Land Travels - Part 2 Into The Darkness

Discussion in 'The Library' started by Boris Mondragon, Mar 4, 2017.

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  1. Boris Mondragon

    Boris Mondragon Avatar

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    A night full of wild passion between Boris and Marlena was coming to an end as the first signs of a new day were visible when looking at the sea near that hidden water cave on the Serenite Coast.

    "Marlena, it is almost time for you to go. I can see the first few rays of the sun approaching us".

    Marlena did not want to wake nor leave Boris' arms and wanted the night to last for all eternity yet knew her pact with the sea goddess forbid more than two nights per month in human form and rose slowly looking at Boris once more and smiling at him,

    "I will see you soon, we still have unfinished business to conclude my Captain".

    She walked away toward the sea and looked back at him once more. She seductively swayed her hips so he would remember each curve and the way she looked in the moonlight.

    Suddenly chaos erupted, There at the exit of the Cave was Orta accompanied by two trolls.

    "Me dear Captain, we meet again and this time it will be the end of your noisy sirene. I saw and heard what you two did last night and found it quite interesting".

    The first troll charged toward Marlena who had run behind Boris yet as he lunged to stomp him saw Boris roll in front and under him. The two handed sword thrust up quickly and twisted his sword around then pulled down with all his might. The howling beast dropped to his knees as his masculine parts had been severed. Another quick move and with a savage slash Boris decapitated the troll.

    Orta seemed amused as Boris turned to her and the other troll while pointing to the dead one.

    "That one will not procreate any more".

    He motioned for the other one to him with a smile on his face. This was not the gentleman pirate that looked at them but a savage animal with a sword. The dark side of Boris Mondragon had come out.

    The second troll lunged forward and Boris stepped aside then putting one leg forward quickly in front of the troll which tripped and whose momentum took him deeper in to the cave. He took the opportunity to grab Marlena's arm and push Orta out of the way giving Marlena a clear open path to the water.

    He did not look back as the other troll came back towards him. He briefly smiled as Marlena made it back to the water just in time yet felt the lights go out as he fell forward.

    'Stop, do not kill him. I need him at my side. He is unconscious and you must carry him back to my home. I have plans for that pirate".

    Marlena screamed with frustration as the troll carried the unconscious captain on his shoulders led by Orta, Lady of the New Age".


    (OOC Note: Credit to Luis Royo for his exquisite fantasy art".
  2. Duke William of Serenite

    Duke William of Serenite Avatar

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    William stood at the cave and wondered what happened to Boris. He decided to investigate further and found the trolls dismembered body. The captain was nowhere to be found.

    So William headed back to where Razulah and Magnus where at the docks by the Dragon. There were a few men doing repairs and sewing up a torn sail.

    William said. "Gentlemen I think we may have a problem. I found an empty bottle a rum and a dead troll however no captain. From the looks of it the captain survived because his body is not there."

    Razulah then spoke. "William we can use my powers to see if we can find out more, your stone is connected to the captains I will need it for my incantation"

    Magnus is totally captivated by Razulahs magic, it being totally foreign to all that he knows. " I hope you don't mind Razulah but I would like to take notes on your incantation to study what you do further."

    Razulah turned to Magnus. " What I do involves faith, these rituals are older than time itself." He pauses "Perhaps we can chat more about Palo Mayombe."
  3. Boris Mondragon

    Boris Mondragon Avatar

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    Razulah looked at both Duke William and Magnus. Both men nodded in agreement to him and headed toward the hidden cave.

    "Gentlemen we head to the scene of the event as I must feel the vibrations that emanate from it. We will know what happened and how the great spirit wants us to proceed if at all. Do you agree?".

    Again both men nodded in unison and they walked quickly towards the cave entrance. Some strange essence still filled the cavern and Razulah headed towards its source. There he found the remains of the troll and decided this was the spot where the reading would occur. He took out a bottle of a liquid which he called "Chamba". This was a fermented brew used strictly for rituals which had a pronounced smell and taste. He also took out what looked like tobacco rolled in its leaf and lit it with a flint. He uncorked the bottle, took a long swig and sprayed it on the troll. He lit the rolled tobacco and blew the smoke all around the area much to the surprise of the Duke and Magnus.

    "Gentlemen, what I have done is cleanse the area of foul vibrations. Once we are done we burn the troll corpse and set a long line of gunpowder from this spot to the entrance of the cave. Only then can we proceed with the readings and avoid any disturbance from what happened here".

    A small fire was lit, the corpse of the trolls was set near it and doused with Chamba. Razulah set the tip of the lit rolled tobacco over it and the corpse was lit. the fould stench of the burning troll corpse almost overcame both the Duke and Magnus though both were wide-eyed looking at what was transpiring. The image of Orta and Boris being carried by another troll briefly materialized next to the burning corpse.

    "Gentlemen, you see what happened in this brief image. Boris is alive yet I must know what is to happen to him. Please wait at the entrance of the cave as I must light the gunpowder to fully cleanse the area."

    The line of gunpowder was set and while both the Duke and Magnus waited outside, Razulah lit it and saw the thin line of fire rush out towards the cave opening. It was a quick flash and then it was over. Razulah led both men back inside and asked to to sit as he produced a straw mat and opened up his bag of shells to use in the divination consultation.

