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[Known] Smithing repair causes error message and locks the items to the table.

Discussion in 'Critical Issues (Blockers, Performance, Crashes)' started by Kelly O'Shay, Mar 17, 2018.

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  1. Kelly O'Shay

    Kelly O'Shay Avatar

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    3/17/2018 2:38 PM
    Reproduction Rate:
    Steps to Reproduce:
    User Specs:
    OS: Windows 10 (10.0.0) 64bit
    CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770 CPU @ 3.40GHz (8) System RAM: 12212
    GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GT 740 GPU RAM: 2018
    Area: POT_desert_metropolis_01b_template/Virtue Oasis
    Area Display Name: Virtue Oasis
    Loc: (14.6, 38.6, 52.5)
    Debug: UE9UX2Rlc2VydF9tZXRyb3BvbGlzXzAxYl90ZW1wbGF0ZXxWaXJ0dWUgT2FzaXN8KDE0LjU4MiwgMzguNjI5LCA1Mi40OTYpfCgwLCAwLjk4OCwgMCwgLTAuMTU3KXwxNjkuNDg2fDcwfDkuMDIzMjcy

    I tried to repair an artifact with a coto to see if that would work in r52. The context error message below appeared The table locked up so I couldn't remove the item or the coto easily. I exited the table with esc. The artifact and coto were not in my inventory. They reappeared after log out and resume.

    I tested this again, and it failed the same way again. And, this time I noticed that the first error message was when I pressed the repair button. The second error occurs when I realized that the items were stuck to the smith bench, and I clicked X or hit esc to close the smith station.

    By the way, salvaging in a batch worked fine before I attempted the repair.

    [3/17/2018 2:32:59 PM] Item (Metal Scrap x8) added to inventory.
    [3/17/2018 2:32:59 PM] Item (Elven Koncerz) was destroyed during crafting.
    [3/17/2018 2:32:59 PM] Successfully salvaged an item (Elven Koncerz) for Metal Scrap x8.
    [3/17/2018 2:33:00 PM] Item (Metal Scrap x5) added to inventory.
    [3/17/2018 2:33:00 PM] Item (Elven Estoc) was destroyed during crafting.
    [3/17/2018 2:33:00 PM] Successfully salvaged an item (Elven Estoc) for Metal Scrap x5.
    [3/17/2018 2:33:02 PM] Item (Metal Scrap x5) added to inventory.
    [3/17/2018 2:33:02 PM] Item (Elven Estoc) was destroyed during crafting.
    [3/17/2018 2:33:02 PM] Successfully salvaged an item (Elven Estoc) for Metal Scrap x5.
    [3/17/2018 2:33:03 PM] Item (Metal Scrap x8) added to inventory.
    [3/17/2018 2:33:03 PM] Item (Swept Guard Rapier) was destroyed during crafting.
    [3/17/2018 2:33:03 PM] Successfully salvaged an item (Swept Guard Rapier) for Metal Scrap x8.
    [3/17/2018 2:35:23 PM] Server: RepairItemWithCrown: validationResult.NewPrimaryDurability <= primaryDurability
    [3/17/2018 2:35:50 PM] Server: DestroyProvisionalBag: bag is not empty

    Last edited: Mar 17, 2018
  2. Lexie

    Lexie Bear Queen Emeritus

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    I hit this problem when using the carp table to do a Gold coto repair of a full durability Founder's Polearm item.
    Bug #: 56786. Thank you very much. If you find this happens again in a future release, please put it in the 'critical' section please :) You rock.
    @Kelly O'Shay
  3. Lexie

    Lexie Bear Queen Emeritus

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    moving to critical section
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