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[Info needed] Healing skills not working as described.

Discussion in 'Combat, Skills, & Magic' started by Uncle Sven, Jan 28, 2018.

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  1. Uncle Sven

    Uncle Sven Avatar

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    Title as above
    Reproduction rate between 40 to 60 percent
    Blocker? No
    Details My healing ray tool tip tells me I should heal for between 66 and 95 health. It is regularly healing me and others for less than 20.
    Healing Touch tool tip tells me I should heal for between 74 and 106 health. It is also healing for less than 20 often.
    Steps to reproduce, take damage, cast healing ray while in need of more HP than tool tip says you can get, watch you numbers come in way too low.
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2018
  2. Scoffer

    Scoffer Avatar

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    Check the tool tip before you actually cast it. Most of the life healing skills are based on "since you last damaged an enemy" so if you hit a mob and then cast it right away it may well be doing less.
    Rentier and TranZdog like this.
  3. Lexie

    Lexie Bear Queen Emeritus

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    @Uncle Sven
    Healing is my jam, homes. I'm sorry to say I haven't seen the same issues you have. It's true, there are bonuses for not hurting targets, but I also think there are other things at play here. Something is keeping you in the negative.
    Are you wearing any artifacts? Check out all the red text on them.
    And the big one...are you wearing any death gear or using any spells that give negative life attunement. This includes jewelry. Chaotic Feedback, tap soul, these are two spells that are gonna make healing very troublesome as a counterbalance measure.

    If you need to, go to a practice dummy and cast with the skill (K) page open. Check your life attunement and see if it drops any. If you are an even 100 GMs in all life spells you should see "100" minus just for the spells (not gear) alone.

    The kind of life numbers you are seeing, it almost makes me feel like you are trying to heal a death build....
    Rentier likes this.
  4. Uncle Sven

    Uncle Sven Avatar

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    These observations are only since release 50. I have no negative life attunement gear.However I will continue to monitor my numbers, and I will use a training dummy while watching numbers in the skills page. Thank you for the response, more to follow.
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  5. Lexie

    Lexie Bear Queen Emeritus

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    @Uncle Sven
    Awesome, let me know if you find out more info.
  6. Uncle Sven

    Uncle Sven Avatar

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    So back to testing and, it still happens.
    I have my skills window open, i am hovering over the healing ray skill as I damage mobs and have even been using corpse explode.
    the lowest I can get the tool tip to read is 54 and still I cast for only 17 on occasion also heals in the 20's and 30's.
    What else can I check? what other factors reduce healing amounts?
  7. Uncle Sven

    Uncle Sven Avatar

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    currently in a forest siege outside owl sky city, still happening .
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