    "These are called "Chamalongos". They are special blessed shells used in our magic. This gentlemen is Primal Magic. All the different types of magic you see used in this realm derive and are fragments of this primal magic. You do not learn this magic by choice but it instead calls those to the fold that it considers worthy of its use and knowledge. I am one of those called to it and so is Boris. Magnus, I know ye has a profound interest in this and mayhaps one day soon ye may be called to its fold. Only time will tell. Now to Boris, from what the chamalongos say he has lost his memory and this is intended. He came here on a special calling but now must learn what the dark side of the primal magic and its evil uses can do. Only by living the dark side as he has the light can he know the difference of this primal force which can be used for good or for evil. The magic is not evil nor is it good. It is purely a source of power that must be used with great caution since the intent of its use has potentially catastrophic consequences for both the caster and those it is casted upon. Orta needs Boris to be able to remain in the realm in order to oversee her plan of domination. He is useful to her and can be useful to us via the communication he can have with the Duke via the talismans they both possess. How soon he will recover his memories and how deep he succumbs to the power of Orta, her charms and the power she gives him we can only guess. This is all the chamalongos will say for now",

    Razulah looked at both men asking them if they had any questions or concerns.
  4. Duke William of Serenite

    Duke William of Serenite Avatar

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    William clasped his hands over the blood diamond as it pulsed with a red glow while Razulah explained. He wondered about Magnus and what Razluah said about him. Serenite's embrace magic at its core, yet he is constantly reminded what that can mean. He seemed more cautious of the talisman around his neck, as he delves deeper into this realm of dark magics.

    William said to Razulah. "Even if we communicate with him he will not know where he is. Or he may lead us into a trap, being charmed by Orta. William looked at the Arch Magus Magnus. "What do you think?"
  5. 2112Starman

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    Duke Starman had left the Temples of Syrinx on a small boat and headed to the Serenite coast line just across the bay with a note from a noble in Desolis that offered 1000 gold for the head of a Troll whom was ravaging the shore line and disrupting merchants headed to their trade partners in Serenitie. As the Duke of the land, Starman could send out his men but he never was much of a noble, preferring to leave for adventures to keep the lands clear, the lords can keep the people in line. It had been several days and Starmans tracking skills were not great and dulled by several bottles of rum which he had sunk into as his search wore on.

    So as Starman walked down the beach next to some tall marble cliffs enjoying the early sun climbing to the east over the water he heard the sound of gunpowder and the foul smell of a troll. He immediately pulled his mighty 2H hammer from his back, sliding of his fine bronze chain mail with some grinding of metal. Starman winced at this, reminding himself to be quite and shake off the rum that clouded his mind from the night before.

    He could not immediately make out the direction of the noise and smell so he slowly walked closer to the cliffs. He began to feel an odd pulsing sensation which drew his attention and as he walked closer to the cliff it became stronger. "What is this", he asked himself. As he approached the cliff face he heard a voice and immediately hunched down in a combat stance, "I have found my troll". He saw a small cave opening in the cliff, it was well hidden and you had to be close to see it. He slowly stepped in, it was dark but he could see dim torch light deeper in the cave. He readied himself for combat, slowly moving forward and beginning to cast his earthen shields on which granted him great strength. He prepared an Obsidian arrow spell in his mind and gripped his 2H hammer tighter as he slowly moved forward. As he walked up to a sharp corner in the cave, he knew his pray was round it, waiting for him.

    He LEAPED out ready to strike but was stunned by what he saw. 3 adventurers sitting around his dead troll engaged in some kind of odd incantation. Shocked, he yelled at them.

    "Hail, what is your business here! These are the lands of Serentie, if your business is foul, I shall slay you where you stand"
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2017
  6. Magnus Zarwaddim

    Magnus Zarwaddim Avatar

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    Magnus Zarwaddim was perplexed. He was intently listening to Razulah go through the incantation when Duke William's necklace began pulsing, casting reddish tones along the walls of the cave. Each of their shadows danced along the walls as Magnus' eyes followed. His eyes stopped at the entrance to the cave. Before he could speak, Duke Starman's voice echoed throughout the cave.

    "Our business may be foul, but stay your hand Duke Starman, it is I Magnus Zarwaddim. I am here with Duke William and Razulah."

    "Arch Magus, I do sense something foul. Please, explain yourself," Duke Starman responded as he approached the trio. As he walked closer he looked around at the remnants of the incantation.

    Magnus, sensing Razulah's uneasiness at the implication that Primal Magic was foul, turned to him and continued, "Forgive me, Razulah, but this Primal Magic is too powerful and cannot be contained. You see that, don't you?"

    Razulah looked incredulously at Magnus.

    "Do not go down that path, Razulah. Any magic that cannot be contained in some manner is foul," Magnus finished.

    "Like this Death Magic you yield to conduct your foul experiments," Razulah countered. The Dukes looked at each other in silence.

    Magnus smiled. "He has no idea," Evard Dirae whispered in Magnus' mind. "I think he would object to bringing you back from the dead. And I am certain he would object to bringing back the other Cabalists," Magnus replied internally. An awkward silence descended on the four of them as Magnus focused inwardly and spoke privately to Evard.

    Duke William was the first to interrupt, "Razulah, I do not think Magnus means any offense."

