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Is Lua damage resistance number correct?

Discussion in 'User Interface (Including Launcher)' started by Gwendolyn Obscuro, Nov 18, 2019.

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  1. Gwendolyn Obscuro

    Gwendolyn Obscuro Bug Hunter

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    I'm not 100% sure this whether this is a bug or if I am just missing something.

    The number Lua returns for damage resistance does not match the resist number on my paper doll. More importantly it does not change when I change armor, it only seems to take into account some base value plus the resistances on my swords/shield. I found a second stat - ArmorDamageResistModifier - that might be where the armor component would be found but it always seems to show zero for me. Is there another stat that I should be looking at or is one of these stats not tied in correctly?

    script to show these two stats on screen:

    function ShroudOnGUI()
    ShroudGUILabel(1300,600,450,250,string.format("StatName: %s = %.4f",GetStatNameByNumber(17), GetStatValueByNumber(17) ));
    ShroudGUILabel(1300,612,450,250,string.format("StatName: %s = %.4f",GetStatNameByNumber(181), GetStatValueByNumber(181) ));

    compared to my paper doll:


    11/18/2019 11:05
    Title: Is Lua damage resistance correct?
    Reproduction Rate: 100%
    Blocker? definitely not
    Details: neither DamageResistance or ArmorDamageResistanceModifier seem to change based on armor
    Steps to Reproduce: run lua script to show stats on screen then compare to paper doll
    User Specs:
    OS: Windows 10 (10.0.0) 64bit
    CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700HQ CPU @ 2.80GHz (8) System RAM: 16252
    GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti GPU RAM: 4061
    Area: POT_forest_metropolis_02_template/Crossroads
    Area Display Name: Crossroads
    Loc: (3.6, 36.0, -244.5)
    Debug: UE9UX2ZvcmVzdF9tZXRyb3BvbGlzXzAyX3RlbXBsYXRlfENyb3Nzcm9hZHN8KDMuNjA1LCAzNi4wNDUsIC0yNDQuNDc0KXwoMCwgMC43MzUsIDAsIDAuNjc4KXw5NC42MjAwOXwxMHwxLjI1
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