Investing in SotA?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Docktor, Feb 14, 2015.

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  1. Entrappedmind

    Entrappedmind Avatar

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    Allow me to be the voice of reason here... Save it. It's not like lawsuits like that come around every day (even in our excessively litigious society), and you never know when you'll need a lump sum, or what you'd need one for.

    If you're certain you'll never need it at some point in the future, invest/buy away. Come up with some way the money will advance the game's interests, while providing you with enjoyment... Run a city where you're a generous lord to your citizens, sponsor giveaways and drawings, found a museum (seems funny to suggest at this early juncture) and use your financial clout to outbid others for unique in-game goods (think the UO launch rares, I find myself wondering if anything of that sort will turn up here)...

    There's a ton of ways you could put it to use, while helping the game, without frivolously pledging beyond what you'll ever benefit from. Hell, once the game launches, hang out at your local store and buy shelf copies for random folks - increase sales, and add to our player base.

    Alternatively, as others have alluded to, contact Garriott himself. If anyone could appreciate a semi-eccentric looking to creatively spend his money, it's him.
    Tahru and Docktor like this.
  2. Tahru

    Tahru Avatar

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    +1 I was not going to say anything because it is not my business, but this was my thinking exactly.
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