    "I do not," Magnus finally spoke. "Yes, Death Magic can be fouled in the wrong hands, just as the Air Magic I wield can be fouled. But in the wrong hands," Magnus emphasized. "I trust you Razulah, I have come to trust you. But we cannot trust just any individual who can wield Primal Magic, unless they have proven themselves. In the wrong hands, nay, in the wrong minds, Primal Magic will be twisted and perverted. I propose the following . . ."

    "I agree," Duke Starman said without even hearing Magnus' proposal. He looked at the others, "I agree that we should sanction this 'Primal Magic', even without knowing of it. I can sense it in this cave right now. Razulah, Magnus speaks wisely. We must sanction the use of any magic, otherwise, in the wrong minds, as Magnus put it, any magic can be twisted and perverted."

    "The Dukes and I have spoken of sanctioning magic in the past, Razulah. Not to control those who use it, but simply to stave off any potential for it to be used in an evil manner. And what further proof do we need that Primal Magic can be fouled than the existence of Orta," Magnus said. He looked to Duke William, who nodded in agreement.

    "I am sorry, Magnus. What is it that you propose?" Razulah capitulated, noticing Duke William's nod to Magnus.

    "A quest," Magnus paused and looked to each of the others in turn. "A quest to kill Orta," was Magnus' reply. "Perfect," Evard replied in Magnus' mind.
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2017
  7. Boris Mondragon

    Boris Mondragon Avatar

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    Boris could feel the water poured on him and voices of women attending to him yet his eyesight was faint and his head was about to explode from the pain. He then felt himself being dressed and assisted as he was walked and set on what felt like a throne. Finally he was able to open his eyes and see clearly in this dark room, He saw the beautiful woman with black hair and tattoos walking towards him followed by a troll.

    "Ahh, so you finally awake from your slumber. Welcome home Boris".

    He looked at her wondering why she called him Boris.

    "Who and were am I, who are you and why do you call me Boris?"

    Orta smiled realizing the man seated on the throne did not remember anything about himself and this was the opportunity she needed to manipulate him.

    "You are Captain Boris Mondragon. A pirate by trade who led our Naval Forces until enslaved by Duke William Serenite and his cohorts to do his bidding though the use of primal magic they discovered by trial and error. You are finally home now after we rescued you from your enslavement and you will lead our ships which will control the continent that has been taken from us since the cataclysm. We shall reclaim the power over these fools and their so called "Oracle" which is but another behavior control tool they use. There is a powerful warhammer there to your right and a two handed sword to your left. Feel free to use whichever you feel most confortable with".

    Boris looked at the warhammer first and a brief glimpse of a troll hitting him over the head with it came to mind. He picked it up and tested its weight and balance then threw it with all his might at the troll next to Orta who collapsed with it half embedded into his skull. He then picked up the sword which felt clumsy and walked to the kneeling troll and with a quick swoop beheaded the beast.

    "Something tells me this dead beast next to you had something to do with the pain I feel yet he will no longer wield that hammer not look at me with that grin that he had a minute ago. Continue, as I need to know more about this place and what my past was like. I like the feel of this sword yet it feels strange in my hands".

    Orta approached him and felt the talisman Boris had around his neck and a look of ecstasy engulfed her as she kissed him gently.

    "Boris, you are my soul mate since the beginning of time and now we are together again. Drink this potion which will help you travel in your dreams to a woman who is the best at the arts of swords. In your dreams you will see the best sword fighting style on the continent then you will also see the largest fleet of warships assembled. Those ships await your command and you will learn of our tactics from a lady Captain who has been awaiting your return".

    He took the flask and drank the potion then walked over to the throne as instantly he felt a sense of euphoria overtake his senses. His eyes closed and the dream began.


    OOC; Again credit to Luis Royo for his art.
  8. Boris Mondragon

    Boris Mondragon Avatar

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    A sequence of dreams engulfed Boris in his state of euphoria from the potion given to him by Orta.

    Dream 1): Boris stood at the center of a coliseum with a two handed sword in his hand and an intricate Bronze armor set. The pungent smell of earth filled his nostrils yet he felt the power of the earth fill his senses both mentally and physically. From the other end of the coliseum came forth a female warrior also dressed in Bronze plate and also wielding a magestic two handed sword. She motioned for him to come to her and readied herself in a defensive stance. Boris smiled as he lunged at her somewhat awkwardly and the rest happened very quickly. The woman lunged at him, slammed him to the ground and placed the tip of th sword to the back of his head faster than he could think.

    "You have much to learn pirate. I am Sara Dreygon, Swordmaster of Novia".

    She leaned in and whispered at Boris "I was paid to teach you the way of the sword, learn fast and apply all that I teach for your life depends on it".

    For what seemed hours Sara taught Boris several moves and skills and watched him rehearse them over and over until it became second nature to him and he moved like the wind. "We are done here pirate. Let us hope we never meet on opposite sides of the battlefield for I would hate to kill one of my students".

    She vanished as quickly as she appeared in a blur of light yet Boris' memory quickly flashed of a pirate ship and him leading a boarding party onto an Obsidian ship then looting all its contents prior to sinking it. This caused a bit of bewilderment as he was told by Orta that he was being used by others to delay Obsidian Rule and for their own lucrative ends.

    The subsequent dream in this dream sequence took him to a different land. He saw a couple standing together holding a baby in their hands and whispering "My dear son Boris, You will be a man of the light and the stars and seashells announce you will save another land from slavery. Stay true to your heart".

