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[Known] Shaminian Hills - power coupling won't take crystal

Discussion in 'World Building, Scenes, Environment, & Overworld' started by Elwyn, Aug 10, 2018.

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  1. Elwyn

    Elwyn Avatar

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    San Antonio, TX
    08/10/2018 16:42
    Title: Shaminian Hills - power coupling won't take crystal
    Reproduction Rate:
    Details: Sometimes this particular power coupling won't take a crystal. It seems to get out of sync somehow. If I hover the cursor over it when it is empty, the tooltip says "Shaminian Crystal", and I see a chat log message "You can not currently hold any more of this item (Shaminian Crystal)." But it also will not let you rotate the power coupling. And while I was typing this, suddenly it changed its mind and rotated the coupling and a crystal is now there! I still have two crystals in my inventory. (Note: another player may have come during that time)
    Steps to Reproduce: Get two crystals, see that the crystal bowl is empty, make sure Misc is not filtered from chat, try to put a crystal in it, see error message. Mucking about with it and waiting may possibly cause it to spontaneously change state, but this is the first time that happened, and my web browser window was in front, so I didn't see it and just heard the rotation sound. It might have been another player. Exit to menu and resume will restore it properly. (maybe)
    User Specs:
    OS: Windows 7 (6.1.0) 64bit
    CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2400 CPU @ 3.10GHz (4) System RAM: 24533
    GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GT 1030 GPU RAM: 1970
    Area: Novia_R3_Hills01_01
    Area Display Name: Shaminian Hills
    Loc: (-1.7, 88.8, 32.8)
    Debug: Tm92aWFfUjNfSGlsbHMwMV8wMXx8KC0xLjY3MiwgODguNzUxLCAzMi44MjMpfCgwLCAwLjU1MywgMCwgMC44MzMpfC0yOTIuNzEwNHw0MS4wOTc3OXw5LjI3NjczMg==

    EDIT: this happened again with the next power coupling
    Area: Shaminian Hills (Novia_R3_Hills01_01) Loc: (47.2, 88.8, 34.7) DBG: Tm92aWFfUjNfSGlsbHMwMV8wMXx8KDQ3LjIzOSwgODguNzUxLCAzNC42NjUpfCgwLCAwLjY5MSwgMCwgMC43MjMpfC0xNzEuNjU4N3wyNy4zOTExNHw5LjI3NjczMg==

    happened at both of these too, at the same time, so probably all of them can do this
    Area: Shaminian Hills (Novia_R3_Hills01_01) Loc: (46.8, 88.8, -103.2) DBG: Tm92aWFfUjNfSGlsbHMwMV8wMXx8KDQ2LjgxNiwgODguNzUxLCAtMTAzLjIxOSl8KDAsIC0wLjgxLCAwLCAtMC41ODYpfDQ2OC40MTAxfDQ4LjkyOTI2fDQuNzQ1Nzc2
    Area: Shaminian Hills (Novia_R3_Hills01_01) Loc: (1.5, 88.8, -101.7) DBG: Tm92aWFfUjNfSGlsbHMwMV8wMXx8KDEuNDk1LCA4OC43NTEsIC0xMDEuNjc1KXwoMCwgLTAuOTk0LCAwLCAwLjEwNSl8MTc1LjQyMDl8NDcuNTIzMDh8NC43NDU3NzY=

    I was going to try dropping one (for science!) but when I right click on the shaminian crystals in my inventory, I do not have the option to destroy them! Players should always be able to drop an item like this!
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2018
  2. Serafina

    Serafina Portalarian Emeritus

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