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Kingsport Sewers: Skeleton Archer Shot Me Through Walls

Discussion in 'Combat, Skills, & Magic' started by Traveller13, Dec 15, 2018.

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  1. Traveller13

    Traveller13 Bug Hunter

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    12/14/2018 20:46
    Title: Kingsport Sewer: Skeleton Archer Shot Me Through Walls
    Reproduction Rate: Once so far. Probably very, very rare.
    Blocker? No
    Details: I was fishing in the Kingsport Sewers in the main flooded chamber down the hall and to the left of the main entrance. I was hit by an arrow sometime into the session. I turned around to find no source. I ran through the sewer in the direction the arrow came from, and came upon a skeleton archer and fighter coming out of the first chamber to the left of the entrance of the sewer (the one with the switch that will drain the area I was fishing in). I presume the archer was in that chamber when it shot the arrow.
    Steps to Reproduce:
    User Specs:
    OS: Windows 10 (10.0.0) 64bit
    CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700K CPU @ 4.00GHz (8) System RAM: 32688
    GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 GPU RAM: 8079
    Area: Sewer 01
    Area Display Name: Kingsport Sewers
    Loc: (86.4, 19.9, -16.9)
    Debug: U2V3ZXIgMDF8fCg4Ni40MjksIDE5Ljg4MywgLTE2Ljg2Nyl8KDAsIDAuODIzLCAwLCAtMC41NjkpfDk0Ni4zNDYxfDI4LjA5NjcxfDIuNTA3OTE1

    In this area when hit by arrow:
    Name: Kingsport Sewers
    Loc: (86.4, 19.9, -16.9)
    Debug: U2V3ZXIgMDF8fCg4Ni40MjksIDE5Ljg4MywgLTE2Ljg2Nyl8KDAsIDAuODIzLCAwLCAtMC41NjkpfDk0Ni4zNDYxfDI4LjA5NjcxfDIuNTA3OTE1

    Encountered archer in this hallway:
    Area: Kingsport Sewers (Sewer 01) Loc: (80.9, 20.0, -7.4) DBG: U2V3ZXIgMDF8fCg4MC44NTUsIDIwLjAyNCwgLTcuMzc3KXwoMCwgLTAuMTI1LCAwLCAwLjk5Mil8NzA3LjIwOXw5LjE5NzY0N3wyLjUwNzkxNQ==

    Suspected location of archer is in this chamber:
    Area: Kingsport Sewers (Sewer 01) Loc: (94.6, 20.0, 5.2) DBG: U2V3ZXIgMDF8fCg5NC42NDcsIDIwLjAwMiwgNS4xNyl8KDAsIDAuMDUyLCAwLCAtMC45OTkpfDcwMi4yNzV8MjcuNzUxNDN8Mi4xMzg5MjU=
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