    The last of the dreams included a town called Serenite. A man called Duke William and others stood besides Boris in this dream. "Captain Mondragon, you are welcome in this town of ours and we count on you to protect our shores" He also noticed a tall dark man who wore a priest robe and had a large two handed hammer slung across his back. "Boris, remember your roots, remember your past. Do not let the dark side possess nor manipulate you or this entire continent is doomed".

    Boris awoke from this dream sequence with more questions than when he entered it. He knew something was wrong here yet he would play along with this woman called Orta until more information came to light. He looked at the amulet which had now blended with his skin and placed his hand on it. He instantly heard a voice from somewhere reach out to him.

    "Captain, where are you and are you well. This is William Serenite. Let us know where you are and we will come get you".

    "William, I am barely remembering a few things of my past yet I know something here is not right. Give me a few days to know where I am and what my mission is here in this strange place and I will get back to you."

    Boris felt the talisman stop pulsating and fade from a strong blue and silver light to a very faint blue light. He walked outside the building to see a coastline and massive dock that held 5 warships and their crews who were bustling back and forth loading them.

    He saw a man dressed in black with a large hood covering his face and Orta standing next to him. It was Orta who was standing next to the man that spoke first.

    "Master, this is Captain Boris Mondragon. He will lead our naval force into every port we want and sink all naval opposition to us. Once we control all the ports the Cabalists can be unleashed and the entire Novian Continent will be ours as it was before."

    As Boris approched the two figures Orta commanded Boris to bow before the master. "Bow and show obedience Captain. you will be rewarded beyond your means once we accomplish our objective".

    Boris walked up to the hooded figure. "I dont know who or what you are but one thing I do know. I bow before nobody. You make it worth my while and I will lead your naval forces. You will control the sea and once you do then you will control all the supply lines. I need a map and an expert on maps to show me all the ports in the continent and their defensive weak points. I also need to know the naval firepower we are up against. After this is done I want my own island of my choice and my own navy to command. The seas will belong to me and I do not care what you do on land. Do we have a deal".

    The large hooded figure did not speak but instead nodded in agreement. Boris headed to the docks to inspect his new navy.
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2017
  9. Duke William of Serenite

    Duke William of Serenite Avatar

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    William seemed surprised at what Magnus said. An Arch Magus that wants to control magic? William has become suspicious of Magnus lately. Perhaps he wants to be cautious as it may attract something evil to our shores he thought. However there are more pressing matters to deal with.

    "We will need to ready Count Aquila's ship" William said to Magnus and Starman. I will speak to Qwark on getting some minor repairs done. I will also speak with the Count, perhaps he wants to join our voyage. We should take a few soldiers from the army just in case we run into danger."

    William headed to the Count's vessel and heard someone upstairs on the deck. As he headed up the stairs he heard the shuffling of clothes. Suddenly the Count popped up and was half naked with a beautiful blonde lady. The blonde lady began to giggle and stood next the count with her clothes in disarray. The sun cast a shadow at the Duke's feet with the silhouette of her curves. "Forgive me to interrupt." said William as he moved back downstairs to give them some privacy.

    "I only came to see if we can borrow the Trireme for a voyage to find Boris." The Count was flushed with embarrassment. "Forgive me Duke if I had known you were arriving you would have received a proper welcome." Said Aquila.

    "I apologize Count, Qwark is on her way with her men to do some minor repairs on your vessel. Boris has vanished and that is not like him to leave without his crew. May I borrow her?"

    Aquila replied. "Yes of course." The Counts face was beaded with sweat and he seemed short of breath. "Would you like to come with us?" Said William.

    "Take out my girl for some fun on the water without me? You know me better than that Duke."

    William smiled at Aquilas response, he is always up for an adventure he thought to himself. "We should be ready to head out in a few hours, I will leave you to your business." William smiled.
  10. Boris Mondragon

    Boris Mondragon Avatar

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    Boris stepped onto the deck of the Obsidian Flagship called the "Wraith". He saw the look of the crew as they all laid eyes on him and continued to carry on with their duties. This did not settle too well with him. His memory was coming back flash after flash and he vividly remembered the protocol used on all ships when an officer walked on deck. He continued onwards until he spotted a man who had a different uniform with silver epaulets and from the look of him could be assumed to be an officer on this ship.

    He walked up to the man with the steady swagger of a man who knows he is in charge and stopped in front of him. "Who is the commanding officer on this ship, I must talk to him about the discipline problem present"

    The tall officer laughed loudly and was joined by his crew in laughter "Who are you, another loser to be sent to this ship by the dark one?" A loud roar of laughter was heard again yet did not last long. Boris unsheathed his two handed sword and cut the man's head off in one motion then addressed the crew.

    "I am Captain Boris Mondragon, your new captain and admiral of this fleet assembled here. Anyone else find this day humorous and I shall be glad to have you join what is left of that wretch on the ground." Boris pointed to the nearest sailor "You, get two men, sound the alert and when everyone including those of our other ships are looking throw this heap overboard."

    "I want everyone to stand at attention until I return from visiting the other ships any questions" He walked the entire deck and you could hear a pin drop at this point as the entire crew stood at attention. He picked out the biggest and meanest looking of the bunch and looked in his eyes.

    "What is your name sailor?" "Captain, I am known as Bartholomew Clevinger, Quartermaster and in short called "Bart the Brute".

