug, and click on that forum. If the bug you are reporting is about an item, click on the Items & Inventory forum. If your bug is about a skill, click on the Combat, Skills, & Magic. If it's a critical game blocking bug, post in the Critical Issues (Blockers, Performance, Crashes) etc....

    Next, check to see if the bug you are wanting to report is already been reported. It's important to keep in mind, to try and not duplicate bugs already reported on the current Release Bug Forum. If you are NOT sure if something is a bug, ask in chat or you can make a post in the current Release Feedback Forum, and ask there.

    It's better to ask first than fill up the bug forum with bug reports that are not actual bugs. We have a small team, so the less time they are spending on issues that are not actual bugs is time better spent developing the game.

    If you do not see the bug you are reporting listed, and are sure it is a bug, click the Post New Thread button at the right:


    When you click on that a new post will be started and you need to fill in some information first:

    Thread Title... : Type the title of your bug. Try to be as descriptive as possible.

    The box below the Thread Title is where you will need to select to begin typing your bug report.

    Since different computers vary, type the "Paste" command that your computer OS uses. For example, for Windows users this is CTRL+v. (This information was already copied to your clip board when you typed the /bug command).


    Pasting this information now creates some important text and information needed by the developers to evaluate and check your bug report. Fill in the following fields:

    Title: Provide a good descriptive title for this report.

    Reproduction Rate: How many times have you tried to reproduce this bug?

    Blocker? Is this bug a critical game stopping bug? Type Yes if it is. Type No if it is not.

    Details: Provide the details about the bug you are experiencing. Try to be as descriptive and informative as you can about this bug.

    Steps to Reproduce: Provide the exact steps needed for the Developers to also replicate the bug you are experiencing. Listing the exact steps needed to reproduce the bug is vital to the Developers to see where in the process the bug might be occurring and then they can hopefully fix it. If you do not know how to replicate the bug, do note that you cannot replicate it. Someone else might read your report and possibly might find the way to replicate it.

    Now click the Create Thread button below the text box you just typed in and then your post/thread will now be posted! And that's it! Not too difficult to do, but many of you may not know about these steps.

    I'll now below note the different steps needed for other specific reports. The process will mostly be the exact same as stated above but a few other steps will be needed to provide the information the developers need to investigate a report.

    Reporting a bug on the QA Release Server

    To report a bug on the QA Release Server, you will need to type in a different command. The command to report bugs on the QA Server is /devbug.

    Typing /devbug will take you to the the QA Release Forums. Do note: The Release Bug Forum and the QA Release Bug Forum are 2 different forums. It's important you use the correct command to report bugs based on which server you are wanting to file a bug report.

    You can now follow the above steps to select which forum to post your thread in , and continue the process to report a bug on the QA Release Bug Forum.

    Reporting a bug about a Basement or Dungeon

    Reporting a bug within your Basement or Dungeon just requires a bit more information:

    Follow the same steps to report a bug either on Release or QA Server. After you fill out all the information in the post you will need to provide one more bit of information. The location of where the entrance to the basement or dungeon you are reporting.

    Have your character stand in front of the entrance to the basement or dungeon your are reporting and type /loc in the chat window. Typing this command will now copy the needed information to your computers clip board.

    Go back now to your bug report and at the bottom press your computers Paste key (Like for windows it is CTRL+v).


    Reporting a LUA scripting bug

    Follow the same steps to report a bug either on Release or QA Server. After you fill out all the information in the post you will need to provide some sample code about the LUA command you are having a bug with. You can post your sample code between code brackets. See the image below on how to post code within the code bracket:



    I am NOT an employee of Catnip Games™ just a regular player. I just wanted to provide to the community the basics of posting a bug report to share with the community. As well as the proper way to post a bug report using the /bug (or/devbug) command, which provides vital information needed by the developers to investigate your bug report. It is important to always file bug reports using the information provided when you use the /bug (or /devbug) command.

    If you have any question, comments or suggestions about this topic, please let me know!

    @Ravalox I'm just posting this to the community. If there is any information within this post you want changed please go ahead and change (or ask me too). I'll be happy to change it. My purpose in posting this was also to help and assist you guys with the basic proper information needed to investigate bug reports. Also please feel free to move, sticky, change, alter this post. Feel free to change anything in this that would help assist you, as a developer. Please feel free to use anything in this thread for any purpose that would help or assist you.

    Sonja, Tiina Onir, FrostII and 5 others like this.
  2. Paladin Michael

    Paladin Michael Bug Hunter

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    Just for information:

    A QUEST related BUG can also be posted simple:
    --> right click on Quest Task (t)
    --> Report a problem
    --> Choose one or enter free text

    The fastest way to post quest bugs :)
    FrostII, Rinaldi and Jaesun like this.
  3. Ravalox

    Ravalox Chief Cook and Bottle Washer Moderator SOTA Developer

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    @Jaesun great job! Once R72 goes live, I will be setting up a Lua sub forum within the bug forum section. Was just talking with Wizardsmoke about this today! :)

    So thinking I would like to grab info from your post to build the forum header text ...
    Sonja, Tiina Onir, FrostII and 2 others like this.
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