Leash in East Reach Gap

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by Jackal2, Sep 14, 2020.

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  1. Jackal2

    Jackal2 Avatar

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    San Tan Valley, AZ
    Not sure this is a bug, so calling it feedback. Looks like there have been recent changes in East Reach Gap, with one that (hopefully) is unintended. As the mobs get pulled out of the gate they will camp there until killed. So while it's always great to see mid level players team up and challenge themselves at this control point, I've seen this change essentially grieve them.

    Specifically, a scenario where the party gets overrun and res at the ankh outside the gate. The mobs will initially be on the platform, but will quickly charge incoming players (even when not far from the gate). What's worse is that with the apparent change in aggro distance it's most if not all of the mobs on the platform that charge. Then if anyone with aggro retreats the mobs will follow outside the gate, start killing newly resurrected players, and then camp there and continue to kill them as they res. (And keep in-mind that this is without someone grieving an overrun party intentionally by say.... pulling mobs to the ankh, going invis, and rinse and repeat).

    It's a small problem, but what value is there to have mobs camp at an ankh vs rubber band back to the platform if they are not in active combat?
    Net and Anpu like this.
  2. Sorgin Txakal

    Sorgin Txakal Avatar

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    ERG isn't really made for new or mid-level players to be able to grind on effectively, I believe. It's already a conveyor belt of AFK-accessible xp, so I am hoping and changes the devs are making are designed to make the area more challenging even to groups of high level players.

    Every time I have seen a party in ERG where there are more than three people less than AL 110+ (without a legendary character or two to carry everyone) tend to struggle regardless of the aggro pull range, and I believe should.

    I don't think the AI should be spawn camping, and if it is preventing individual players from rejoining a group that should be addressed, but one of the group dynamics of ERG is knowing when it is best for the whole party to fall back, regroup and re-approach to avoid getting caught in a recursive death spiral as a result of the party dynamic breaking down when the party is too low level to hold aggro after losing a key player or two.
  3. Lord Tachys al`Fahn

    Lord Tachys al`Fahn Avatar

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    Just a question.... how can they spawn camp if 1.) there are multiple ankhs in the scene, and 2.) there is a res timer that prevents anything from attacking you for the first 10 or so seconds after you spawn?

    In the first case, you have moved to another place where the mobs are not, and in the second, you should have enough time to high-tail it out of there before drawing their aggro again.
    FrostII, Sorgin Txakal and Anpu like this.
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