    Boris looked at him again "Well now you are Lieutenant Bart the Brute, second in command of this flagship and our assembled navy, any questions?"

    "No sir". The man exhaled slowly and beads of perspiration flowed from his forehead.

    "Lieutentant Clevinger, I want a rowboat ready to inspect the other four ships in two minutes. Send the signal to them that I will be on board and they better be ready for my arrival with full protocol observed". Boris turned his back looking at the crew as he headed for the rowboat. He had set the tone he wanted and looked on shore to see Orta applauding from the pier. She had heard the entire barrage from Captain Mondragon.

    He inspected the other four ships and word must have spread from the "Wraith"s signalman as the other four ships were at attention until he inspected each one without any further incidents. He arrived back at the "Wraith" two hours later and approached his new lieutenant.

    "Lieutenant, send the signal, we leave at dawn, first stop is Serenite. We flatten that town that is the main commerce lane between Ardoris and Brittany. Make sure all five ships are stocked for 14 days of travel. We are going to subdue all the ports and the rule of the land will return to the dark side"
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2017
  11. Duke William of Serenite

    Duke William of Serenite Avatar

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    William and Vox Aquila the Dukes hand are on his vessel about to leave. Magnus has not stepped onto the boat he is just staring the sea down smoking his pipe on the shore contemplating all that is going on.

    Vox then says. "Duke we have not gone on a adventure in some time." The Duke replies. "Yes and this is an enemy we dont know much about and we could be heading into a trap."

    Magnus suddenly notices the fog breaks in the distance to reveal a sail poking out from the mists. The lighthouse bell starts ringing. Magnus shouts. "Duke it looks like trouble found us." Magnus runs to the wizards tower in haste as William and Aquila head to the castle to prepare the army. "I don't think we have enough time to prepare the cannons. The fog bought them time and they are already upon us." William says to Aquila.
  12. Boris Mondragon

    Boris Mondragon Avatar

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    Boris looked through the spyglass and noticed the first two obsidian sloops closing in on their target. Soon it will begin and they were almost within ship cannon range of their targets. He also caught sight of a figure in the sky and a smile formed on his face as it was his old friend Marak the blue dragon. Boris saw the 4 Obsidian Cabalists on the flagship join together looking at the dragon and knew he had to act quickly.

    Marak swooped down upon the deck and casted an ice field around the 4 Obsidian Cabalists which froze them as they were about to cast spells toward the dragon. Boris unsheathed his two handed sword and with one deliberate swooping motion decapitated the four cabalists which fell in a heap.

    The rest of the crew stood in shock watching this event and Boris seized the opportunity.

    "Men, you have two choices at this moment. One you side with me against this scum that wants to enslave you or me and my dragon end your existence right now. You have 10 seconds to answer me"

    In unison the crew stood at attention and placed their right fist at their chest expressing their support to Boris.

    He turned to Lieutenant Clevinger and the orders were quick and crisp.

    "Lieutenant, turn portside and open fire on the nearest two obsidian sloops and have the crew take down the obsidian flag. Fire at will until nothing remains of those two ships. After that we go after the first two nearing Serenite. Today we give the Obsidian Scum a Novian welcome to remember."

    It did not take long for the two Obsidian Sloops to sink as they were completely surprised yet the fight was far from over. The message came from the crow's nest "SAILS". As Boris turned to the East he could see the outline of another Obsidian Naval force and this one comprised of ten ships. He realized that Orta's Master never trusted him and was sending a second wave to annihilate Serenite.
  13. Duke William of Serenite

    Duke William of Serenite Avatar

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    William nodded to Starman to follow him to ready army. At that moment Starman notices a few invaders on the shore of the mages tower. He points to them and looks at William.

    William shouts, "If we lose the tower we Serenite falls!" Starman runs with all his might to the Obsidian mages tower. He runs through the door and slams it shut, and immediately shoves the table in front of the door. As he moves the table he feels a pierce at his back. He looks back and find a dark robed intruder. The rogue stood in front of him with two daggers in hand with a smile from ear to ear. A loud thump can be heard as the wood and steel of the keeps door begin to give way. Starman quickly roots the rogue and blinks upstairs. As the rogue begins to free himself from the root spell Starman lets loose an Obsiaian bolt. The rogues shoulder took the brunt of the hit and he drops one dagger as he screamed out in agony. This time the doors thumb was alot harder and broke the door wide open. A troll peeked his head in the door as 4 more Obsidians roll in.

    Magnus was at the top of the tower with his acolytes of fire. Under them is a pentagram with 5 black candles burning at each point. In each of the stars triangles is an acolyte chanting an incantation. Suddenly all the acolytes hold hands and begin to glow red. In the center of the pentagram is Magnus raising his hands slowly as he eyes the ships below. As the chanting intensifies a giant fireball begins to form around the arch mages hands. His eyes light up fiery red and says "KAL VAS FLAM!!" The meteor sized fireball comes barreling down and hits one of the Obsidian ships. As the fireball is coming down you can hear the ships commander scream "CHARGE!!" The troops in the ship started jumping into the water and started swimming to shore. Some survived the blast by diving in the water some burnt to a crisp on the spot.

