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[Known] Ranged Companions running off getting more enemies

Discussion in 'Offline Mode' started by rison, Apr 3, 2018.

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  1. rison

    rison Avatar

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    Currently the companions are being a bit problematic.

    After a few seconds when combat starts the two ranged companions fall back to get a little range, which it seems is the default ranged AI on all the npcs as well.
    But the problem is they run quite far and where they usually end up running is into another group of mobs, which mostly ends in a messy death. There does not seem to be a way to currently change this.
  2. Lexie

    Lexie Bear Queen Emeritus

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    Can you give us a scenario example of where and what scene? Companions will move to get range depending on their combat style, as will enemy mobs, but this may be a matter of the mob placement in a specific scene. /bug at the spot will give you the coords and scene we can go take a look at.

  3. rison

    rison Avatar

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    It doesn't seem to be any isolated instance, it tends to happen any battle that goes on for more then a few seconds or so.

    Such as coming down the path in a siege, you'll start to battle in the center, then after a few seconds your companions will run off to get range and tend to run up the path sides and grab some engineers or other mobs, from up on top of the hill side.

    It's seems to be the actually range they run too might be a bit too far, maybe if we could tell them to stand their ground, or just reduce the distance they run off to would help.
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  4. Lexie

    Lexie Bear Queen Emeritus

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    Thanks for the info. I've submitted this for review. An example gives us something to work with.
    Bug #: 57896
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