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[Known] deco pets go into combat

Discussion in 'Player Owned Towns & Player Housing' started by Alley Oop, Oct 1, 2018.

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  1. Alley Oop

    Alley Oop Bug Hunter Bug Moderator

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    10/01/2018 14:03
    Title: deco pets go into combat
    Reproduction Rate: 3/6
    Blocker? no
    Details: lord servant and two cats will go into combat pose when i enter combat. tiny airship, white duck, and a vendor do not, but i expect vendors are special and airship and duck do not have combat poses. i don't have to be on the same lot as them, either, it'll work standing over the border. can't tell alone if there's a range. these are placed in the property, not summoned from bar.
    Steps to Reproduce:
    User Specs:
    OS: Linux 4.18 ManjaroLinux 17.1.12 64bit
    CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4430 CPU @ 3.00GHz (4) System RAM: 15992
    GPU: GeForce GTX 970/PCIe/SSE2 GPU RAM: 4096
    Area: POT_forest_metropolis_02_template/Stinging Tree Hollow
    Area Display Name: Stinging Tree Hollow
    Loc: (137.8, 44.6, 1.2)
    Debug: UE9UX2ZvcmVzdF9tZXRyb3BvbGlzXzAyX3RlbXBsYXRlfFN0aW5naW5nIFRyZWUgSG9sbG93fCgxMzcuODI0LCA0NC41NjcsIDEuMjI3KXwoMCwgMC44ODksIDAsIC0wLjQ1Nyl8LTEyNDMuMzA5fDM4Ljg5NTQzfDEuMjU=
  2. Serafina

    Serafina Portalarian Emeritus

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    Submitted 62168
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