    General Mac had little time to prepare Serenite Legion. The soldiers only had time to prepare the castle moat with oil before the invaders hit land. The general positioned the archers at the castle ramparts. With a good arc the arrows can hit the shore of the town. The castle defense were hugging the road up to the ramparts entrance. They wore shields and stood tightly with their backs to the wall. This is an exercise the soldiers trained daily for. The rest of the army foot soldiers met the invading army at the shores of the dock and began battle as the first few solders hit land they were quickly dispatches by the archers, then more came and more. The soldiers and the archers fought of most of the first wave. However the second wave loomed over the horizon.
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2017
  14. Boris Mondragon

    Boris Mondragon Avatar

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    The conversation between Boris and Captain Bombardin was brief as time was running out on Serenite. Both Man-O-War had following winds which allowed them to reach the Serenitian Coast as the new day dawned on the horizon.

    The spyglass confirmed what Boris expected. Five Obsidian Sloops near the shore yet one was on fire which left four targets. Another look from the spyglass revealed a land battle in progress and a second wave of Obsidian soldiers about to hit the shore. Boris sent the signal to the lookout in the crow's nest who relayed it to the "Dragon". Both ships closed in on the Obsidian ships unnoticed and Captain Bombardin knew once Boris dropped his clenched fist it was time to act.

    He gave the signal and as his raised fist dropped two fully armed Man-O-War turned portside and unleashed their portside cannons upon the unsuspecting Obsidian ships. Three obsidian ships were added to the one that Magnus had torched with his giant fireball and the last ship took off on a westerly track. Boris was tempted to follow it right away but wanted to see if his help on land was needed prior to departing. He made a louse shrill sound with an ancient horn and that shriek attracted Marak the blue dragon who landed on his ship's deck much to the surpriese of the crew. Boris raised his hands to calm the crew as he approached the magestic creature. He took both hands and pulled the dragon toward him whispering to him:

    "Marak, follow the ship that left so you can lead us to their port after this battle ends."

    The magestic creature bumped its head at Boris who smiled watching the creature take off and follow the last Obsidian warship. He turned his eyes and spyglass back on shore and noticed that the attack and sinking of the other three obsidian sloop had caused confusion and disarray within the obsidian troops on shore and on their way to shore. He knew Serenite had a chance and stood by if needed to help.
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  15. Magnus Zarwaddim

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    "Magnus!" Starman shook the Arch Magus of Serenite to no avail.

    Magnus groaned as he lay prone at the top of The Tower of High Sorcery, Order of the Red Robes.

    "Get up," Evard Dirae's voice called in the distance of Magnus' mind. "These Cabalists betrayed me in my past, and I will not let their pitiful army stop my plans for our future."

    "Magnus, the island is overrun! Get up or all is lost!" Starman peered over the side of the Obsidian Tower and saw a swarm of enemies gather at the westerly entrance below. "Come on Magnus, we may still have a chance."

    "We . . . have to . . . get to the graveyard," Magnus managed in a strained voice. He slowly sat up and gathered his thoughts. After a few moments he spoke. "I was not prepared for the toll that casting that last spell would take on me. Was it successful?"

    "You and your acolytes managed to destroy one of their sloops in a single shot. I'd say it worked pretty well. That was no ordinary fireball you cast, and I don't imagine you could manage a few more to end this battle decisively?" Starman knew the answer as he looked to each of the bodies on the floor around them.

    "Hardly," Magnus said as he stood up and braced himself against the side of the Obsidian Tower. He peered over the edge overlooking Serenite Bay and could see the obliterated sloop in flames below. "Duke William discovered the scroll containing the spell some time ago and asked that I safeguard it in case of emergency. Without the scroll I cannot recast the spell. And I am afraid that if I had another scroll I would not only kill my acolytes, but I would likely kill myself as well." Magnus looked at the ground where the scorched remains of his acolytes lay. This magic was too powerful, he thought as his mind trailed off.

    Starman interrupted Magnus' thoughts, "Quickly, Magnus, we must get out of the Tower as quickly as possible before all is lost."

    "Yes, one moment." Magnus closed his eyes and concentrated on regaining his energy. He grasped his Theurgy Wand and ran his fingers over the special gem. Once he opened his eyes he could feel his power returning. "Follow me."

    The two slipped unnoticed through the upper floors of the Obsidian Tower through a secret passage. Magnus pushed open the wall as they emerged on the third floor. He peered around the corner and saw two Obsidian Mages ascending the stairs, a Rogue trailing behind them. Magnus immediately cast multiple spells as electricity filled the air. Starman loosed several Obsidian Arrows. In moments all three enemies lay prone on the stairs.

    The pair descended into the Great Library and managed to surprise a cadre of Obsidian Troops. Magnus could feel the electricity surge through him while he simultaneously figuratively and literally shocked the Troops. Starman barely had time to loose an arrow as he stared, surprised, at the Arch Magus of Serenite. Magnus' power had grown in such a short time, he thought to himself. He quickly quelled the thought that Magnus should be watched, realizing that without this power at this moment he and everyone in Serenite would likely be dead.

    They arrived at the ground floor of the Obsidian Tower to see nothing but disarray. The Obsidian Troops had vandalized everything. Magnus heard a groan from behind the main desk and he rushed over. "Saul?"

    Saul Silver groaned from behind the desk. "Magnus, what the hell happened? One minute I'm packing away books, the next thing I know we are being overrun by these..."

    "Obsidian Troops, Saul, these were Obsidian Troops. Quickly, get yourself upstairs and hide in the secret passage," Magnus said.

    "You don't have to tell me twice," Saul exclaimed as he scurried up the stairs, but not before grabbing his stash of Paladis Express. Magnus could not help but smile, despite the dire circumstances.

    Magnus looked to Starman as they both approached the easterly door of the Obsidian Tower. The door had been destroyed, its remnants littered across the floor. As they peered outside they could see a battalion of Obsidian Troops heading over the bridge on their way toward Serenite. "We have no time to fight our way through those troops, and it's likely we would not survive. I can try to teleport us to the graveyard, but it is a long distance from here and I will need your help. I will likely be unresponsive for a few moments after we teleport."

    "Aye," was Duke Starman's reply as he grabbed Magnus by the shoulder preparing to be teleported. Magnus chanted in a low voice and in a blinding flash both were gone, leaving the Obsidian Tower behind.

    When they both appeared at the graveyard, Magnus' body slumped. Duke Starman quickly reached under Magnus' arm and lowered him to the ground. He saw what appeared to be two Obsidian Scouts approaching the graveyard, both looking around cautiously after apparently having heard the immediate rustling caused by Magnus' teleport. "Come on Magnus, get up," he whispered. Starman took aim with his bow and loosed arrows in quick succession, dispatching the Obsidian Scouts.

    Magnus groaned. His eyes strained to focus. "Guard the approach to the graveyard," Magnus said wearily. Starman crouched and headed to the entrance of the graveyard.

    "These death spells you are mastering are proving to be extremely useful," Evard said in Magnus' mind. With this Magnus began to gather his energy as he recalled a time in the past in this very graveyard under very different circumstances.

    "Arch Magus Magnus," Duke William of Serenite spoke after the Founder's Day ceremony had come to a close, "we stand on sacred ground. Our fallen brothers and sisters lay in this graveyard. And they swore an oath. Even in death, if called upon, they will serve us. I tell you this because if the time comes, Magnus, you are to raise the dead in defense of Serenite."

    "I understand, Duke. It will take me some time to prepare the proper incantations, but my acoloytes will begin preparations immediately." Magnus' memory faded as his mind returned to the present and, with his energy focused, he rose and began the incantations.

    "Hurry, Magnus, the battalion has begun to cross the second bridge and I heard their commanders give the order to destroy everything on their way to the castle."

    The ground began to rumble around Magnus. Starman glanced in shock toward Magnus as the ground under him began to rumble as well. He wondered how much power the Arch Magus possessed. He also wondered, finally, why they had come to the graveyard in the first place.

    He was almost immediately answered as he saw the ground crumble upwards all around the graveyard. His draw dropped as he saw bony fingers clawing at the dirt. Almost simultaneously he turned to Magnus and saw the Arch Magus shrouded in a dark pulse of energy. "Magnus, what in heaven's name are you doing?!?" Duke Starman's yells were to no avail; Magnus was fully entranced in the incantations.

    Within moments Duke Starman was surrounded by hundreds of corpses and skeletal figures. "What is this madness?!?" Starman instinctively raised his bow toward this newly perceived threat.

    "Stay your bow, Duke Starman," Magnus said in a dark and ominous tone as the corpses and skeletal figures parted to let him pass.

    "What have you done, Magnus?"

    "What Duke William has ordered." Magnus looked around and smiled. "This is how we save Serenite." And with that Magnus spread his arms and slowly brought them together, pointing toward the Obsidian Troops. "Destroy them," was all he had to say.
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2017
  16. Duke William of Serenite

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    A Serenite's oath to protect the kingdom is eternal William thought to himself as the undead army prepared for the onslaught of the Obsidians, William smirked. As soon as the undead were let loose the siege commander General Mac sounded off the horn to pull back the few remaining troops to the castle and defend it. As the soldiers crossed the moat the sergeant lit the moat on fire. The final wave of Obsidians had trolls and Satyrs which were making light work of the undead. However the numbers of the dead were hundreds. The undead and the Obsidian army were constantly being pelted by the archers. The Obsidian mages began to summon their own dead and the odds were in their favor. The remaining dead were about to be finished off and suddenly the army started to charge for the castle. The Obsidian mages casted an ice sheet across the moat so the soldiers could cross.

    General Mac hoped for this very action, right into his trap. Sernite Legion has trained for this very thing day in and out. Along the hill up to the castle are soldiers pinned against the wall shield to shield forming a line, its a narrow passage up to the castle that will only fit two soldiers side by side. The General stood up on the ramparts and waited patiently for the army to make their way up the hill. Suddenly the General yelled out HEAVE HO! All the soldiers in one fell sweep pushed the invaders off the cliff into the burning moat below. The smell of burning oil and flesh filled the air. Serenite defenses eventually killed off the remaining invaders but the toll on the Legion was severe.
  17. Boris Mondragon

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    Boris saw the battle from the crow's nest of the "Wraith". He sent the signal to the "Dragon" which was relayed to Captain Bombardin by One Eyed Jack who grinned at Boris from the crow's nest of that ship. Boris had been tempted to blast away at the invading Obsidian Army but knew the risk of friendly fire as well as the fighting ability and tactical expertise of the Serenitian Army. His gamble paid off and he saw the last Obsidian army stragglers run away defeated. That battle was over in a glorious triump yet the war was far from over.

    The next signal he gave was for the "Dragon" to stay in place observing for any future Obsidian Ships while he docked the "Wraith" in Serenite. He walked into the dock aread looking at the carnage that had ensure there and was greeted by Duke William, Magnus, Starman and Razulah.

    "Gentlemen, congratulations on your victory here today yet this is far from over. I must follow the obsidian ship that sailed away in the middle of the battle. We have luck on our side as Marak is pursuing it from the skies and will lead us to their hideout. I was held there before this attack so I know what parts of that city to destroy and where to search afterwards. Who wants to come along besides Razulah?".

    He looked at all those present while supplies were being replenished onto the ship by the town stevedores. Time was of the essence in order to destroy the Obsidian City and its remaining ships.
  18. Duke William of Serenite

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    William said to Boris "Thank you Boris, today Serenite Legion was put to the test and they triumphed."

    "Now we have to drive that stake home, so I am joining you an bringing my Kings Guard"Behind William is a behemoth of a man all in Obsidian Plate and the countenance of a dead man with pitch black skin and eyes, what Serenite's call Kings Guard.

    William and the Dark Knight board the dragon and prepare for the voyage.
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  19. Boris Mondragon

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    Boris watched as William and his King's Guard boarded the "Dragon" from the longboat. Boris had the "Wraith" pull up next to the "Dragon" and as he was about to join both William and Captain Bombardin aboard the "Dragon" a winged creature came closer finally landing on the rear deck of the "Dragon".

    It was Marak the blue dragon who landed in a thud with 3 arrows projecting from his scales. Boris called to Razulah and both men ran over to their dragon friend who appeared exhausted. "Razulah, how are his injuries?"

    Razulah carefully pulled the three arrows from Marak's scaly hide and applied balm to the wounds then inspected the arrows. "He will be fine by tomorrow morning Captain, the arrows were not poisoned".

    Boris looked at his blue dragon and held his head while Razulah tended to his wounds. "Brother, rest for tomorrow we will avenge what they did to you and to Duke William's town. I will need you to lead us to their hidden island and I am sure you know where it is from following them. We will reduce that town to ashes." Marak tucked his head under Boris' shoulder as a sign of both trust and agreement in what must happen tomorrow.

    Boris led Duke William, his guard and Captain Bombardin to his old Captain's quarters on the "Dragon". He cleared the desk and put down a large piece of parchment paper with a large circle in the middle.

    "Gentlemen, I know it will take two days to reach the Obsidian hidden isle as Marak will lead us there. I have been there yet the ocean fog around the island hides it from most ships, but here is what I propose once we get there and I want inputs from all of you in order to formulate a decisive island attack and post attack landing plan. I know how the island, its dock and defensive cannons. They know we are coming and will be ready but only one ship remains and it is a weakly armored and low cannon count sloop. I feel the remaining high ranking obsidians will try to escape on it once we begin our attack. I do not see how their cannons will harm our ships as they are half a dozen and immobile while we have two sixty cannon Man-O-War ships which will be moving constantly and unleashing all our ammunition at them. Once we take over the island I want to scour every crook and cranny as they will either leave battle plans behind or try to make a run for it with their sloop. If that happens, I want Captain Bombardin to intercept the sloop, take all that is aboard it and leave no prisoners. As we say out at sea, "Dead Men Tell No Tales". I will dock the "Wraith" and do the land reconnaisance with Duke William. Do we all agree?".

    Boris looked on as all assembled nodded in agreement then turned over to Duke William. "Duke William please come over to the top deck with me as we must talk" Duke William Serenite nodded and followed Boris to the top deck away from nearby listeners.

    "William, when I was on that island there was a prisoner there who wore a viking helmet. I have nay met any of these folks on Novia but feel that whatever town or city that viking prisoner came from will be their next target. Do you know of these people and their home town? If you do it may be a good idea to send a Black Seagull with a message to them of our ongoing event to allow them to prepare their defenses." Boris looked at William Serenite for an answer as preparations aboard both ships were being finalized for thier departure at dawn tomorrow.
  20. Magnus Zarwaddim

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    As Boris spoke, Magnus peered over his shoulder to the northerly portion of Obsidian Isle, home to The Tower of High Sorcery, Order of the Red Robes.

    He chuckled to himself just as Boris Mondragon fished asking his question. Embarrassed, Magnus looked down as he thought about that silly ordeal regarding the robes. Black was his mood, black was his color. Color mattered not.

    As his eyes rose to meet Boris' in response to the question, Magnus opened his mouth and peered over Boris' shoulder in the same direction again. "What the..."

    "Excuse me, Arch Magus?" Boris looked annoyed.

    "Forgive me, but I see trouble approaching the Isle. I beg your forgiveness, but I must hurry."

    "Magnus?" Duke William asked.

    "William, I just saw a small sciff approaching the northerly portion of the Isle, and I counted at least a dozen Obsidian Toops aboard. I must go tend to them."

    "How do you expect to handle a dozen enemy soldiers by yourself," Boris asked.

    "With my Squad of Undead, of course," Magnus said incredulously.

    There was an awkward silence as Boris and William looked at each other in befuddled bemusement. "Carry on," was Duke William's reply as he smiled at Magnus and returned his attention to Boris Mondragon.
    Last edited: May 4, 2017
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